April Fates Annoucement (Patreon)
Woooo another one in on time this month, so lets see what the fate of March will be...
- Flight Attendant (f)
- Steampunk
- Escort
- Chicken (feral)
- FNAF Animatronic
- Space Adventurer (f)
When the time come, I wonder what everyone will get?
One will be guaranteed from the list at least
But this coming month will be a wildcard for most of the current members on the Fates Tier (if they remain) so you'll get the choice of one of the 3 options when the time comes,
A small note to Smalt, you're wildcard was with the March Fates so your fate will be chosen via the normal monthly method, everyone else will choose the option from the bleow
1 - let it play out randomly like the normal months
2 - personally pick one of the available options above
or 3 - supply your own fate that's different from the above
Please let me know what you'd like to do, if option 3 please supply what you'd like before the 5th of April, thanks :)