Talk: Second Contest Entry (Patreon)
Some people have apparently submit many entries to the contest. Not sure that's a good strategy. But I have submitted two: Marriage Counseling and Who Am I? I will not be submitting a third unless I conceive, compose, and edit one in the day and a half.
Marriage Counseling was mentioned last week. Who Am I? was the story I started back in December when the contest was announced. I got to the middle and couldn't figure what to do next. So I decided I'd write something else. All the characters in Marriage Counseling had different names until shortly before I posted it. Couldn't have a Bryan and a Wendy in both stories, could I? Tom and everything after his introduction were written this past Friday/Saturday. I hope it makes sense. 'Tom?' you say. 'You read Who Am I already, right?' I say.
Who Am I? is the first real TG story I've written. It is "real life". No magic, no weird science, no interdimensional beings. Just reality and transitioning. And part of that contributed to my almost abandoning it. It was a far different story before I figured out how it ended.
In any case comments are loved as always. Post them here or there. Big Closet uses "kudos" for likes so if you have an account there, please kudo both stories if you feel like it.