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Working hard in the beginning of the year, trying to start out strong! 💪✨

The colors are coming along and soon I'll be finished. I've also taken some clips and tested the filters in after effects. I hope with a little more experimenting, I'll be able to get the effect I want. 




ur making great progress and this is hot as hell. Love ur bulma in this and the Suttle boob movement ur hardwork is really showing in this project already loving this. Amazing work I cant wait to see the final product.


This is incredible you are doing an amazing job!!! I can’t wait to see this. 😩👍💕

Dark Inferno

Wow, you are amazing at what you do 😍


I’m so happy right now! It looks so good!!


I love love LOVE that your first time doing this involves Afro Bulma 😍

Matt R

Looks great so far

Amon Wrath

Keep up the good work, nothing like drawing and animating hentai at the start of the year. Heres to another year of sexy dbz girls.


The hype I feel for this is unbearable


Omg I'm friggin dying for this!! This looks so good so far!