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Hey folks,

I hate to say this, but due to recent emails with Patreon Trust & Safety/Community Guidelines, I'm going to be hiding some of the following content until such a time as I can be sure that it either IS or IS NOT going to threaten removal of my entire platform.

- OnlyFans Girl
- Font of Fertility

I am going to be working behind the scenes to sort through these stories to identify content that I know won't be an issue first and get them back to Live, and hopefully I'll hear back more soon about things like certain terms of endearment that are not meant to be roleplay.

This is really frustrating and is going to be a LOT of work, but this community you folks have built up around my stories has changed my life and turned me into a career author. I simply cannot risk the sudden removal of my platform and entire paycheck - which relates right back to that 'I don't have a diversified income stream' thing I talked about in some of my ramblings at the start of the month.

To anyone currently reading the 'new stuff' to catch up, I'm sorry it's going to have to go on pause. I'll hopefully have it all up and ready to go soon.


Edit: Apparently I'm going to need to either delete the posts as there is no way to simply hide them/unpublish them back to drafts, or I can edit them to be blank for now. I'll probably do the later. Their moderation team can hide them, but I'm not gonna go looking for THAT sort of help...



How the fuck is ofg ToS?


Do what you gotta do, man. Worth the wait.


Possibly consider hosting this yourself? Subscription and all? Maybe just piggyback onto here as a diversified stream? For one you’d make more overall instead of paying a cut out to the big P.

Damien Dark

Sad but understandable! Good luck with this mess, we’re cheering you on!

Allen Ferriola

Hey Break sorry to hear the crap that's going on. Is there anything we can do to help, especially don't want FoF missing I love that series. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, idk what that would be.


I'll reach out to the community if there IS something, but at the moment it's purely some manual labour to adjust all the posts and then editing anything that might be considered borderline.


This is a big Maybe option, but isn't a short term solution that works. I need to make sure THIS is fine before I look to build a full platform - and the trust people have in Patreon, plus their handling of things like sales tax and hosting issues, is currently worth it to me overall.


You might consider managing the subscriptions through patreon, but hosting the actual content through something like sync.com.


Are you planning on continuing to post to literotica? I was just gonna keep reading ofg there until this issue got resolved

Allen Ferriola

Well if you end up needing help maybe proof reading looking for whatever words or terms light be flagging or causing issues, just let us know. I'm sure enough of us care about the stories you write to help out to get you back on track. Just an idea, idk what the actual problem is and sorry to write here I don't know how to contact you directly or if it's even ok to write my email here. Thanks, Allen.


I am very aware of other folks who have done this with MUCH riskier/downright blatant against ToS content and they lost their platforms. Patreon DOES check offsite linking, including Discords.


Yes. The stories aren't being removed from anywhere else, I just need to remove them from HERE until I have made SURE that they are ToS compliant.


If you get Patreon discord roles set, you should be able to host the chapter files like pdfs in private role connected channels without issue

Billy Hewitt

That's sad. I enjoyed both stories alot.


With Discord, you can integrate Patreon roles which sets automatically to Discord roles and syncs them. You can then release content on Discord, not involving Patreon. This is usually how others provide bonus or additional content or other content as its not on or distributed through Patreon. Your members still retain access and ranks/levels/roles stay synced.


You can't technically link to offsite linking. Users have been banned particualrly because they link or route traffic to Twitter or other websites. HOWEVER you can use third-party app integrations like Discord which integrates roles with Patreon. It should not be your primary release for example you can't just use Patreon to collect but then release content solely through Discord. However you can sync and release bonus/additional content via discord. It is not actually linking or considered linking as the roles are synced via Patreon/Discord API.


Patreon looks at Discords that it's connected to and creators have been removed for hosting non-ToS content on their discord servers. This is just a case of me need to 'fix' the content and it will be back up soon.


We both know other creators have been removed while trying workarounds. This is just a case of me needing to put in a bunch of extra effort to get things fixed.


Understandable. Make sure you keep a backup of your stories before making major changes and then losing it all because of some random TOS that shouldn’t apply here but unfortunately does. But just like you post elsewhere, you can just treat it in the same way. But there may actually be other services that handle the taxes and such as well that could be integrated into a membership solution that you self host on some VPS server that costs like $30-50 a year somewhere. And then just build the solution.


True, i would rather wait on content updates and caution for now instead of seeing fast and loose explode. Let me know if i can help in any way. We all have your back, and download a supporter email list now, and probably at the start of every month on the off chance you decide to do some kind of email thing


Before taking them down, can you condense the master list to 1 place for download?


Oof FoF and OFG are two of your longest works. Maybe try to enlist some volunteers to help you edit. They can use word or something to log any changes.


IF they are a problem (and I can't say for sure if they are or not, which is part of the problem), that likely wouldn't be looked on positively by Patreon. They will be back soon.


This is a possibility, but each story has different 'stuff' going on that I need to narrow down before I can give any instructions to potential volunteers.

Mikhail Chelpon

I was going to make the same comment. If you decide to go with your own platform, I'll follow you there.

Andrew S.

Suggestion: You set the discord up and it can accept file uploads, uploading the PDF's or epubs directly to there is a way to keep them available to subscribers while this is sorted out.


Unfortunately Patreon has been known to remove creators from the platform for trying to circumvent them like that. I just need to put in the work, and fast, to get it all fixed.


Is there anything that prevents you from simultaneously publishing on another site like Substack? You could set that up with the same tiers (I hope) and the full "uncensored" content and encourage people to migrate there without your leaving Patreon for a while. Of course, it's more work for you in both the short and medium terms, but I'm really going to miss the girls teasingly calling him Daddy.

robert macrae

Are you going to still post new chapters for those stories? They are the only stories of yours I really read.


Well, add one more to the "sorry you have to do this" comments. I get where Patreon is coming from, and I get things from your side too; but the selfish reader in me still wants the "original vision." Oh well, here or elsewhere, I'm still in.


Ok, I see that Substack doesn't allow tiers. One possibility then would be to move the Alpha tier to Substack and make access to the uncensored versions a benefit of Alpha. I can see why you wouldn't want to break up your audience like this, though. 🤷‍♂️


As it looks like this is something you can't get around doing, maybe consolidate FoF into larger chapter bundles when you reupload them. That at least might save you some work at that stage of the process.


Many of them have similar ToS, or other issues. Patreon is actually one of the better sites for this sort of thing right now. I'll be doing more research though.

Max G

I don't know for sure, but I think it's safe to assume that it's the Jerry/Stacey and Lauren/Lindsey relationships (which got changed later) in FoF, and the girls calling John "Daddy" in OFG that are causing the issues with the ToS. Obviously I can't speak for Break, but I would assume that new chapters would be posted to continue those stories. They'll definitely need to avoid that content moving forward though (understandable for FoF; lame for OFG IMO).


I will be! This isn't the end of the stories, I just need to put in a bunch of time to get them back to going live.

Norm From Cheers

Love your stuff and totally understand the safe approach, given that this is your livelihood. That sucks that you’ve gotta do all that work though, and would suggest that if you choose to accept volunteers, you have a couple volunteers per post to verify all ‘issues’ have been caught.


Sorry you're having to wrestle with this Break. If we can help, say the word.


Actually, I don't know where Patreon is coming from, because I'm not sure who or what they are. My first exposure to paying someone to help them out was with two college professors who have a political analysis website and accepted reader donations through Patreon. Then, reading some authors like Break and Corrupting Power on Literotica, I saw they had other material available for payment at Patreon, too. So, what type of author censoring does Patreon have the means to do, and why? Aren't all of us who come here aware of the adult nature of these authors' product? Is there some sort of general Patreon-browsing capability that's open season to anyone to view, including - heavens - "underage" elements? Can anyone - it doesn't have to be Break - fill me in on Patreon? Thanks!

Rick Shaw

disappointing, i'm really enjoying FoF


It's not going anywhere, it just needed to come down in the short term. The story will return ASAP!

Jim lynch

These miserable bastards try spoiling everyone’s hobbies fun times I just know they are asshat Kamala fans ops sorry for saying politic words 😂 but you know what I mean all these Silicon Valley people like mr ginger asshole who interfered with the 2020 election with his Facebook ban on laptop from hell along with twitter youtube google all the fun sucking scum I just know Patreon’s ceo owner is that exact type of person.

Jim lynch

Yes exactly any help you need I’m sure you’ll find 99% of your followers will crack on and help in any way possible my friend.

Max G

@WSV - I think that the main issue is that Patreon uses a 3rd party payment processor like Stripe or PayPal, and those services typically have some stipulations on what kinds of content can be paid for using their services. They generally are iffy about adult themed things like porn, and outright ban content like incest (relevant here) or other objectionable stuff that I won't mention but I think you can probably guess. If I had to guess why the payment processors are strict about content, it is probably to avoid legal issues in different countries where certain content (and paying for it) is illegal. By facilitating payments for that content, they could definitely end up in legal trouble in those regions. TL;DR: Patreon itself may or may not want to remove objectionable adult content, but the payment processors generally do (probably for legal reasons around the world).


Holy F How is it that every week Patreon's raising the bar on "worst ToS misinterpretation"... You'd believe they want to antagonize their user base...

Max G

@Jim - It's almost definitely a legal issue rather than a political one. Most of the major payment processors (PayPal, Stripe, etc) don't want to facilitate payment for things that could be illegal in different countries, since it could land them in legal trouble.


Can you continue posting them on Literotica in the meantime? FoF is the main reason I started following you. I’m really enjoying the story and am waiting to see how the storyline works in crossover plots and characters.


@WSV - Max's answer is exactly what I was talking about. To add to it: Patreon's using deliberately over-zealous ToS and automated tools to make sure they don't get sued, lose access to payment services, or worse. Evaluating accounts on a case by case basis opens them up to all those things if they get it wrong, while "mindless" blanket enforcement of bot flagging keeps them safe (or safer at least). Look up "Operation Choke Point" sometime if you want a look behind the curtain; there's lots of reasons sites restrict content and very few of them are because they want to.

Dan Fioravanti

What about releasing on podia? Other authors with same issue have gone there …


@Jim Are you suggesting the liberals are trying to limit our free choice to view this content? More likely it’s the Nationalist Christians (often referred to as Nat-C’s) who are adept at banning any and all content they find objectionable (books, movies, porn, etc). Heck, PornHub is banned in Virginia thanks to our GOP Gov.