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Hey folks!

So, I put off the January 'State of the Patreon' post for so long that it's now February. Whoops! I had a whole bunch of stuff to get done last month in terms of writing and releases, and I ended up getting MOST of it done, so there's that.

There will be a State of the Patreon update coming soon, but I didn't want to keep folks in the dark about what's happening with me. Here's a fast, bullet-point list of things y'all should know...

1) The Le Francais chapters are almost ready and are being approved (and the use of French being properly critiqued and corrected) by ThL. Ten chapters will be released soon!

2) The Character Art for December, January and February are going to release all at once - and it will be Sabrina, Gemma and John. It only feels right to get them all out at the same time since they are our Throuple.

3) The Patreon has officially accomplished the 750 Patron Goal! That means I'm going to start work on an Erotica Comic. More will come around soon about that project.

4) Work has continued on the Illustrated Novella project, I just need to carve out writing time from the schedule to get the story finalised.

Lastly, with the Le Francais chapters dropping imminently, I'm looking to try a different approach to February. Starting on Monday I'm going to do an "OFG Week" and write and release as many chapters of OFG in a row as I can. Then I'll do the same the following week for AMA. That leaves the second half of the month, and maybe the weekends, for other series and projects and should get us ahead on the two mini-chapter series for public posting.

This is something I'm only trying out for this month - if it goes well and we like it, then maybe we do it again. If not, then we don't need to come back to it.

Since I'm trying to keep this brief, that's all for now!




My only real critique of Le Francais has been that my contextual reading of French isn't great and I don't like having to google translate things while I'm reading (especially when they might be things I don't want in my search history. Google knows all.) Could you give a translation for things that aren't obvious? I like the idea of dedicated weeks, especially because I was worried that we were about to lose AMA for a while. I'm hoping this means you've at least figured out a bridge. I still like my idea of having a slightly higher tier (maybe $10 more?) where you apply that money to whatever the poll says. That would help push sponsored stories along and reduce the risk of losing them entirely, like AMA was apparently. You could even make it multiple choice and then just distribute the wordcount until it hit whatever milestone you want.

Tom Sperka

Hey! Thanks for the heads up! I have very few notifications enabled, but you are definitely among them! I appreciate’cha!

Ian B

I lost track of January too. Totally understandable


Yay thank you so much


I had to undo something yesterday after I'd cancelled it because 1/8/24 is a future date.


I had AMA in my head and obviously meant OFG the second time. I don't want to lose either.


I understand the translation issue, and I would usually want to provide the translation in some way but the theming of the story is kind of... Marc's use of French is something natural to him, and kicking in translations is disruptive to the flow because oftentimes the other characters in the scene DON'T understand him. I'll look at putting translations possibly into the end of the chapters, or the end of the documents, because I think those would be the least intrusive was to do it.


january felt like it was 15 days long or so.


Any chance of a FoF and QT:NW week?

Dem0n Hunter

More of FoF. Less of OFG and AMA. If you’re burnt out on it then tell us. Just do not do this and not say anything about it. You’re getting money from me for this one sole story. I’m really not interested in those. I got it. You’re doing this for the money and love of it. And other patrons you have enjoy these other stories. But I’d like to get my moneys worth. And I’m not getting that. At least talking about FoF and giving an update would be nice.


So the Illustrated Novella and the Erotica Comic are separate projects? I had thought they were the same.


I thought it was clear, but the concept is that FoF and QT:NW will both be in the second half of the month, and I might get ahead on them on the weekends. I am definitely NOT burnt out of FoF and there's lots of story left to go.


Nope, different projects. Illustrated Novella will have something like 10-12 illustrations within the story, while the comic will be a comic.


Will you be releasing the chapters at the end of each week or daily/periodically in the week as they're ready?


Does this mean that we’re skipping the AMA post that was on the docket after Le Francais? Or will it be posted before you start the weekly experiment?


Correct. AMA is going to get a five-day sprint next week, and I'm using the weekend to get the Secret Commission done as the commissioner has been waiting over a month since the last part.

Admiral Ale

Reading some of the earlier replies, it is apparent that I'm not the only concerned reader here. I believe that we had discussed you being overwhelmed by the number of plates you were balancing. Did you miss the fact that you are also editing others also? "We" your readers (some of us, that can not put two coherent words together), constantly wait for your next chapters. Not new endeavors. LONGSHOT asked 19 hr earlier if you were skipping anticipated stories. When was the last time you decited to check your community board and release chapters to stories that have waited the longest? Get the side dish stories done, and get back to quick follow-up. Any time between chapters that exceed 2 weeks is just an excuse to milk your subscribers. Your friend CP holds his for up 6 months. Now, check your blood pressure and blood sugar numbers; take your meds, like I will, and carry on soldier. OH, AND STAY SAFE.


I've already answered the question that everything is going to get new chapters this month. Missing one AMA release in favour of doing MORE releases in a week isn't exactly losing much. I was also clear that this is a trial for the month to see if it works better than my current rotation which is a bit chaotic. None of my stories are going to have a 2-week turnaround on chapters. It's just not going to happen. I write a LOT every month, both because I love it but also because it's my job. But as my job, I also can't rely on a single story to carry my bills and grow the Patreon. I love all my series, and my one-shots, and am extremely thankful for all the support that I get - but if I was just writing one story, or even two, I wouldn't be in the position I am and frankly NONE of the stories would be getting written.

Admiral Ale

Thanks for your response. You are aware of my Favorites, but some may worry about your expansion. Excess stress to you could result in your stories suffering The Black Hole experience. Stay safe and healthy.

Admiral Ale

An additional question. With 14 story lines on your Community page. One week for each. Does that mean that we have to wait 3 and a 1/2 months for the next chapters. Just asking. Stay safe.


I'm not sure what you mean by my 'community page?' I have found ongoing series at the moment: FoF, QTNW, OFG and AMA. Le Francais is the only other series at the moment with a regular commissioner. The test this month will have OFG and AMA each get 5 days or releases, and QTNW and FoF will each get a chapter release as well. Other time will go into commissions or other projects that I'm working on for release here.

Admiral Ale

Thanks. Stay safe