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For TechOrb! I'm exploring new ways of shading! Loving this one so far ^^ You'll be able so see how it's done in the .psd files I'm going to share early next month C: More arworks like this one are coming soon!




Awesome ❤️


I really wish I could be sucked like that. Great work.


Blistering hot 🔥


Gorgeous! I assume this is the locker room of a gym? If I could receive or give that that kind of a reward for going to the gym, I would actually go to the gym haha.


Great! if you said it was a school/College locker room I would have said, Sorry their is no reward on earth that would make me go back to School/College haha.

Battle Tiger

God I hope the story drawn here continues, I wanna see the creamy ending if there is gonna be one at this point, so TechOrb if you're here, tell me what you need to send investments to Iskra for this. With that said, Iskra you have def improved on the head giving aspect of these (not sure how to word it) Keep up the great work, you're hammering out those flaws (What few there are but very hard to see as well as those simply an imagination of paranoia or perfectionism) like an amazonian champion! (I mean this with full good intentions, watching you improve has been a wonderful journey so far!)


Well, I hate to disappoint so let's make it happen^^ If Iskra agrees of course!


Gosh, this one is super pretty. Your figure work and expressions and the way you compose shots is always just a treat.