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Gold Token Commission for TemporarilyCy, who wanted a collection of pinups for their commission

First up is a follow up image to the repay the damages image where the a son got tg'ed in dressed in a sexy poodle outfit but now having failed at handing out all the flyers gets a second dosage and gets fully poodled to hand out flyers or get left that way upon failing, Cinderella's evil step mum eat your heart out with your level of punishments compared this XD 

also included with this one is bonus exclusive to you patreons, where i made it with the poodle having a pink dyed fur colour cause he totally had to get a pink dye treatment while poodled XD

next up is a guy who gets a job helping with the sheep on a farm, little did he know that help would be making the wool not collecting it and to do that, he gets himself an thicc and busty and totally fluffy new body XD

and finally is bit more of a unique image of Dash from the Incredibles getting turned into a version of Ursula, that's one way to kill his speedy movements XD




I really like the "handing out flyers" condition.