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Here's something a little different from me, I'm planning to make a SF related comic! I've been in a sort of a Juri kick recently and felt inspired. 😄 I have the outline and script and the comic is pretty straight forward, so it shouldn't take too long to complete.

I'll have poll for the comic that'll come after this one tomorrow, it will DB related! It'll be interesting to see which one will be chosen.




Im loving it already I love his expressionsXD the crying n open mouth on the bottom like hes looking at the ass. Juri chest size im all about. Im hyped to see u tackle street fighter it looks good in style already. I ready for the puns.


Glad to see you branching out into more series! Your great at DB but with your style I feel like you could tackle any series you have interest in. That and Dan's expressions are priceless. XD

The Jonizuka

🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥


Cool!! Ready for a new story!


Heheh, "Juri kick..."


It's a nice change of pace to see something from you that isn't DB related. I'm looking forward to seeing how this comic turns out!


Thank you! ^^ I got a few more other unrelated DB comics planned this year. Hopefully I'll have time to see them through.