N.ICE GAME - P23 (Patreon)
Sorry the new page is late. I had some technical problems this week (and unfortunately they are not completely solved yet, but we are working on it!)
♡ ♡ Thanks for your patient! ♡ ♡
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Bellow the last page I asked you to guess what would happen in this page and Dinsfire03 had an idea I would have think about! ^ > V < ^ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Well... we have boobs and scissoring at least! XD XD XD
The idea about competition for melting the ice would be amazing!
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At the end I opted for a thick line around the logo like I did in "The sexy part of the couple" to compete with the giant logo of translator, but Lyssa has suggested another solution I will try from the next comic. O V < '
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Would you believe it’s only two pages away from the end of the comic?
I feel like I started yesterday...