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Originally I was going to put Aloy on a beach but after playing around with the beach scene, the textures just looked too different so I was browsing Open3dLab for a potential setting and I came across https://open3dlab.com/project/36486/ (Freya's Hut from God of War).  I set this up quickly tonight just to sort of get a feel for if it could work and I think it could.

I think I'm liking it. I realize it might be a bit immersion breaking for some people but I feel like this could work since I don't have access to any of Horizon Zero Dawns maps. (I wish I did!) There's another map that's a space ship from Callisto Protocol (https://open3dlab.com/project/37132/). I haven't played this game either but I'm kinda digging that ship and it could kinda work for one of the more techy areas that you can find in Horizon ZD.

Let me know what yall think of you have see a map on Open3dLab that you think could be a cool setting for her.

In other news, the animation scheduled release is a little delayed this week due to Halloween being on Tuesday and me wanting to release the holiday content at 12am on Halloween itself.  I just need to put some final touches on the scene and render out the last section, which I'm doing this weekend so keep an eye out for that  :)

Hope yall have a good weekend and have some fun things planned for Halloween!



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