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Just a bit of fun.


Sasha! No, no, Sasha! I know you're horny. But, don't cast the spell before you get in the... front seat. That look on your face. You know. You... know...

Crap. Now I have to figure out how to fold you up so you fit in the seat. I swear. Sometimes I think you enjoy forcing me to take you apart so I have to carry you from the car to the apartment piece by piece. The more trips the more likely it is people will notice and find out your secret desire to be a mannequin. That's what you want. Fine. Maybe I'll remove one of your hands and leave it here in the desert.

You'd like that, wouldn't you? I can just imagine you orgasmed as soon as I said it.



David Fenger

Some people really get into it... Cute little story, and I can sympathize with the protagonist. "Come on, this is getting really inconvenient..."

J. Cook

... When I saw the phrase, my mind went immediately to the "Sasha, the Christmas tiger" meme that was going around a few years ago. For the narrator, I would suggest keeping a couple heavy duty lawn trash bags in the trunk, and bring her in as a sack of plastic. But I'm strange like that. :D