Ted's Dolls 30: Paris 2 (Patreon)
If you haven't read any of the prior Ted's Dolls stories, you should start with Ted's Dolls 1: Jane before reading this one.
Paris spent the weekend at the sorority house. She asked Ted to give her space. He was glad to do it as he was also prepping for Alumni Weekend in one week.
Saturday morning her phone rang around five in the morning, waking her up. Her eyes lit up when she saw who it was. “Daddy?”
“Hey, Pumpkin. I just wanted to tell you Priscilla and I will be in Greece through New Years. You’ll have to make other plans for Christmas.”
“I assumed you wouldn’t be back in time, Daddy.”
“That’s my independent girl. Have you heard from Randall? Neither your mother nor I have heard from him in about a month.”
“You usually go a month or more without contacting me.”
“Yes, Pumpkin, but you’re responsible. I don’t have to worry about you getting yourself into trouble.” A smile played across Paris’ face. “Randall is a bit flighty. I fear he’s gone to some backwater country in search of a legend so he can make one of his damned films.”
“Sorry, I haven’t heard from him in several months and he didn’t mention any plans to leave the country. But, you really have to stop putting down his film making. He’s really talented.”
“Paris, if you know any of his friends, could you reach out? You’re probably right that he hasn’t done anything insanely stupid.” Her eyes rolled. “I just want to know where he is.”
“Okay, when the sun is up, I’ll call Francis. I think they’re still close.”
“Sun is up? Did I wake you? You should have said something.”
“I was already awake at that point. And it’s not like you call me every day, Daddy.”
“I’m sorry about that. You know how it is.”
“Of course. I need to get dressed and face the day. Homework always seems to pile up.”
“Ha ha, I’m sure you have everything done weeks ahead of time. You were always on top of your school work.”
“Yes, of course. You know how I am.”
* * *
“There you are,” Whitney said from the door to Paris’ bedroom. “I was looking all over for you.”
Paris was sitting on her bed, holding her cellphone to her ear. “What do you mean he doesn’t live there? He’s lived there for the last three years.”
“I’ll come back,” Whitney said. Paris waved her into the room. Whitney wasn’t sure she should stay or go but ended up sitting down on the chair at Paris’ desk.
Paris listened to the other speaker, then said, “When was the last time you spoke with him?” She picked up a sticky note and wrote ‘Brother is missing’. She tossed the sticky pad to Whitney. “A month ago? How about Simon, do you think he might have a clue?”
Whitney whispered, “Be right back.” She left the room.
“Do you know if he met someone recently and that might explain his behavior?” She jotted some notes down on a notepad.
“Do you have my number? If you hear anything, call me. If you see Randall, tell him to call me and then don’t let him out of your sight until you hear him say hello to me.” She gave her number to the person on the phone call.
Whitney returned with Trish. They stood in the doorway.
“Thanks, Terrance. Call me if you learn anything.” She put the phone down.
After a moment of silence, Whitney said, “Randall’s missing?”
Paris looked at the two women in her doorway as if she had not noticed them before. “Oh, my father said something about not being able to get Randall on the phone. And I tried calling him and it went straight to voice mail. I called one of his friends and they hadn’t seen Randall in a while. I called four more friends. None of them have heard from him. I’m worried.”
“Haven’t you said in the past your brother is a bit scatterbrained?” Whitney said.
“Yeah, I’m sure it’s just Randall being Randall.” Trish said.
“That’s actually not very reassuring,” Paris said.
* * *
Ted rushed through the hallway to the dormitory exit when he saw Paris coming the other direction. “What are you doing here?”
“Ted? Oh, I just wanted to say hi,” she said. “Hi.”
“I thought my room was off limits until after the vote,” he said, stopping in front of her. “The vote that takes place tomorrow, I believe.”
“It is off limits. I had a moment of weakness.”
“Come with me. You’ll be able to keep your promise if we go to Richard’s dorm room.”
“What’s in Richard’s dorm room?”
“A doll, I’m told.”
Richard let the two of them in and pointed at the bed. It looked like Emily was lying on the bed. A closer look revealed the tell-tale signs that she wasn’t quite human.
“I hope there’s a reason we’re looking at this doll,” Paris said.
“It’s Sunday. Last time I turned Emily into a doll was Wednesday. She’s been human between then and now,” Ted said.
“What? Who did this?”
“She did,” Richard said. “I had just joked she should know by now how to do it given how many times she’s been a doll. I went to the bathroom and when I returned, she was turning into a doll.”
“Frequency of being affected should not lead to the ability to practice magic,” Ted said. “How long has it been now?”
“Fifteen, twenty minutes, I guess.”
“The first time my sister turned herself into a doll, it took over an hour. And she was studying to use the family magic.”
“You mean Catherine? I thought your magic was specific to your bloodline.”
“Yes. Magic bloodlines exist which limits the kinds of things a practitioner can do. I could never cast a spell that allows someone to fly, for example. Even if someone who could cast such a spell were to try to teach me how.”
“So, is Emily a distant cousin?”
“If she is, we’re probably talking from over five hundred years ago or more. I’m not a scholar on the history of familial magic lines. She might be a practitioner from a dormant family line that was thought to be extinct. I won’t know anything until her transformation is complete and I can compare what she did to what I do.”
“But, if she were copying your magic, wouldn’t she have to have your magic.”
“No. Magic is a game where you press your will against the universe’s will and win. And some practitioners exist outside of the familial magic lines. Emily wanted to be a doll so much, she made the universe bend to her will. The backlash when she turns back to a human should knock her on her ass. And the fact that she thought she was copying my magic could have been the exact opposite way she should practice magic. And that might also contribute to the backlash.”
“Fascinating,” Richard said.”
“In any case, this is going to take some time. You have a vote tomorrow and should probably be doing something related to that.”
“I should,” Paris said. “I’ll be going. Good to see you, Richard.”
“Take care.”
As Paris left, the thought that magic was just a matter of willpower would not go away.
* * *
“You were with Ted, weren’t you?”
“Yes, but at no time was I a doll. We were actually paying a visit to Richard.”
“Rob’s friend Richard?” Trish said.
“Yes. Now, I think we have most of the work that can be accomplished ahead of time completed for the Alumni Weekend events. That’s why I allowed myself to slip away. It’s been a week since I’ve been out of the house, Mom.”
“Don’t sass me.”
“You deserve sassing. I’m going to bed.”
* * *
“This meeting of the Eta Delta Tau Sorority full membership is now in session. Since the first order of business is the no confidence vote against me, I will step aside and turn the meeting over to our recording secretary, Patrice Bubon?”
“I will have to ask you to leave, Paris,” Trish said.
“Of course,” she said and she left the meeting room and closed the door behind her. She went to the kitchen and sat at the table to wait. She wasn’t nervous. She realized she didn’t really care if she were ousted or not. Life existed outside the sorority house.
And it didn’t hurt that she was preoccupied with what Emily had done the night before. Paris had purposefully not reached out to Ted to find out what happened so she wouldn’t be tempted to try it herself. What would she do if she could doll herself? Probably, she would do it once and be bored by it. She wasn’t like some of the other dolls. It wasn’t being the doll that turned her on. It was being helpless in front of a lover that she desired. As she thought about Ted leaving her posed in various lewd ways in his dorm, her face flushed. Beads of sweat broke out on the back of her neck and she started fanning herself with her hands.
Absentmindedly, she squeezed her right hand with her left. As she did, she said, “I am the president of the Eta Delta Tau sorority.” She did this several times before separating her hands. No, she thought to herself. She had had the chance to spend every night as Ted’s plaything. Instead, she had come back to ΗΔΤ. And she felt she was discovering Ted was more interesting as alover than as a rival.
Twenty minutes passed. She wondered if that was a good sign or a bad sign. Trish must have opened the floor for discussion before the vote. Paris had asked if she would do this but Trish wouldn’t tell her. She was poking her phone, playing a time wasting game when one of the new sisters, Tiffany,came to retrieve her.
When Paris returned to the room, Trish announced, “The votes have been tallied. Paris Chaplain is our President for the 2023-2024 school year.” The room was filled with applause and people shouted congratulations to Paris.
She walked up to the podium Trish was standing behind and Trish gave her a hug before stepping aside. “I don’t know what you all said before the vote and I don’t need to know. Thank you for the confidence you’ve shown in me. I won’t let you down. Now, I believe we have six young women to induct into our sisterhood.”
* * *
The rest of the evening was spent welcoming the new sorority sisters and celebrating another year of the chapter’s existence. The next night Paris, Trish, Whitney, and Gianna had an officers meeting to finalize details of the Alumni Weekend.
“Final order of business. I regret that I might have to step down as President.”
“Spent an entire week in the sorority house and decided you’d rather be Ted’s doormat?”
“What the fuck, Gianna?” Whitney said.
“You should talk. We use to have this meeting on Wednesday nights until you decided it would more fun to get groped at a poker game.”
“That’s enough,” Trish said. “This is about Randall, isn’t it, Paris?”
Paris was just staring at Gianna. “Yes, my brother is missing and I believe dealing with that is more important than the sorority.”
“That’s your excuse?”
“I would have said something Monday, but I didn’t want to make the day the new sisters were welcomed all about me.”
“Meeting adjourned,” Trish said. She got up and physically removed Gianna from the room.
“I can’t believe she hates you so much.”
“Don’t care. She got her vote. She lost.”
“Are you resigning immediately?”
“No, if Randall hasn’t turned up by the Monday after Alumni Weekend, I’ll consider resigning then.”
* * *
The sorority sisters were standing outside the cafeteria, before the Alumni dinner started,handing out goodie bags to everyone going inside. Paris was digging the last bag out of a box that was rather large when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around she was delighted by whom she saw.
“Paris!” Catherine said.
“Catherine? I don’t think you’re an alumni.” They hugged.
“Mom is. Her and Dad didn’t notice you and I slipped away. I’m surprised you aren’t part of Ted’s secret event.”
“No, I’m here greeting the Alumni and I have to be human tomorrow too.”
“Bummer. I could hook you up if you like.”
“I told you it was an addiction. Who’s this?”
“Trish, this is Ted’s younger sister Cat.”
“He has a family?” Karen said, joining the conversation.
“What does that mean?”
“Nothing at all,” Karen said. “He has a reputation on campus for being enigmatic.”
“I see.”
“Ted is a bit odd,” Trish said. “Nice to meet you, Cat.”
“Where’s Libby?” Paris said.
“She’s staying with Aunt Deanna. Ted warned us his display is probably not suitable for her.”
“Oo, what else did he say? Paris won’t tell us anything about it.”
“Because I know nothing about it.”
“He didn’t tell you?” Cat said.
“On my request. If I can’t be in the exhibit, I want to experience it like everyone else will. Tomorrow.”
“I’m hoping to sneak in there later, but Dad already said I can’t.”
* * *
After dinner, Paris was in the main room of the Sorority house. Alumni Weekend was just as much a sorority event as it was a university event. Alumni of the sorority lovedvisiting the house and telling the women living there now all about the antics they got up to when they were their age.
“Paris Chaplain, you are the spitting image of your mother. Where is she now? Venus? Mars?”
“Close. She’s wintering in Adelaide. She hates the cold, Mrs. MacArthur.”
“How many times do I have to tell you we are sisters? Call me Jennifer,” said the older, former President of the sorority.
“Let the poor girl be, Jenny,” another alumni of a similar age said. “You won’t feel young just because other young women use your first name. She’s just being respectful.”
“Of course, Mrs. Toliver.”
Mrs. Toliver continued, “I heard you were dating the artist of tomorrow’s exhibition. What can you tell me about the exhibit, or him?”
“Now who’s torturing the girl?” Jennifer said.
“Ted and I have only been dating officially for a week. As for the exhibition, I can’t wait to see it when it opens tomorrow as I’ve been far too busy with the Alumni events to go visit Ted.”
Another woman joined them, “My Katie tells me this Ted is some kind of wizard. He turns people into sex dolls and rents them out to lonely men.”
“Quite the entrepreneur if that’s true.”
“Turns people into sex dolls? What like hypnosis? There are no wizards.”
Paris slipped away as the older women debated the existence of magic in the ‘real’ world.
It wasn’t the last time an Alumni knew she was dating Ted. She eventually got to the bottom of the rumor: Gianna.