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Little follow up from the Mieruko-chan poll winner from last year!

She got equal votes with Shuten in the October poll, but lost the coin flip so got a little black and white drawing instead.

There may be a little bit of a lull in posts for a week or so as I start work rendering the Adachi comic comms, there's 5 pages this batch and full render comic pages can take a while. However I think the pages are definitely worth the wait!

I also plan on doing a poll on how the animation polls work at the end of the month, as I want to do some again, but it'll be under the condition of skipping the following months poll I think because they take a long time.

Also also I want to set some goals for this year!:

- I'd like to get 3 basic loop animations done
- Finish the Adachi comic ( Only 4 pages and a cover after this batch at least!)
- Start if not complete the Blazblue Futa heart chapter 1 comic

Now maybe I wont manage 3 animations AND the BB comic, but the Adachi comic will be finished most certainly.



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