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Bleach parody: Patreon Reward

AN: This work is a work of fiction it's characters are fictional and are works of fantasy, as the creator of this parody, I can confirm they consent to all narrative and nsfw choices. This content is only for the purpose of entertainment and doesn't promote or condone any in real life actions, governments, policies, religions, groups, or life styles.

Beast Soul Experiment

Komamura Sajin had kept himself hidden from others, but during the Ryoka incident and his fight with Kenpachi Zaraki his true face and appearance was exposed. Soul Society was weirdly accepting of him, but then...how did he end up naked in Mayuri’s lab. Research of course, Sajin’s body and soul is quite unique so much so Mayuri wants to study him and find a way to bring his power to other soul reapers. He must work quickly or the guinea pigs that waltzed into Soul Society will leave.

Chapter 1 For Science

Sajin groaned as he stirred awake. ‘What happened...where am I…’

Things had been hectic in Soul Society recently, Rukia Kuchiki had been arrested and sentenced to an execution. Some Ryoka had invaded and created a panic, some skilled soul reapers had been bested by the ryoka and their strange abilities, Aizen had faked his death, Kenpachi had seemingly turned against them and Sajin had fought him alongside Tossen, causing his form to be revealed. The execution went off but was stopped by not only Ichigo Kurosaki but fellow captains.

There was something more sinister in the wings as Aizen, Gin, and Tossen betrayed Soul Society, taking a strange device that Kisuke Urahara had stashed inside Rukia Kuchiki.

‘I was visiting Tossen’s friend’s grave, and when I was walking back...I thought I smelled…’ He tried to move, only to feel his arms and legs were restricted. “By the heavens!”

Sajin looked down and found he was bare ass naked. “What is this?!” He howled, panic sinking in. Komamura tried to struggle, but the restraints were completely unbreakable.

Being naked was rather odd, as Sajin tended to be on guard a lot, being so exposed was rather embarrassing. He wore many layers as to avoid anyone finding out his identity. It seemed rather silly looking back on it.

The only person who’s seen him completely naked was Unohana, and only during a physical. ‘How embarrassing!’ Not that Sajin had nothing to be embarrassed about, he was rather built and chiseled.

“So you are finally awake.” A voice that sent chills up Sajin’s spine, his tail curling in fear.

“Kurostuchi!?” Sajin yipped, his ears up and fur bristled. “What is this?!”

“What a silly question. You’re here to help in my research!” His smile grew wide and even more crazy.

“I’m not one of your specimens to mess with!”

“Such chatter!” Mayuri Kurostuchi was a mad scientist, chairmen of research and development department, and Captain of Squad 12. He had a bad habit of locating specimens, and doing unspeakable experiments on them. “I had no idea such a rare specimen was within our ranks. I should punish you for keeping such a secret, you’ve set my research back so much!”

“What are you talking about, you’re insane!”

“Insane? No no, I am a scientist, my work is purely for my amusement and the benefit of the soul society.”

“Your amusement comes before soul society!?” Sajin snapped.

“Of course!” Sajin flinched at the blatant madness of Mayuri. “We have a serious problem, Aizen deceived us all and gained something that will allow him to blur the barriers between shinigami and hollow. We must answer in kind!”

“What...what does that have to do with me?”

Mayuri pointed at him. “Your type of soul is said to be able to take human form.”

“How do you know about that?”

“Not important, but if you can take humanoid form, it means your soul is able to shift. If that is possible the reverse is also possible.”

Sajin found it hard to follow Mayuri’s logic. “We shall awaken the beastly spirit in their souls and gain new power.” He pulled out a massive needle.

“What are you gonna do with that?!”

Mayuri looked from the needle to Sajin. “Don’t panic this isn’t for you, the amount of blood I’d need for my research would bleed you dry.” Komamura visibly paled.

The scientist approached. “You are quite the specimen!” Indeed he was.

Komamura was tall and broad shoulders, he had thick beefy pecs, and an 8 pack of abs, toned arms and firm legs. “My my!” Sajin blushed as Mayuri examined him, exposing his nipples...all six of them. “Such perfect symmetry.”

The nips were in perfect symmetry and perfectly spaced apart, they could be found along his upper abs. Usually his fur could hide them, but this current situation caused them to stiffen and peak out from the fur. He wasn’t used to being looked at like this.

His body was responding. Mayuri’s hand ran over his muscles. “Soft fur and hard muscle, a fascinating contrast.” Sajin growled at him, but the scientist didn’t falter.

“Do not growl at me, we are in a state of emergency, do you think Aizen will sit back and do nothing. If I don’t begin to experiment we will get overpowered by the monsters Aizen will create.” His hand ghosted over the man’s sheath, it extended an inch from his groin. “Though with these I’ll be able to collect plenty of materials.”

“Eeeehhh!” Sajin bucked as Mayuri poked his balls, they were thick and heavy. “You’re going to…”

“Of course, these family jewels have plenty to offer, and I must collect before the guinea pigs leave.”

“Guinea pigs?” Sajin began to sweat. ‘The ryoka...’ He tried to struggle again but to no avail.

“Relax, I won’t hurt them...much, growing pains might be inevitable.” Mayuri began to prepare a concoction, which he stuck the syringe into, drawing in the contents.

“The head captain won’t condone this, you’ll be back in the maggot’s nest!” Sajin growled.

“Such small thinking, I thought you’d be smarter than that. The head captain shall forgive anything I do, so long as it benefits the Soul Society at large, and once he sees what I do to the Ryoka he’ll grant me permission to test on the shinigami. We’ll have a mighty force, if you cooperate I may even make you human.”

“Me? Human?” His heart skipped a beat. It was his fondest wish. Mayuri’s grin grew. “No!” Komamura growled. “You will not deceive me, I’ll have no part in your schemes!”

“My my, such noise, but silly pup, you talk as if you have a choice in the matter.” Poke!

“Gah!” The contents were pumped into him. “What did...what did you just give me?”

His body pulsed, with each pump of his heart Mayuri’s concoction was spread through his form. “May...uri…” He tried to growl but it came out as lustful pants.

“I’m such a soft hearted man, I tried to be kind but there’s just no reasoning with some.” Sajin’s heart began to race, causing the mystery serum to spread faster. “Oh well, the results will be the same. I’m sure by the end of this you’ll be thanking me, though true genius is never appreciated.”

“You...ohhhh~!” His hips lurched forward and his cock began to slide out of his sheath. It was human in shape but quite large, his cute little sheath revealed a big surprise. The length rose into the air, twitching as it swelled and reached full length at 15 inches!

“Well well, this is quite impressive. According to my data this means you have the biggest dick in soul society.”

“How do you even...ohhh fuck!” Sajin’s rod twitched and pulsed in the air, it already began to leak pre-cum.

Mayuri smirked. “I have my ways!” He brought out a remote and pressed a button.

A clear tube appeared and encased Komamura’s cock. “Stop!” The tube was cold, which made his heated cock tingle as it sealed itself against his sheath.

“We must continue if I’m to collect all the data. A man such as yourself likely hasn’t had many chances to mate or experience pleasure. I’ll make it so you’ll have plenty of partners to satisfy your needs.”

“You...won’t get away with this…”

“Still barking, if you want to stop me, all you have to do is...not cum!” With a push of a button the milking machine whirred to life and Sajin was hit with a powerful suction.

Komamura tossed his head back and he howled, cumming hard into the tube. His seed was sucked away and filled a specimen jar. “See that wasn’t so hard was it.”

Sajin’s head was spinning, he wasn’t used to pleasure, and the suction hit him so hard and fast. His cock pulsed as it was milked of a few extra spurts, he got sucked through his orgasm. Despite his powerful release he was still hard, no doubt because of the concoction.

“We must make haste, we have no time to waste!”

Mayuri flicked jelly bean-like devices at Sajin’s nipples, they connected and seemed to stick to his erect buds. “I’m told the male body has plenty of erogenous zones to exploi...I mean make use of. Let’s see if it is true of you!” Using another device he began to activate the beans, which meant vibrating.

“Ohhhhh!” His pupils dilated as pleasure hit him like a truck.

He couldn’t help himself, his tongue hung from his mouth and he began to drool. Sajin came and came and came some more, the machine slurping his thick cum away and filling Mayuri’s specimen jars. “Come come man surely you can produce semen faster then that, I guess I’ll have to add another touch.”

Mayuri whipped out a vibrating wand and pressed it to Sajin’s balls. Not one for mercy he cranked the wand up to it’s highest setting. Sajin saw stars, his body overflowing from pleasure. He was so overstimulated at this point he was practically pissing cum.

In orgasm a soul reaper’s reiatsu was released, often adding stimulus to their partner or caressing the soul to form a bond. This was happening to Sajin as well, only for his bonds to absorb it.

His machines collected Komamura’s semen and analyzed his spiritual pressure. He had to sacrifice a few specimen jars, to understand his genetics, but it’d all be worth it. “Nemu, collect a guinea pig.” He used the data to synthesize a serum.

All this took hours with Komamura draining his balls every five minutes. The machines seemed to stop as Mayuri’s concoction ran its course. His poor dick slipped back in his sheath.

“Yes sir!”


Ichigo was on the run from Kenpachi Zaraki, he had gone to squad 11 to do some sparring, but he didn’t feel like dying! “Ichigo Kurosaki?”

“Huh?” He bumped into Nemu. “Do I know you?”

“Master Mayuri wants to speak to you.”

“Mayuri?” That name sounded familiar, then it hit him it was the name of the crazy guy Uryu had fought. As soon as he realized it was too late as Nemu caught him and knocked him out.

When Ichigo came to he was in a strange open room and without clothes. “What the hell is this?!” He blushed and covered himself.

“Ah shame, a sign of a lack of confidence in one’s self.” Mayuri’s voice came over a speaker system. “You won’t be needing that soon enough.”

“Who the hell are you, why are you doing this?”

“Such chatter, it’ll be faster to begin the experiment.” Mayuri pushed a button and a dart came flying out and it struck Ichigo pumping him full of the Sajin Serum.

Kurosaki’s body pulsed. “Gah!”

Komamura was in another room, observing all this happen. He was still strapped down but to add insult to injury he was also muzzled so he couldn’t warn the boy at all. ‘Kurosaki Ichigo...I am sorry...I...oh wow…’ He gulped, Ichigo had begun to change and he was positively ravishing. ‘This...is...oh...ohh!’

Despite the many orgasms his libido was singing at the sight of the sexy orangette. ‘He’s...he’s...he’s so lovely...he’s a fox!’

To be continued...Sajin’s First Mate!


Damion Andrew

I think I found a new favorite!