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The Anatomy of Fatherhood

Alan Reynolds struggled to focus on the road as he drove to Max’s apartment. Towering above most people around, if not everybody, Maximilian “Max” Knight was a giant among men at 6’9” and an astonishing 485 pounds of pure muscle mass. At 19 years old, his face was a perfect blend of childish youth and confident charm, a combination that was both disarming and captivating. His tight-fitting t-shirt had done nothing to hide his enormous chest and broad shoulders, but after the fabric lost the battle against his muscles, the large rips all over it emphasized the student’s enormity.

As Alan drove, he couldn’t help but glance over at Max’s magnificent body sitting on the passenger seat beside him. Everything about Max was huge, from his bulging biceps to his thick neck, going down over his massive chest, to his thick thighs and muscular ass, which made his pants strain with every movement. Then, between Max’s thighs, Alan couldn’t help but notice the enormous bulge, which looked ready to burst. Max defied every knowledge Alan had about the human capacity to grow, leaving him speechless.

Arriving at Max’s building, Alan’s mind was overwhelmed by thoughts and confusing feelings. He was a married man with a wonderful wife and two extraordinary sons. He had never felt attracted to a man in any way, but Max had managed to destroy all his arguments and captivate him like a horny teen who just discovered porn. He wasn’t sure why he had accepted Max’s invitation to his apartment after the inappropriate touching outside the café, but he couldn’t resist the handsome guy’s charm. Alan had never felt so helplessly surrendered to anyone in his life.

At 33 years old, Alan was a big man by all definitions. Standing tall at 6’3” and weighing 250 pounds, he had an imposing frame. His muscles were prominent; his bulging pectorals and massive bubble butt were his most notable assets, but his entire body was a target for envious looks everywhere. He wasn’t used to feeling small or weak, but Max’s smile alone was enough to make Alan’s knees go weak.

Alan couldn’t help but notice the apartment was large and fancy. It was almost a whole floor, with an open concept, so Alan could see everything from the living room. The massive black couches seemed big enough to fit a man like Max. The large kitchen was spotless, likely stocked with enormous amounts of food. Alan saw a gigantic bed on the far end of the apartment, probably custom-made to fit Max. He was impressed with the apartment, but Max’s body was still the center of his attention.

The apartment seemed smaller with Max’s imposing presence there. Max kicked off his shoes and casually removed his ruined t-shirt as soon as they entered the apartment. Alan’s breath caught in his throat as the fabric peeled away to reveal the young man’s colossal physique. His deltoids were enormous, and his traps and back muscles bulged so much that they seemed strong enough to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. Max’s chest was a landscape of dense muscle, his pectorals jutting out like massive slabs of granite. His abs were deeply chiseled, forming an eight-pack that flexed with every movement.

“Give me a few seconds to get comfortable, Professor,” Max said, smiling and noticing Alan’s stunned face. “I bet you can make out all the muscle groups and name them, right?”

Alan only nodded as he marveled at the hypnotic movements of Max’s enormous muscles. Max grinned and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down while standing in the middle of the living room. Alan felt a rush of heat as he took in the sight of his almost naked student before him. Max’s boxer briefs left nothing to the imagination and only accentuated his outstanding size in all departments. His thighs were enormous, each one seemingly almost as thick as Alan’s waist, and his diamond-shaped calves bulged with every step. The boxer briefs strained around his massive butt, which made Alan helplessly drool.

Then Alan noticed Max’s overstuffed bulge, and his eyes widened. Since the stretchy material fit Max like a second skin, Alan could see the defined outline of a massive dick, which couldn’t be any shorter than 10 inches while soft, with about 3 inches of diameter. Max’s balls were as impressive as his soft dick, looking far bigger than softballs. Max playfully shook his bulge, winking at Alan to tease him, and the Professor couldn’t help but gasp at the sight.

“I hope you’re enjoying the view. You’re the first person who sees me uncovered this close in... well, forever,” Max said, walking over to a dresser and pulling out a pair of shorts. “You can also get comfortable if you want. Take the shirt off or something,” he said, carefully slipping the shorts on, struggling to make his ass and bulge fit in at the same time. The shorts were snug, barely containing the sheer volume of his muscles, dick, and balls.

Alan couldn’t look away, feeling overwhelmed by the scene before his eyes. “No, don’t worry. I’m fine with... my clothes on,” he said as Max ran to the nightstand beside his bed and picked up his laptop, quickly running back to Alan.

“That’s fine. Now, come on, Professor, have a seat,” Max said, gesturing to the couch.

Alan obeyed, sitting down as Max settled next to him. The couch seemed to shrink under their combined weight, the frame creaking as they adjusted their bodies. Alan felt Max’s body tightly pressing against his, making him feel small, but it was a great sensation. Max’s bare torso was warm, and Alan could feel the hardness of the massive muscles against him. As Max shifted and found a comfortable position, as close to Alan as possible, the Professor couldn’t help but glance at the massive bulge between his student’s legs.

Max grinned when he noticed Alan staring at his bulge, but he decided to act cool about it for a while longer. “I’ve been collecting some information about rumors and testimonies of people who have seen pregnant men.” Max opened his laptop and immediately showed Alan a folder filled with documents and images of men with round bellies in random places. Max pulled up a blog post, and they began to go through the various cases it showed. “Here’s one. This guy owns a grocery store somewhere, and he swears he’s seen this young man’s belly grow over the months, and then one day, the guy shows up with some babies. He says this has happened a few times over the years. The pregnant guy had several batches of kids or something.”

Alan’s eyes widened as he saw a photo of a dark-haired guy wearing an oversized blue shirt and gray sweatpants while pushing a stroller, with two toddlers by his side and a large, round belly that couldn’t be hidden with the oversized clothes. “Maybe he’s just fat. Have you heard the term dad bod before?” Alan said, keeping his thoughts on the logical possibility.

“I know men get fat when they become dads. Well, you seem to be an exception, Professor,” Max said, winking at Alan. “But this guy grew a big belly, and it suddenly disappeared. And I mean, look at these pics and that ass. This must be a pregnant man; I mean, look at the birthing hips,” he added, zooming in on the photo on the blog and sounding excited.

“I get your point, but if it’s true, it would be groundbreaking. Men don’t have the required equipment to carry and birth children. Even if they have birthing hips, it’s impossible,” Alan responded, struggling to focus on the stories with Max’s body so tightly pressed against his. He could feel every movement and every breath Max took. The warmth and solidity of the big guy’s muscles were a constant distraction.

Max turned to look at Alan, his blue eyes shining with excitement. “Well. I’d say some men could be exceptions. Some men have big pecs, wide hips, and massive butts. They seem perfect for getting pregnant. Maybe it’s possible,” he said, placing the laptop away and focusing his attention on Alan. “I’ve always thought it would be amazing to get a man pregnant. You say it’s impossible, but... the idea turns me on so much.”

Alan looked at Max, his breathing shortening as he felt the young man getting closer. “Really?”

Max smiled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “Well, I’d love to see a man with a big belly carrying my babies while his body is all swollen, pecs filled with milk, wide hips, and a big ass to support the heavy belly.” Max reached for Alan’s pecs to caress them to emphasize his point. “But I know it would be unlikely to find a man willing to try. At least the practice would be fun, though.”

Alan chuckled, trying to ignore the shivers going down his spine due to Max’s touch. “Practice?” he said, looking into Max’s eyes.

Max smiled and sighed, his expression slightly softening. “Well, it’s something a bit embarrassing, but... I’m still a virgin,” he said, surprising Alan. “Most people are intimidated by my size, and, you know, my cock scares them. So I’d love to find a man willing to try, over and over again, until one day... I’ll get him pregnant.”

Alan was taken aback. He understood that most people would be hesitant to even try to fit Max’s soft dick inside them, not even think about it when it was hard. Alan looked at Max’s crotch again and grinned. “Well, I think anyone would be lucky to be with you. Anyone would be lucky to carry your kids. But you might be looking at the wrong gender if that’s what you want. Men can’t get pregnant.”

Max’s gaze lingered on Alan’s face for a moment longer, then he leaned in and pressed his lips against Alan’s. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t try, over and over again,” Max said as he kissed Alan again, leaving him stunned, his mind racing, processing the soft sensation of Max’s lips on his, and enjoying the careful touch of his hands.

Alan froze for a second but then found himself returning the kiss, drawn in by Max’s sweetness. The big guy wrapped his arms around the Professor, pulling him close and making him feel safe and comfortable. The kiss deepened, and Alan felt Max’s heart beating strongly against his chest. Everything else faded away, and all Alan could think was the feeling of Max’s body against his own. His own actions confused him, but the more he kissed Max, the more Alan was willing to jump into the next step.

Max quickly opened Alan’s shirt in one move, revealing his thick pectorals and abs. The shirt soon landed on the floor, and Max smiled at the well-defined physique of his Professor. Alan quickly stood up and removed his pants and underwear, letting his big cock and baseball-sized balls out. His 5-inch-long soft dick soon rose to its 10.5-inch-long full size, making Max smile even more. The young man quickly removed his own shorts and underwear, leaving Alan speechless with the size of his hard-on. Max’s dick was huge when soft and contained within his boxer briefs, but when hard and on full display, it was monstrous.

“According to your knowledge o human anatomy, is it possible for a man to have a 16-inch-long and 5-inch-diameter cock?” Max asked, his chest inflating with pride.

“It isn’t. It’s impossible,” Alan replied, marveling at Max’s massive dick.

“But here I am. Everything’s possible, Professor. Even a man getting pregnant,” Max said, pulling Alan’s hand to wrap it around his dick. “Are you willing to learn new lessons of anatomy?”

Alan nodded, and Max quickly lifted him off the ground and carried him to the massive bed. Alan was confused because he had never felt so small and surrendered before or so out of control, but Max was so caring and sweet that he decided to enjoy whatever was about to happen. Max placed Alan on the bed and climbed on top of him to passionately kiss him.

“I’ve never done this,” Alan mumbled between kisses.

“Me neither, but... I’ve seen videos, and I think... you’ll love this,” Max said, helping Alan turn around to get on all fours. “I promise I’ll be gentle,” he added, placing his hands on Alan’s hips to knead the ample asscheeks.

“You said everything’s possible, but I don’t think I can take your dick,” Alan said, tilting his head back and enjoying the sensation of Max’s large hands on his butt. Max then reached for Alan’s bull balls and caressed them softly. “Oh, okay. This feels good, really good.”

“I bet it does. Those big balls feel so heavy and so full, ready to create some babies, but... today we’re trying another method,” Max playfully said, lining his dick with Alan’s ass.

Alan shivered when he felt Max’s massive dick touching him. He was high on pleasure, but his rational side couldn’t help but fear the enormous cock aiming at his tight, virgin hole. “Ugghh… I don’t think this is going to work,” Alan said, feeling the massive head of Max’s dick already pushing against ass.

“And I think it will. We only need to be careful and gentle,” Max said, massaging Alan’s ass and lower back, making the Professor shiver and relax. “I told you, my parents are doctors, so I’ve read many books. I’ve spent hours reading blogs online. I’ve imagined this moment for so long, and I know how to help you relax. Your body only needs to relax to allow me in,” he added, almost whispering while the massage continued, and Alan moaned softly.

“You… you… how?” Alan mumbled, feeling a fantastic tingling on his hips, lower back, and crotch.

Max grinned when he heard Alan moan, pushing his hips forward and feeling the Professor’s tight hole resisting him. Max applied pressure to Alan’s lower back and moved upward, causing another soft moan to escape his mouth. Max felt Alan’s hole slowly giving up as it accepted a little bit of the tip of his cock. He grinned and intensified the massage, feeling how Alan’s body relaxed, his hole opening to welcome the enormous dick. With careful movements, Max managed to fit the massive head of his dick into Alan’s hole, and from there, he knew the rest would slide inside without problem.

“Oh, Fuck! So huge! So good! Ugghh,” Alan groaned, feeling the most intense pain he had ever experienced but loving how Max’s enormous dick felt inside him.

“I told you it was possible, and we’re just starting, Professor,” Max said, grinning but surprised by how stretchy Alan’s hole felt. He was optimistic about trying, but he never thought his dick could actually fit. “You have about 3 inches in; 13 more to go,” he added, pushing his hips forward to fit the rest of his dick into Alan’s tight hole.

Alan only moaned and groaned as he felt his body stretching beyond what he thought was possible to accommodate the massive intruder. He never thought a man could have a dick so big, and he never imagined a man’s hole could stretch so much. Max was destroying even his scientific-based arguments. He thought he knew everything about human anatomy, but his knowledge seemed short compared to what Max could do.

Max buried his entire dick into Alan’s ass, inch by inch, leaving a big dick-shaped bump on Alan’s abdomen. Alan took deep breaths and moaned loudly. His mind and body were overwhelmed by the intense pain, but the unbelievable pleasure was more powerful than any other feeling. It all felt even better because Max’s hands continued massaging his ass and lower back, making him shiver.

“Ready?” Max asked, pulling some inches out of Alan and forcefully pushing them back inside in one quick move.

“Ugghh… yes. Yes! Do it!” Alan shouted, pushing his hips backward to emphasize his need for Max’s dick.

The massive student bucked his hips slowly at first, making Alan firmly grab the sheets in pure bliss. Max placed his hands on his Professor’s wide hips and sped up his pounding, marveling at how tight the hole felt but how it stretched to fit his dick over and over again. He loved the feeling of Alan’s muscular asscheeks around his dick, and as he pounded hard, his balls hit Alan’s balls, and it also felt fantastic. Max knew from the moment he saw Professor Reynolds in the classroom that he was the kind of man he needed to finally lose his virginity. Someone big enough to handle him and willing enough to even try.

Alan’s mind was blank, and his body was on fire as Max’s dick rearranged his guts over and over again. He felt pain, but as the pounding sped up, the pleasure took over, and he could only long for more. His body was overwhelmed, and he felt his 10.5-inch-long dick throbbing constantly and leaking pre-cum like an open faucet due to Max’s enormous dick stimulating his prostate. Max’s massive balls hitting his balls added to the pleasure, and he knew he was on the verge of an intense orgasm. He couldn’t control his moans, evidencing that he was loving it.

Max grinned as he pounded at full speed and full force. The whole bed trembled under their combined weight and the force of the thrusts. His dick started leaking pre-cum, and for Alan, it felt like a water hose filling his guts to the brim, and it wasn’t even the actual cum shots. Max’s pre-cum was making the Professor feel bloated, and as he reached for his midsection, he felt a slight curve growing with each thrust.

“I’m close, so close,” Max whispered, focusing his outstanding power to thrust as hard as possible into a blank-minded Alan.

“Ugghh… Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Alan mumbled as his dick shot large globs of cum all over Max’s sheets, making his whole body feel weaker than ever. His mind collapsed under the intense pleasure. He hadn’t touched his dick, and even then, it felt like the largest load he had ever shot in his life.

Not long after this, Max curled his toes, and a loud, animalistic growl escaped his mouth as he pushed his entire dick into Alan’s tight hole, and a geyser-like flow of cum came out of his dick slit and into Alan’s already bloated abdomen. Max wasn’t cumming in separate shots, but a steady flow of thick, warm seed made Alan’s abs look distended and feel ready to burst. Max moaned as his dick continued cumming, joining Alan’s loud moans of pleasure.

The moment felt like an eternity, and by the time Max’s dick had finally stopped shooting, Alan’s previously flat, chiseled abdomen stuck out about 3 inches from its previous shape. Alan panted heavily, covered in sweat, while Max began massaging his ass again, with his dick still buried in the Professor’s hole.

“This was better than I ever dreamed,” Max said, leaning forward to kiss Alan’s neck and shoulders, pushing his pecs against the older man’s broad back. “Sadly, it’s over,” he added, slowly pulling a few inches of his dick out of Alan’s ass.

“No! Wait!” Alan shouted, still struggling to catch his breath. “Let me... enjoy the sensation for a little longer. I still can’t believe it fits inside me,” he said, feeling Max push his whole dick back inside in one move.

“We can always have round two,” Max whispered, squeezing Alan’s butt.

“I… I… no… I’m married, Max. This can’t be repeated in the future,” Alan said, moving his hand over the expanse of his bloated belly. “But I can’t deny it was fantastic. As I said, anyone would be lucky to be with you. But I can’t be that person,” he added, now feeling Max’s dick quickly leaving his hole. Alan was surprised that his hole tightened without problem, and not even a single drop of cum leaked out of it.

“Yeah, I get that,” Max said, collapsing in bed beside Alan, who slowly turned to lay on his back. “But I’m glad you were my first, Professor Reynolds. Thanks.”

Alan’s hips were sore, his knees were weak, and his center of gravity was messed up due to his newly gained cum-filled belly, but he couldn’t help but smile at Max’s sweetness. “I’m sure you’ll find someone willing to keep trying for some babies. I mean, look at me,” Alan said, caressing his bloated middle. “I look pregnant.”

Max smiled and reached for Alan’s belly to caress it. “You do. Maybe with another round or two, you would look really pregnant,” he added as his hard dick throbbed violently.

Alan chuckled, leaning in to kiss Max’s cheek. “I better leave before you convince me to start again.” He patted Max’s chest and slowly stood up to leave, struggling to get on his feet and take a few steps because his lower body was weak due to the recent intense fucking. “Now I understand why Becca complains sometimes,” he added, slowly walking to the living room to put on his clothes.

Max silently observed Alan putting his underwear on, soon followed by his pants, which were now tight around the waist. Alan had to pull the waistband down to button his pants because of his cum-bloated middle. When he tried to put on his shirt, the struggle was worse because he could barely join the side and button it down due to his belly. Alan heard Max chuckling, still naked in bed, surprised by how Alan’s clothes didn’t fit him that comfortably anymore. The Professor only smiled and took his shoes in his hands because he couldn’t bend to put them on.

“Look what you did. I should make you fail my class for this,” Alan said, chuckling and slowly heading for the door, dealing with sore hips and legs. “See you tomorrow in class, Mr. Knight.”

“See you tomorrow, Mr. Reynolds,” Max responded as Alan left the apartment, unable to stop smiling after the best experience he had ever had. Max’s dick was still hard because he couldn’t stop thinking about his Professor’s ass and the fantastic cum-filled belly he just gained. “Fuck, I need to see that man with an even bigger belly,” he added, caressing his hard dick while closing his eyes to imagine Alan with a round belly full of babies. Max couldn’t wait to attend Alan’s Anatomy class again.


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