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Week-long Blitzes, Poll 1 - Mini Releases Good or Bad?

  • Daily small releases (with final bundle at end) 129
  • Less emails please, one bundled release at the end of the week. 34
  • 2024-02-10
  • —2024-02-13
  • 163 votes
{'title': 'Week-long Blitzes, Poll 1 - Mini Releases Good or Bad?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Daily small releases (with final bundle at end)', 'votes': 129}, {'text': 'Less emails please, one bundled release at the end of the week.', 'votes': 34}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 13, 2, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 10, 11, 19, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 163}


Hey folks,

So, as you'll all be aware, I'm trying this new writing schedule and we just wrapped up the week for OFG content. My question to you for now is NOT about doing it in general, but just on a technical function.

Do you prefer daily smaller releases, or would you prefer just one larger release at the end of the week?



Hey Break. While it has been great to get a daily installment, I think Iwould prefer a bundled story pack at the end of the week. That would reduce the repub "cleanup" step, and might make editing the whole bundle easier. Just thinking out loud here. Still a great story either way it comes.

Peter Diven

One thing from me, maybe have the last days chapters as one update and the week's collection as another? It's a bit awkward to scroll through all the other chapters to get to the days new ones.


I enjoyed the dopamine hit of daily releases


According to the poll I'm in the minority, but I agree with TRT. I'd rather have some bigger updates instead of daily "tiktok" style content. It also puts less pressure on you and your editors. Honestly, the way things went before you did OFG week was working fine, imho. I'd keep that schedule, if at all feasible.


I am not bothered about the emails, but prefer one bundle weekly too.


I *loved* the random "hey, here's more awesome story" emails. They helped the week go by. I do agree that having the last chapters come out, and then the bundles txt and epub would make it easier to remember what we've read and what we haven't.

Chris Ott

I’m all about looking forward to that daily post of “here’s what I got done yesterday”!

Jaymes Davison

Agreed with this. It needs a last daily post, followed up with a combined post for the entire week.

Don Alejo

While I enjoyed knowing that there's stories being released and waiting to be read, I am just now getting the time to start reading them. So, it wouldn't make any difference to me as long as there's an easily identifiable bundle for me to read.


i like smaller, more frequent chapters, but my preference is for whatever you think works better for you and your schedule

Devon P

I was reading stuff on CHYOA up until recently, so daily new chapters is what I'm used too and I like having something to read and enjoy as a little treat before bed.


I follow a few writers on Patreon along with BtB and I usually wait until I have quite a few chapters to read before I catch up. I like to immerse myself in the story and find it harder to do that a short chapter, or a few chapters, at a time. Either way you decide though I'm enjoying the ride you're taking us on.


I'm okay either way. I won't vote. I don't read the 2nd person stories, but I didn't mind the down time this week. I appreciate that you might be more creative and productive overall writing one story while you are inspired, rather than trying to force something to meet a deadline or a schedule. Likewise, being immersed in in one viewpoint all week might result in fewer mistakes. Font of Fertility did kind of acclimatize me to LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGG breaks.


They seemed to flow better this week, and I'm not sure if that's because they were fresh in my mind or from the stories themselves. I do find it a lot easier to have ten minutes worth of reading in a day than figure out when I want to do a bigger chunk at once.


I prefer the smaller more frequent releases. It's nice having something to read each day. If it remained at 3 or more chapters a day I'd be happy. This week we got more content than the average week I think, which is nice.


I read from the epubs almost exclusively (they say the internet is forever but there sure are a lot of things I can't find on it anymore). So practically there's no real difference between the two options for me. Granted, maybe more eyes on smaller posts means fewer typos for me when you generate the epubs, but I still voted end of week because the idea of asking you do the work to release something I won't read just feels wrong. Stupid Conscience lol.


I prefer more frequent and you can always turn off the emails.


This has been excellent, but I would release the last episode of the sprint separately from the combined one :-)

Michael Duke

Where is our AMA week stuff man??? Been looking forward to that since you announced the plan for content weeks.


Just released it! I needed to do a little rewriting on the Chapters I wrote yesterday to be happy with them. More coming!