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It is finally time to say goodbye to one of our favorites.... Make sure to drop a like if you're enjoying our SLOCG reactions!






I was also deeply afraid that Lila's collection was going to be a trainwreck - thankfully just underwear and her excuse to objectify men 😂


I am going to miss Renee Rapp/Leighton so much :( She was my favorite character on the show so it hurts a little extra, but I love all of them and i'm excited to see their new dynamic with the new roommate!


Yesss new slocg! I rannn over ❤️❤️


With Renee leaving, I hope we get to focus more on Whitney, Bela, and Kimberly because I've been feeling like they keep throwing in more and more new characters and one episode and done storylines instead of focusing on the girls and their character development. A lot of the storylines have seemed half baked to me so far like Whitney and Kimberly making up in one episode, the Canaan / Kimberly thing is immediately over after all that build up, Bela being allowed to be a FAF while she's basically failing out of school, and now it feels like Kimberly has no storyline outside of this new guy, just to name a few. I miss the season 1 vibes where all the girls' storylines involving things like sports, classes, working, relationships, grades, clubs, etc. all seemed more developed and made the characters more multidimensional.


ugh so sad to see leighton go she was my fav but also so excited to see all renee does in the future