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The content of this post has been removed for the time being as I, Break, make sure that the story fully complies with Patreon ToS and does not risk my platform. If this post has not been edited back into existence after some time, assume that the content has been made available in a larger bundle.

Sorry for the inconvenience, hopefully all will be righted soon.




Next Up: Valentine's Story -> Le Francais -> AMA


While I'm not sure I was actually wrong in my analysis, I probably just shouldn't have voted, because you made the Tasha thing work perfectly on both the relationship and the sexual side. Seems rude to have votes on whether or not to do things when you can fix any issues people bring up so well.


Hey, I don't write to 'fix' anything. When I do the votes I have specific ideas of where or how things can go, and I like to adapt to what the audience has been picking up. Some folks read different events, or characters, different than I intend them to be read, and that's OK!


You managed to use a very short scene to overcome what I thought would be an insurmountable obstacle. I suppose that's why I mostly work on completed pieces.


No one says "Hey Break, you named this one wrong"?!?!


Quite the feet getting me to enjoy that scene lol


Feet definitely aren't my thing, but I wanted Tasha to have some quirks for our Throuple to explore with her, and to try writing a kink that isn't my usual but also doesn't give me an utter Ick. We'll probably move on from it within another chapter, but I think it's going well!

Peter Diven

I was very confused when starting to read this until I realised I'd missed reading the last batch of chapters.

Ian B

You either have a clueless or understanding fan base


When’s the next content coming in man?


Just posted an update. New chapters of Le Francais coming shortly, then more OFG on Monday!