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This guy is struggling not to cum to avoid flooding the train. The condom was a good idea, but with the constant pre-cum leak, it's now barely holding on. Do you think he'll make to his stop?

PN: This is a commission I did for a dear friend on tumblr. I'm so glad he allowed me to share it.



David Haas

While I enjoy looking at your artwork, I am a bigger fan of your erotic fiction. I love the mpreg stories, though I wish they were more racially diverse. The stories about oversized or supersized body parts are fun but not my favorite.


It's all cool. People have different tastes and that's good. In my case, I enjoy growth stuff as much as mpreg (which is why I create content for both).


I'd really like him to get me pregnant 😍


Only if you can write me - in real life that's a dream beyond human capacity 😈😜