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Chichi loves to top!

(In other news, Still making sketch pages for the comic. I'll be back to posting Girls Night Out later this weekend!)




Chichi would definitely be the dominant of the couple. 😂


My god...what have you done...

The Jonizuka

Chichi be like: 💪🏿 Did you pray today? 💪🏿


God, I wish...

Matt R

I just realized. With the way ChiChi's hair is down like this and without the bangs, she kinda resembles Jessie from Pokemon

Manga Arc Studios

Pretty sure this is cannon haha surprised that chichi doesn't have goku a collar during intercourse


Well I hope this doesn't unlock something inside of me...

Cerulean Walker

This is why Goku keeps finding new forms. Each time he thinks he's surpassed her, he just winds up in this position.

Mr. Ray

Oh my God. My jaw just dropped!


Is it me or does she remind me of Cocotte like the female member of the pride troopers? XD Nah when I saw “amazon” im like oh hell nah Goku welcoming her into the jungle?? XD

The armory lord!

Only Chi Chi can handle goku, or, tolerate his, unique personality. Lovely art as always Sexy.


Chi-Chi: I have the High Ground!

Brian M Love

Now I'm imagining all THREE ladies putting some of the dudes in this position in the Girls Night Out story.

Super Vader

Chi Chi on top. Oh yeah.


She does look like her doesn't she? 🤔😆 Funny thing is I forgot to write "Press" in the title and by the time I realized it, I just let it be haha!


That explains it im like huh wonder if that’s what the sex pose is called XD