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hello everyone! so as you know or maybe you didn't, i wanted to change up my patreon tiers so i finally did. i removed the chibi tier unless people want it back, i replaced the psds with stickers and i now offer a 50$ colored sketch as opposed to a flat color. i can no longer charge 50 to 55$ for a flat color because i can't keep up with the demand right now. ( plus its been rough since my mother isnt working currently  so im having to pay the bills right now ;C ) the new  flat color tier is 65$ and is actually discounted from 70$ regular price.

also if you haven't noticed i have changed my regular prices again. i feel 65$ is fair for a discounted flat color on patreon and in stream, and at regular 70$ is fair too. 

if you want to hop on over to the flat color tier you can, or you can stay and receive a colored sketch. or you can not be a patreon anymore i won't guilt people into being a patreon just know that i so so appreciate it alot. <3

also i will finish the up all the previous rewards i owe soon. and no one will be jipped out into receiving something they didn't pledge to. i will still do them how it used to be. ( the old tiers for the previous pledges if that makes sense? )



also i will have a display up for the colored sketch soon! ive been working out how to make them look nice!


Upgraded in a heartbeat 💕


Upgraded immediately <3


Happily upgraded! :D