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Hello all!

I have finally, finally seemed to have found my mojo for getting work down at a pace I'm happy with again. All it takes is me going and sitting in Starbucks for 6+ hours a day, sipping an Iced Coffee and getting mini-breaks occasionally bantering with the baristas.

Is it ideal? No. Is it working? Yes.

This Month's List

So far this month is rolling along fast than, like... the last six. And it feels pretty good. The editied, novelised versions of AMA (renamed to Model Behaviour) Book 3 and 4 round out the cleaning up of Arc 1 and have been released to Alpha Readers and I'm getting great feedback returned. I have also just released five sponsored OFG chapters, and 5k sponsored words for the one-shot novel 'Red Flags Go Faster' to Alpha readers.

Coming up we have:

  • FoF Archive - Chapters 1-5 with the fresh editing (for the character reworks - will be released to all patrons)

  • QT:NW

  • New Sponsored Content (To Be Determined)

  • New AMA Chapters

(Hopeful but still not definite after this point)

  • FoF Archive - Chapters 6-10

  • Le Francais chapters (I'm sorry ThL!)

Other Stuff

I'm really happy with the progress with this new, awkward routine I've developed. So far I don't think I'm wearing out my welcome at the Starbucks, though their chairs kinda suck and my ass isn't happy. I've also been making some more weight loss progress, I'm down like 14 pounds in the last month and a half. I things keeping going as they are I should hit a milestone goal before Christmas.

Tomorrow I start on those FoF rewrites, but tonight I'll be reading and doing work on the QT-verse for some of the other writers who have been waiting patiently for me to get time for them. Expect new releases from a few of them soon!

That's all for now, folks. Have a good week!



Erik Hamsher

As a fairly new Patron, I greatly appreciate both the Tuesday updates and your process Mr. Break. Excellent work and I look forward to upcoming chapters of your various works!


The Starbuck with the "super fine barista" ? ;)

Allen Ferriola

Any update on when we will be looking at getting any new chapters of FoF?


Doing the editing for the recent bundle release took longer than I thought it would, but I'm on a pretty good roll so it's possible by the end of the month but I'm not promising. If not then, then I'll likely start of January with one.