CAP - Being My Wife's Husband (Patreon)
And so it comes full cycle. The first image in this series was posted to deviantArt May 15, 2016. We finally get a POV from the former wife of the scenario and find out how he feels about their lives together. I believe this is the final one of these. Although... if I ever find a fashion pic of Ms Shakola pregnant...
Sometimes I look at her and forget that her body use to be mine. She is so beautiful. I never really believed that when it was my body.
I am most surprised by how well she's been able to convince everyone that she's me. Looking back at it, she was meant to be a woman. It was so easy for her to step into my shoes as a fashion model. She even does her makeup and hair better than I use to. She doesn't want to disappoint anyone. She asks the makeup artists and hair stylists why they do what they do and thus she understands those things at a level I never did.
As she looks back up at her old body, does she see me? Or does she see who she was? I see her. I don’t see me at all any more when I look at her. I never knew I was a man. Life is so much better now that I’ve found out.
One of his old friends figured out that I'm not the man he'd known for decades. I confided in him and once he believed me, he was happy that she's happy in her new life. He's been helpful in getting me to pass as his old friend to my other new friends.
I asked her whether any of my friends figured out she wasn't me. She said she's been expecting it to happen since she first went shopping for me and ran into one of them in the mall. But, so far, no.
We told our families the truth. My now mother-in-law still thinks we're pranking her.
Her birthday, the birth date of her body, is coming and I find myself wondering what to get her. I’m missing that sense of what she would like to wear as it's part of the old me that didn’t come with me when I became him. I’m tempted to cast the original spell to take on her likeness so I'll be sure she’ll like it.
As it laughs at the irony, I hope the universe will keep my plan a secret. I don't plan to tell her if I do it. But I wonder. Will I feel as he did if I do it? Will being her for a short time make me want to go back? I hope not. I could never ask her to swap back. It wouldn't be fair.