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Hi Cinders!!

July's Supporter Exclusive is the Lunarwing Dragon - along with a Bonus Painted .3mf file! The wings hold up great and as usual it's been tested down to 60%! Picture featured is printed in Stronghero3D Chameleon Mirror Chrome, HERE.  One of our testers also found that it sits up if anyone wants to try! ;)

(This model is a Supporter Exclusive and will not be made public)

Files Included:

  • Lunarwing Dragon

  • Lunarwing Dragon .3mf file

  • Alt Lunarwing 3mf by shro

More to come! Thank you all! :)  -Tracy


July Models:

  • Tiny Crystal Dragon & Long Tail Version - RELEASED


  • Secret Design

  • Secret Design

  • Secret Design

  • Secret Design



Please see WELCOME POST for questions, all exclusive releases, and links:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/welcome-to-info-71819754

Discord is our MAIN form of communication and way to provide help! Please join our community below: Discord chat HERE: https://discord.gg/cinderwing3d

For any help requests or issues please go through this email: Email (contactcinderwing3d@gmail.com) OR through a Discord ticket!

Thank you, Cinders, for your support!!! And Thank you to our Admins (Jazzy and Turk) and Test Team for all your hard work!



Emily Weeks

Which filament is used? It looks AMAZING!


Hi, was wondering if you'll have a head mount of the Luna dragon?


Since those were community mods, maybe one day!


This was Stronghero Chameleon Chrome I do believe only part of the colors in it tho


I have been having issues with this file not slicing in my Cura program. it gets about 75%, and says slice failed any suggestions?


try rotating it! sometimes that does it. Cura is known for not liking Cinder models.

Megan Barton

When I open the file in bambu, it says it has non-manifold edges and needs to be repaired. When I repair it, it removes all the coloring. How do I get the file to work and keep the coloring?


You do not need to repair the model. Print as is!

Elissa Smoak

is the lunar dragon without wings on here or do I need to buy it? thanks im a newb

Courtney Konop

is this lunar dragon supposed to be articulated ? i just printed it and its solid as a rock :(


I just went to print it and Bambu slicer says it has 2,342 non manifold edges. did your slicer warn you of anything?