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Matt and I were approached by an client who needed some vulva illustrations for a program they're developing around sexual issues that breast cancer survivors encounter. They'd seen my vulva drawings in Emily Nagoski PhD.'s Come As You Are (affiliate link) and requested more in my cartoony-but-accurate style.

They specified they wanted a hand pulling back one of the labia minoras (labias minora? Or just labia minora as if it were singular? Question of the Cunning Linguists: what is the plural of "labia minora"???) and then I mocked up a few different pussy lip variations.

I sketched a handful of different vulva shapes for the client to pick and choose how they wanted the final form to look. Then I inked it up:

They wanted one version to just be gray and then a variety of four skin tones so a wider range of people could see a vulva that resembles theirs. Just as he does on the comics that I draw for OJST, Matt colored up my line art:

We made two versions of each one: a vulva by itself and then the same vulva with labels.

We made the final image of the body much larger than just the vulva and hand so that the client would have space to crop in closer or zoom out to add notes or whatever.

I added all the different versions to the image carousel(?) in this post, so go check those out to see the details!

There y'go! Art!


(Cross-posted from the Oh Joy Sex Toy Patreon)




Looks good! Like flowers, everyone is different. "I'll be waiting in the vestibule!"