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As last poll's result,  you guys chose these sketches👀👌

Having some breakfast and coffee with Angel in the morning 😋

(Update: Made a small edit on Angel)


Erin's reporting LIVE outside with people celebrating, pouring, and spraying water at everyone including her💦


After the easter and water activities, it's time to head back to the hotel and rest, but of course, not before a pillow fight XD


Sara is in a job where she needs to wear a bunny suit and perform on stage to blend in and see more clearly what's happening downstage while listening to Seth on her earpiece🕵️‍♀️


Thank you, and hope you liked this month's pack.😁️

The next Poll will be up soon.



Smoking Gamer

I think Sara is enjoying the job more than she'd like to admit


Probably would secretly keep and wear the outfit herself 👀🤣


I’ll be honest for a second I had mistaken Sara for Lemon🤣. The eye helped me realize


Eehh!? okay, I think I've heard someone saying mistaking Sara for Lemon before too~XDD which I'm curious...how...?🤣 Lemon's hair is green Sara's Blue.. okay...both are more darkish....so could easily be mistaken....but as you said...there's the eye too~ a clear light green for Lemon, and Blue eyes for Sara... and one more thing is...Lemon has that unusual huge ahoge 🤣 I think that's one part that's not easy to miss for Lemon~? 🤣🤣