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The content of this post has been removed for the time being as I, Break, make sure that the story fully complies with Patreon ToS and does not risk my platform. If this post has not been edited back into existence after some time, assume that the content has been made available in a larger bundle.

Sorry for the inconvenience, hopefully all will be righted soon.




Finished these LAAATE last night and feel asleep at my desk before I got through editing them, so they're coming out a little later than I wanted, but here they are! I've got the same goal of 5 chapters/day for OFG Week, bundling all of them into a PDF release at the end. Then next week we'll start on FoF, followed by QTNW!


Love it as always! Not sure how much you care about editing notes, let me know and I'll stop, but here are a couple I noticed today: You smirked and little - a little but did grope me once - didn't rotating her hips and little - a little


They help! I don't usually edit them into the fast posts, but they'll be changed for the bundle at the end.

The Shoe Guru

Will there be any character art published of becks and Tasha for mental imagery?

Michael Duke

It makes me a little sad not to see AMA in the list of what's coming 😢

Ian B

Well done. Not sure why but I find myself liking the Tasha, Becks and Becca chapters. Maybe you have me trained towards more traditional harems. Highly enjoyed


loved the scene at the beginning with Becca!

s3x aholic

Gahdamnit. Now I'm at 432, which means I've not only gotten to the end of what you've posted on chyoa but basically the end. Glad I have a handful of chapters here I can read but it frustrates me A LOT! I love long, in depth stories but I hate hitting brick walls such as these. I'm sure I'll enjoy the next 10-15 chapters it looks like you have here but at least AMA had a natural closure due to the trip ending. With 3 weeks still left I'm not sure that will happen with this, and chyoa is already extremely devoid of good product, excellent writing and storyline. I just dk what else I can read that would even compare to something like this, or your AMA branch.... FUCK lmfao. Thanks for the great plot, storyline, emotions and orgasms @BreaktheBar

s3x aholic

Wait.... Are these "chapters" setup different than chyoa? I'm comparing the first lines of 432 of chyoa with "chapter 432" of this post and found that the sentences don't match and now I am confused... I can't find any sort of link so far (blaming patreon for their shitty mobile experience) between chyoa and Patreon. It's frustrating because I want to pick up where I left off but cannot find the end of chyoa to start of Patreon. That's frustrating


The CHYOA chapters start with Aurelian's original 3 chapters setting things up, so you should generally be able to look at where you're at on CHYOA and minus that chapter number by three to find where you're at with OFG here or on Literotica.