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Elara: Relax, Mike, we know you're looking for permission to be a herm. Permission granted!

Foxinuhhbox is on FA. And if you want to check out Foxinuhhbox's Patreon and see the impressive amount of art he puts out, here's the link.




Love this comic. I hope Mike decides to keep a masculine name and identity even with a femine body. Boys can be herms too, after all. It's a rare combination, but one of my favorites.


Male herms and herms that have tits and identify as male are valid. When making Mike's character, we took a page from feelings we had earlier on our journey. Feelings about our feminine side being something we were embarrassed about and didn't think others would accept. His character growth involves him accepting his femininity, so that kinda puts a wrench in him still identifying as male if he stays a herm. It's hard for us to tell stories about people maintaining their masculinity because our own life experience is directly counter to it. There's a reason that male characters show up so rarely in our works: our experience with masculinity was us playing the part of a guy without ever truly feeling like one.


Ooh that's interesting to hear! Very cool to see those influences.