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A collection of images upgraded by Hero, who wanted to see a small collection of psr's upgraded and sponsored some bronze token commissions getting the colour treatment too

though that being said, i actually did a lot of work on the ash and misty bg which was also sponsored to get added with those posters only to have them get covered by the tails in the end :(

Updated: whoops attached the wrong version of the dc hero upgrade




Awwww so sorry to hear about the background for the pixes pic. At least Ash and Misty look amazing always!


What were the posters suppossed to say?


a beach tournament announcement (based on a comment how they could add a Pokeball sticker on one of the lockers to give the bg more of a "Pokemon" feeling which however they ended up turning into a full-fledged Pokeball poster announcing said Beach Battle Tournament (which I definitely like far better)). The other is an idea that came to me while it was worked on stream that's basically a Flygon as a spun on the saying "Keep Calm and Flygon" :3


well who knows, in case you (since I roughly recall you were among those having keep requesting these :3 ) come up with something similar that could take place in that hallway or either me or someone else with something similar that'd allow the reusing of such with less characters or blocking features it may yet be all seen in its full glory. :3