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Hey! You recently bought Groot Premium? And having trouble to figure out how to activate them! Then this post is made only for you. Before we begin, your Discord account should be connected to your Patreon account, click me! Now if you have already linked your Discord account, wait for 10 minutes until every process is finished. If still you have not received with the benifits on your Discord account, contact us directly on Discord. To check your profile on Groot use /profile and to activate premium into a server use /premium activate

Hope this helps out your query
Team Groot


Groot Development

we are really sorry about it, https://grootbot.pro/guide/faq/premium check it for more info you'll get up your subscription soon


Hey, i've linked my Discord and still nothing.


hey i linked my discord and nothing is happening

Groot Development

You have received your premium membership, activate your server through our Dashboard or use "/premium activate" command from any for the Groots

Michael Santos

I bought premium and im having issues with activating on my server

Omar Ihmud

I brought premium but it wont activate

Mistress Kahlan

Mine wont activate and I've done all as instructed - I've cancelled now, would like my money back - hasn't even been a day.


he dosent work

Nick C

its been a few days since purchasing premium, my discord is connected and it still does not work. ive also made a post in the support group in the discord and no response. i just want to get things squared away.

Jim Stef


Alexis Perez

I've followed all directions and I'm still being asked to buy premium.

Groot Development

Hey, you just need to wait for a while until our server verify your data. Also your Discord account should be linked to Patreon.

Alexis Perez

ok, my account is verified and connected to patreon so I'll wait and check in later. Thank you for the quick respnse

xw44dx .

ive been charged. my account is linked correctly and have waited 20 minutes and still havent recieved my premium benefits