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Our next ANIME and FIRST anime watch-along series on TWITCH! That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Slime and this anime was so much fun! Buckle up! Here we go! 

The FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to Episodes 1-6! 






In case you didn't get an answer (I comment as I watch) Senpai is someone who is in the same profession as you but has been doing it longer I.E. a senior would be a freshman's senpai.


Pretty much all Isekai use video game stuff but not necessarily RPG stuff. One I've been reading the MC got pulled into one of those space RTS games.


One thing of note about Veldora's introduction in both the manga and novel he is not shown outright to be a dragon as Rimuru is currently blind. Honestly should have just done what the manga did and made him look like a human till Rimuru could see him or just not show him at all and have him just be only a booming voice.


It comes across as a joke but for a true dragon like Veldora death isn't the end he would be reincarnated as himself somewhere else BUT without his memories. Only ever mentioned in the novel.


Rimur was being lazy when he was adding Gob into all their names and was feeling bad about it since they were all excited so Haruna who came in right afterward got a better name.


According to the book, the dire wolves and the evolution do not require food to survive but instead gain power from kills. So Ranga's entire pack helps get food but doesn't eat any.


In order to build the fence to hold back the Direwolves the Goblins tore down their houses for materials it's a small but important thing the anime leaves out.


So there's a short story in volume one of the novels depicting the one time this tribe of goblins traded with Dwargon. It stars the yet un-named Gobta. It's a good short story that sadly neither the manga nor the anime cover. It would have made for a great OVA.


So when Rimuru shares a meal with the dwarven guard in the book he makes up a story about being a female magic student who got cursed to look like a slime the guard only half believes him but lets it slide. Only worth mentioning cause in the anime it does come up later in season 2.


The scene in the forge pretty much plays out like in the anime except it takes a few hours and Gobta is present Rimuru also takes longer to make the copies. All and all the arc takes 3 days (if I remember correctly) and the anime portrays it as taking about 1 and a half.


Rimuru is genderless but identifies as male.


That war was not World War II like it WAS World War II.

Julien Fabrice (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-03 07:59:25 nobody is better than JP in doing dubbing
2024-03-03 07:59:25 nobody is better than JP in doing dubbing
2023-05-31 17:01:42 nobody is better than JP in doing dubbing

nobody is better than JP in doing dubbing

Julien Fabrice (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-03 07:59:25 i can mostly understand what they are saying now, because of my almost 10 Years of watching anime in sub and I can say watching in sub is not for everyone. I don't say, dub watchers are stupid or something, if they want to watch it in dub it's okay, but in Japanese its on another level, (mostly) nobody can do it better than Japanese voice actors. And some jokes are not understandable for non Japanese, because we don't live in Japan
2024-03-03 07:59:25 i can mostly understand what they are saying now, because of my almost 10 Years of watching anime in sub and I can say watching in sub is not for everyone. I don't say, dub watchers are stupid or something, if they want to watch it in dub it's okay, but in Japanese its on another level, (mostly) nobody can do it better than Japanese voice actors. And some jokes are not understandable for non Japanese, because we don't live in Japan
2023-05-31 17:09:38 i can mostly understand what they are saying now, because of my almost 10 Years of watching anime in sub and I can say watching in sub is not for everyone. I don't say, dub watchers are stupid or something, if they want to watch it in dub it's okay, but in Japanese its on another level, (mostly) nobody can do it better than Japanese voice actors. And some jokes are not understandable for non Japanese, because we don't live in Japan

i can mostly understand what they are saying now, because of my almost 10 Years of watching anime in sub and I can say watching in sub is not for everyone. I don't say, dub watchers are stupid or something, if they want to watch it in dub it's okay, but in Japanese its on another level, (mostly) nobody can do it better than Japanese voice actors. And some jokes are not understandable for non Japanese, because we don't live in Japan

Fahed JKR



Your chat's persistent need to try to spoil this whole series was almost sickening. Glad you went with offline reactions for Overlord.


The Males Became Hobgoblins and the females became Booblins, clearly Goblinas is just a mistranslation xD


Wot!!! Oh shoot I gotta start watching the streams.


Couldn't stay for the whole live yesterday but was really enjoying you watch the show! I haven't seen this anime but I'm a fan of isekai novels and this fits right in

Fernando Lahude

love youuuuuuuu! Finally slime!

sesuneiro (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-03 07:59:25 W LFG
2024-03-03 07:59:25 W LFG
2023-01-08 18:49:43 W LFG



YOOO i missed the stream last night but i am so happy you’re watching slime!! one of my favourite anime 😭 bingeing this for the rest of the evening 🤣

donald cuck

wtfff i was not expecting that, thats a very gooooood surprise right there

Tyler Rimmel

I know this may be controversial, but you should try a dub anime. Then people with phones don't have to read small print.

Daniel Griffiths

not sure hes ready for an anime of this style, our boys still a normie and this is pretty outlandish lol something more grounded would've been better


that would ruin it for more people than help


Sucks I'll never be able to watch these streams on Saturday, they air while I'm working lol luckly they're being uploaded to Patreon at least \o/


Gobuta is just a very special snowflake. I wouldn't be confused if he falls asleep somewhere, wakes up somewhere else and then accidentially ends up with an audience with the King.


I love this anime. Can't wait to see his reaction.


If he's doing 6 at a time I'm gonna have to power through my own watch of it. Part of my anime rotation. Got 5 on the go so I may to have to up Slime to 3 eps at a time to get 6 a week in. I'm watching it on dub and also am at episode 6. It'll be cool to watch it with Luke in sub.

Xela Rising

Gobta OP. praise demon lord Gobta


Dude, I was thinking of rewatching this anime, but now I get to do it with you, so its w win-win, now we can watch it together.


well.. i missed that stream :D good that its here aswell^^


This show is so much fun. It's like watching an RPG.

The Luminary

Twitch is really letting you live stream these? If I remember right didn't disguised toast and pokimane get banned for streaming anime?

Aspy 130

One thing you could do to help people watching on iPhone on the patreon end at least is raise the anime up a little so we can double tap to zoom in slightly. Right now the screen is too low and the subs get cut off when you do it

sesuneiro (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-03 07:59:25 Thats a problem on android and iphone
2024-03-03 07:59:25 Thats a problem on android and iphone
2023-01-09 03:47:08 Thats a problem on android and iphone

Thats a problem on android and iphone


Oh my god, my plan was to wake up 1.5h before work so I could also watch your slime reaction, cuz I thought it's gonna be here by today's morning, and now I look and it's 6 god damn episodes.... Well, I know what takes a priority. I'm working from home so I will just try to remember to keep moving my mouse every 5 minutes

David Ouillette

I've gotta start getting synched up to watch these streams live


Would it be possible to host the video elsewhere like pixeldrain and post that to patreon? My internet it kinda mid so I regularly have it drop in quality with no way to force a minimum or download it.


can't wait to see the others épisodes :)


Also I wish you put the poll up on patreon for like 24 hours. I straight up can't watch your streams, so I can't participate in the poll


It took a lot of time actually to kill all those monsters roughly a month or so. But the anime made it seem shorter for obvious reasons.


Sorry but they're working on kemonomimi girls and boys first then giant wolves.


Vesta's dismissal is a very Japanese thing, thank you for your service on the surface is positive but it's not. it's a veiled underhanded slap to the face. In Japan they can't just rebuke the person being fired. And in fact being fired is a lot worse as it says something about you that isn't positive, you don't have to say what it is to potential new employers but you have to for you to get any chance of being hired and even then it's still a demerit.


I really think youd benefit from watching this series in dub. I feel you may be missing some points from missing the subtitles. Im not all for dub or anything I just personally find it easier to follow shows with comedic lines in english. Otherwise I kinda miss it.

Jeremy Berry

Slime is a amazing show there’s a lot of reincarnated into another world type of anime mushoku tensi aka jobless reincarnation is another great show jobless reincarnation is better to watch the episode themselves then to react to the opening and endings what the openings and ending do for that show just show you the world itself but by watching the episodes it’s fills in the questions you had on your reaction to those openings and endings to jobless reincarnation

Daniel Turchan

I love slime, I hope you do as well… it’s an “Isekai” anime, which means that the main character was somehow brought to another world… that is obvious in this show as the title is “that time I got reincarnated as a slime”… my favorite Isekai and just anime overall is Re:Zero, I recommend watching that at one point too… amazing


When veldora names the slime a lord and savior was born. Rimuru Tempest! AND A RELIGION WAS BORN!


This has been my #1 favorite anime from the moment I watched episode 1 when it first aired. I'm so happy you are watching and enjoying it. Can't wait for next watch along stream!!!!


There are very few anime with a good dub, sure it'll help a few people but most would get probably annoyed.


He complimented it the entire time tho, so I don't think he's "not ready". Plus Tensura isn't at all "outlandish", it's honestly a great starter series.


Great show, comedy kinda falls flat in sub though and the main character's laugh is discomforting.


Joined the patreon just to watch your reactions to this anime. First season has this fun and laid back feel and then the second season gets really good!

Koga Wolfe

Doing the same with Attack on Titan, haven't seen season 4 before so I'm watching the dub then watching his reaction to the sub. I'm only watching one episode ahead so it's more like watching along with him.


There's a lot of places in the anime where the it seems little or no time has elapsed, when it really was weeks.


I tend to find dubs miss or outright remove Japanese jokes and censor anime so much that's why I never see the point in watching dubs. It's almost always an inferior product.


that's intentional, especially rimuru's jokes cause the monsters and other non isekaijin won't get them.


I started watching Slime when I heard he'd be watching it and I'd seen it recommended a lot on Crunchyroll. Thing is it's slotting into a now 5 anime rotation I've currently got going on. Slime, Overlord (only 2 episodes left), Hunter x Hunter, Jojo: Stone Ocean and a Castlevania rewatch (on blu ray). So I'm gonna have to pick up the pace with Slime a bit if I'm to keep up with him if he's doing 6-8 episodes a week.


Yeah, but I get them and its funnier spoken rather than read. To be honest the only time I ever watch sub is when a show never got a dub. If I wanted to read, I'd read the manga/novel, its usually faster/better anyway. Not to knock what you guys like and he does votes for dub vs sub so its fair, but its not my thing.

Rick James

thanks for doing this subbed! JP dubbing industry is on a different level than english dub companies

Dara Cee

Joined to watch this...love this anime.


I truly hope FMA:Brotherhood is the next big one after AoT.

Crazy 66

You should watch Slime Dairies in between season 1 and 2, its really good!

Bryan Wells

I reaaaaaaalllllly want Overlord to be the AOT replacement, but it is a little similar to slime, so maybe Mob Psycho first, then Overlord. Third season of Mob just finished airing, the show is now COMPLETE! so maybe knock that out of the way real quick to have a fully completed anime in the bag, the third season did not disappoint, it is just a good if not better than the first two seasons, which were both AMAZIN

Bryan Wells

Overlord, Re:Zero, and this are my three favorites, in that order though...

Bryan Wells

oof bro prefers dub yikes.... just learn japanese then you understand the spoken jokes in there uncensored and unedited version. It is actually much more enjoyable for me now that I understand what the characters are saying word for word as I read along

Bryan Wells

I was an hour late when I joined stream so not I am desperately refreshing patreon every hours waiting for him to upload the vod :'(