Tuesday Update - 8/10/24 (Patreon)
This is the first of the Tuesday Updates!
Why not Monday? Because the best traditions are made by mistake, and I completely forgot yesterday was Monday. Whoops!
What's Coming Up
I've just posted Unexpected Affections, and I'm hoping to have Untitled D&D Group done either tonight or earlier tomorrow. That just leaves Starship Repo, and then I'll be spending a few days working on the AMA Arc 1 edits that I mentioned in the Monthly Update.
Right now I'm thinking that I'll release the 'Novel Versions' to Alpha reader - there won't be any significant content changes (though I have a feeling I might run a poll about the infamous Cop Incident and whether it should stay or go).
After the AMA stuff will be more Sponsored Chapters (XYZ), FoF and QTNW
Background Stuff
The Cover poll was really interesting, especially seeing the comments vs the poll results. I had a couple of folks point out that the poll was a statistical nightmare in some ways due to brand and customer bias, which made a lot of sense. The only REAL way to test if the Classic Comic Pin-Up style would work is to either release a version with and a version without on similarly sized marketplaces, or to run two very similar stories on one market place. I'm not finally decided on it yet, and it's definitely something I'll need to keep thinking about.
Right now, however, I have come to the conclusion that the first thing I need to do of all those Musings I did is get a website hub set up. If I'm doing advertising, I need somewhere for it to point, and Patreon is great for a lot of things but not for being a landing page.
So my 'background work' this week is going to be setting up a Website. I've done it before for other projects, but I'm going to need to dive back into things to make sure I'm doing it right and secure, etc. It'll mostly be a hub for links, so not a huge deal and I won't be putting any new content up there. Just gotta make it look snazzy and have clear directions.
Oh, and I should just pull the trigger on a Discord. So that link might be in the Tuesday Update next week too.