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Hey everyone! As some of you know, my computer recently stopped working. Even though I have an external drive, some projects were only on my PC, so there’s a risk I might lose them.

Here’s an update—and let’s clear up some confusion I’ve seen online:

1. I’m not quitting! This is my main job, and my life depends on it. I just can’t work on my projects until I sort this out.

2. The repair shop says they can probably recover my data and get my PC running again, but it’s been a week, and that’s forever for an online creator.

3. I’ve already ordered a new PC. Waiting is not my thing, and “take it as a vacation” just doesn’t work for me.

4. The new PC will arrive between Dec 3–11 since it has to be custom-built with high specs.

5. This week, I’ll post hand-drawn art, good old pencil and paper vibes!

6. Once I have a PC (new or repaired), regular content will be back on Patreon, so no worries!

7. Larger projects, like Mei’s Project chapters or the Jane Doe movie, will be delayed, but as a thank-you, I’m planning some exclusive talking-character animations for Patreon.

8. Lastly, thank YOU for supporting me. You make it possible for me to afford a new PC and live off my art. You’re the reason this wheel keeps turning—thank you so much!

Stay tuned, and I’ll be back in full force soon!



Good to hear bro I hate waiting for things as well lol


Everything will be alright! We can wait! 💜💙🖤💚


Bro take your Time! We have your Back 🫡


It’s all fine, we can wait


Hand drawn art on paper is soooo goooood they will love it


Con Ánimos Campeón