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  • Mogboobs(1).mp4



That emerald has some..., unexpected side effects




Fem-Tails getting the spotlight is so lovely to see~


It's a booblicious thicc miracle! Happy 9th anniversary my friend. Thank you so very much for all of your hard work and all of these beautiful gorgeous sexy bootylicious futalicious booblicious thicc masterpieces of perfection! You are truly the best and greatest ever! *yetihug*


It all starts with this: a jewel containing the ultimate power. 🗿


Happy Anniversary!


Happy Birthday ! (A day late, sorry^^') Well, this was just the beginning for Tails, in his previous adventure with the girls of Five Nights at Freddy's. Already wearing a sexy leather outfit even more feminine and obscene than his previous one, now the emerald not only transforms him back into his girl/shemale version (Tailsie), but also gives him something he didn't have in the party room: huge breasts ! :o (Rouge really likes what she sees, given her exclamation at her friend's transformation^^) It's official: our protagonist is now playing in the big leagues! Boys, girls and even futanaris will all fall under the charm of this two-tailed yellow vixien who's now a real bombshell! :-D