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Next Week's Project: March

  • Afterparty: The Bully mini-sequel (Tom's weekend with Miranda) CHYOA 26
  • Masseur and the MILF 2 (Big Titty Goth Edition) 95
  • Quaranteam: Nashville (Standalone One-shot) 85
  • Erection of the Runelords continuation (Fantasy adventure) CHYOA 24
  • D&D Party Gets Wild (Modern, college, roleplayers, MFFF) CHYOA 140
  • But I Love You (Modern, College, Girl makes the move, MF) 54
  • I'm The Groupie (Modern, Rockstar Girlfriend, MFF+) CHYOA 73
  • Devil Delivery (Urban Fantasy, Gamified World, potentially no sex) 23
  • Pushing series full edit/work on next instalment 86
  • 2024-03-24
  • —2024-03-25
  • 606 votes
{'title': "Next Week's Project: March", 'choices': [{'text': "Afterparty: The Bully mini-sequel (Tom's weekend with Miranda) CHYOA", 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'Masseur and the MILF 2 (Big Titty Goth Edition)', 'votes': 95}, {'text': 'Quaranteam: Nashville (Standalone One-shot)', 'votes': 85}, {'text': 'Erection of the Runelords continuation (Fantasy adventure) CHYOA', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'D&D Party Gets Wild (Modern, college, roleplayers, MFFF) CHYOA', 'votes': 140}, {'text': 'But I Love You (Modern, College, Girl makes the move, MF)', 'votes': 54}, {'text': "I'm The Groupie (Modern, Rockstar Girlfriend, MFF+) CHYOA", 'votes': 73}, {'text': 'Devil Delivery (Urban Fantasy, Gamified World, potentially no sex)', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'Pushing series full edit/work on next instalment', 'votes': 86}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 25, 15, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 24, 1, 33, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 606}


Hey folks!

So I'm hard at work on the next QT:NW chapter, but I also need to start looking at what I'm going to work on next week. I have a backlog of different projects I want to work on, so clearly the best way to decide what y'all want to see is to just Ask.

Options tagged with CHYOA are stories that might be written in the mini-chapter style of AMA or OFG. You should be able to choose multiple options so we'll get the generally most-wanted.


Yitzhak Brill

All of these are intriguing choices, but if I had to choose one it’d be for a continuation of the masseur story. I do love me some big tiddy goths…

David Hoffman

Need me some more quaranteam


Break, I’m fairly certain you knew my answer would be more of the Pushing series. I would love to see more from Austin, Alanna, and Malena…Leia is on my side with this one.

Robert Miller

Gonna be honest, I'm a patron specifically for QT:NW and Font, so my vote would be more of those

Admiral Ale

@Robert Miller. RM I agree with you. BtB is jiggling so many plates in the air, I worry that they will land on his head. It would be a great loss to the QT universe, the other stories can piss-off . Have. You noticed that no REAL QT stories have appeared on Lit in about a week? Side stories don't count. Oh, well, From the starship USS Carnes, Stay safe.


While I understand you creative types tend to bore easily when you stay within a medium or subject or universe for too long, I would hate to see new projects take your time and attention away from your established works that I already can't get enough of. QT and FoF are neck-in-neck as my favorites (with AMA on hiatus) and I already, selfishly for sure, feel like we don't get enough content in these two stories from you. Once a month is rough, but at least consistent... In the QT realm, we already have other authors bailing or taking months in between releases of just a page or two, if we lose the best among them to other projects as well, ugh, I don't even want to think about it... To that end, I voted for QT: Nashville to at least stay in the QT space but I would have written in an additional "OMG, keep churning out your current projects, only faster!" option if I could...

Way Past 21

Wasn't it Richard Pryor who asked us to vote for 'none of the above' in Brewster's Millions? I think it fits here, as well. Like others, I wish you'd stick with FoF, QT:NW, and a return to AMA for its' completion. Please?


Ditto, a double shot of QTNW would make my day


I tend to agree with the others... that existing story lines are more manageable than splitting your attention further. Also, it potentially makes it longer, waiting for the stories I prefer if you add additional series, because adding to the rotation means more time between installments of FoF, OF Girl and QTNW, my favorites. However, with that said, I am a professional technical writer by trade, but have published short fiction in the far distant past. The ideas don't always agree to come when you call them, and creativity never arrives to the dinner party with what it said it would bring in the RSVP email. I am here because I enjoy your ability to tell a story, full stop. And because your erotica is created with characterization and humanity that shows craft and flow not normally found in this genre. My perspective is that I am a patron to an artist, not a diner in restaurant asking the waiter for another drink or the dessert menu. Write, and I will read.

Admiral Ale

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!! it looks like it's official!!! Was of 0440 hrs EDT 24 Mar 2024 there has been NO QT stories released on Literotica for 10 days (the side story of Phil's Tales was released). @TRT. I agree in part reference to their ability to write. I can't put pen to paper. But the number of other writer's contributing to the QT Universe besides CP and BTB, there shouldn't be this big of a lull. But, I'm A complainer. Please Stay safe.


So many great options! I'd love for another release of Unexpected Affections though, I think you forgot that one! ;)

Paul Mouncey

I really really enjoy your writing style and subject matter absolutely! I am following, and eagerly awaiting new chapters on; QTNW, AMA, OFG, FoF, Le Francais, Unexpected Affections. Sure AMA is on hiatus (finished in a good spot even if I am disappointed that you have lost interest for the moment) and I am not sure where you are with Unexpected Affections (has shaped up to an interesting yarn) ... BUT ... how could you possibly have time to write yet another story and still do justice to the already in play stories ... And still want people to continue to follow what you write? It is very very frustrating, as a reader, to continually read a story that just stops without conclusion as the author gives up or goes on hiatus for what ever reason. I have lost count of the number of series I have started that end that way. I am a fan for sure!!! The words your create are great great great!!! I can understand the need to do new stuff to stay fresh and interested for sure but please consider what that does to the fan base that you have. Thanks if you consider my words! Keep creating great stuff :)

Dennis Thoene

I choose anything as long as it's not written in the same style as OFG


QT:NW, AMA, & OFG are what got me too subscribe, and they are what keep me here. The random stories are great, but there are a lot of great random stories on Lit, if you if you know where to find them. Some random thoughts… I’d rather take this up a level. I’m assuming when you started your Patreon, you were looking to make a little extra money doing something you enjoy doing for free. My assumption, there’s a primary career you need(ed) to work around. But, as your Patreon has understandably exploded, the side gig is generating a substantial return. Potentially, if not already, at some point in the future, becoming your main income stream. That should be an awesome development which you’ve rightfully earned with all the great works you’ve created and shared. If/when that transition occurs, to this being your primary livelihood, I would expect a corresponding reprioritization/rebalancing of your work time towards generating more Patreon content for a number of reasons. First, to Dr. continued expansion of your audience base. Second, to keep the larger existing and (somewhat impatient) audience satisfied. And third, to satisfy the growing interest diversity in your audience. Expanding genres and storylines. These surveys may be a step in this process, taking the pulse of the audience, to determine direction. It’s interesting though, both the survey results and the comments here, indicate audience interest is starting to diverge more than I would’ve expected. And what you want to do, may not entirely align with what your audience base is hoping to receive in exchange for their payments. I for one will continue to subscribe for a while regardless, curious to see the direction your path takes you, and the content you generate along the way. I generally don’t unsubscribe, unless I feel taken for granted And your effort to connect with your audience, and determine their preferences show that not the case. Like I said, random thoughts…


with how the votes are shaping up, I know it’s a long shot, but if we finally get an afterparty update I will scream with excitement I’m really a big fan of your work, my favourite ongoing stories of yours are QT:NW, onlyfans girl, and unexpected affections. i know its been said a couple times in the comments section recently, but as a reader I’m not a huge fan of bouncing around between 5+ stories, my memory isnt that great so I always forget whats going on/who each character is, so if you do decide to fill the AMA gap, I’d like it to be a short term project and not something else permanently added to the rotation.

Natho Brnor

I will happily read anything that isn’t written in 2nd person - including OFG transposed to 1st or 3rd person.