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Remember (very) early last year, I start the second part DB Quest? I never finished it! I had all the pages sketched and ready for inks and color... But I had to put it aside. I can't remember the exact reason why.

I didn't lose interest, but I wasn't physically well early that year (it wasn't until May when I had my procedure). During that time I'm ashamed to admit, the comic went under my radar. Later that year though, I remembered to finish it but it was during the time I started Girl's Night Out. I told myself once I finished the story, I'll post the last 6 pages. And that time has finally come!

It may not be a lot but once the six pages are completed tonight, I'll post them along with the zip file for the whole comic so far!

Thanks for being so patient! I have other stories to finish this year, like Mate of the Monkey King 4, and Vacation to Planet Puree! Hopefully this is a good start!



Manga Arc Studios

it nice that you remeber but becareful not to stress urself too much and have fun with ur drawings.


I won't over work myself! I try to do things at a reasonable pace. Sometimes I do get burst of energy and draw a lot. But then I take a few days to reel it back. 😅

Irisha Saxsolo

Was a fun comic glad you're coming back to it. Plus polls are fun!

Super Vader

I was wondering what happend to DB Quest. Looking forward to the continuation. It is nice with new stories. But sometime you need to finish up the old stuff.


Heck yeah! We're back on the fantasy setting :D


The polls were a ton a fun! I need to plan the next arc for more interesting choices.