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Regarding how the Toaster's Choice Sketch Request Reward has been and will be implemented moving forward, I've been fence sitting this whole month on how I would like to see this done,

I've tested the option over the last few months, the first being with the sketch i wanted to see win the voters choice, then by adding the item into the voters poll for people vote on, but I've felt that this goes against the fairness of the whole randomisation effect that was implemented to pick the requests in the first place, so...

Moving forward, the Toaster's Choice will be picked first, then the remaining submissions will be put through the randomiser for you lovely supporters to vote on which one gets the colour treatment, and it will only be these randomly selected requests that you will vote on, once the vote results are in and posted then the Toaster's Choice will be revealed 

I believe this will be the fairest option to all the submitted request when applying the Toaster's Choice :)

If you have any thoughts or opinions regarding this please let me know, i would like to hear your feedback :)



well it a good idea.^^