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I fixed our ancient curtains! ……………………………………………...or did I.

Back in 2012, when Twitter existed solely to make jokes with your friends in 140 characters, Brendan J. ran a short fiction project where he wrote fake Missed Connections ads. I then bullied him into granting me permission to illustrate them and turn them into a tiny minicomic that has not seen the light of day lo this last decade. Till now!

Matt wears his favorite jeans to shreds and I sew them right back up again. (And then I write big sappy essays about looOOOooooOOOOoove. gag. barf.)

For the first time in 20 years, I went to Pride.

Do you know the difference between stays and a corset? COME LEARN WITH ME AS I MAKE THE FORMER.

Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume 4 (312 pages) added to the collection bringing the total number up to 9 eBooks that are worth ~$57 if bought individually!

And now for something extra special…

While this isn’t one of my art projects, I did manage to worm my way into two- count’em, TWO!- of Danielle Corsetto’s journal comics during my birthday trip and, as a paying patron of hers myself, I vouch that her daily comic strips are absolutely worth the $3 it costs to read ‘em on her Patreon.

Thanks for bein' here, guys. I love getting to share my projects with you, whether you're a patron or a passerby. I'm excited to see what I'll have to share in next month's wrap-up!



The Ferret

Hurray for projects!

Spiffy Voxel

The fruit plants in our garden have gone gangbusters the last few weeks, thanks to occasionally showers between the sunny spells. We've already harvested all of the redcurrants and most of the blackcurrants, along with our second crop of rhubarb. The loganberries and wild strawberries are fruiting now, and even the late-fruiting raspberries are getting in on the act! That means lots of jam for the winter months. 😋 And we've still got the gooseberries, the remainder of the raspberries (some years, we've had fruit from them into late November) and hopefully a final crop of rhubarb to come! 😀