Spered Hollvedel (Patreon)
2014-12-30 04:40:07
2018-04-30 21:44:16
Well, this is going to be a little different, folks. This is my first Patreon-funded ... song. For Xmas this year, my fabulous younger brother gave me a compact MIDI keyboard. I've been messing with it, and I got the wild idea (inspired by #antholojam, which my team recently submitted a project for) to do a weird sci-fi jazz/ambient arrangement of a traditional Breton song I knew about via the Revels called Spered Hollvedel. The result was strange, but I felt happy with it and it felt really good to be making music again. I realize that this is a use of my Patreon that I haven't previously done. Expect more games (including the next episode of Connected Kit!) soon, as well as some announcements of non-patreon-funded games due out shortly. If you object to me funding music tracks with my page, let me know and we'll talk it out -- this is a creation that took time and energy like anything else, but I want my pledges to be happy with the work I do. :) https://soundcloud.com/caelyn-sandel-inurashii/spered-hollvedel