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Black Clover parody: Patreon Reward

AN: Patreon Wild Card thanks for this

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Magic Knight Exam

With their grimoires the boys began training and preparing for the magic knight exam. They did their chores, ate, trained, and even found time to fool around...some. Given their small living situation, at night there was only so much they can do. Asta was too loud, so the white haired boy focused on pleasing Yuno, sucking his dick, eating his ass, even some intercrural action going on.

If they wanted to get loud, they had to sneak off into the woods to find some alone time.

The months passed quickly and the exam was just around the corner. There was a sweet little goodbye party, with Father claiming Asta can come home if he doesn’t pass. Really showing the faith…

The two traveled by air over difficult terrains, Asta riding on Cloudy while Yuno using his wind magic to fly. They hunted for food, Clay was showing off his utility by changing into beasts depending on the prey. He became a gorrila to battle large beasts, a shark in the river to snatch up lots of fish for his master, even a boar to forage for delicious and safe mushrooms and something akin to a truffle. With Sunny’s help they cooked their food. “So yummy!”

At night, in order not to lose time, they had Clay take the lead. “I got this master!”

The earth guardian shifted into a massive elephant with a hollow inside. It was like he was what people from another world would call a bus. Asta and Yuno could ride inside him as Clay marched on. Sunny was lighting the way, while Cloudy was providing lookout.

They found it difficult to sleep, the excitement for the exam pumping through their veins. “Yuno…”

“Yeah…” The two were lying next to each other. Asta rolled over to look at him.

“Are you feeling sleepy yet?”

“Not really…” Asta reached over and took his hand.

“Wanna fool around?” He asked with a big Asta grin.

Yuno blushed. “You’re insatiable.” That wasn’t a no, as the wind user started getting naked. Asta cheered happily and started getting naked as well.

Even if they didn’t go all the way all the time, Asta made sure to keep Yuno loose on the daily, sometimes just using his fingers to stir up his insides. His hole had become lewd, already twitching and parting. “You’re so cute Yuno!”

“Dummy!” Yuno squirmed.

Asta lubed them up, before mounting Yuno. “You don’t need to hold back Yuno, its just us!” Thrust!

He couldn’t help himself, he tried to hold back his noises, but as Asta’s powerful thrusts shook him to his core Yuno found himself arching and crying out for more. “Ahh ahh ahh Asta ahhh ahh ahh so big...ahh ahh ahh so deep!”

Asta fucked him doggy style, allowing their balls to clap together, which sent Yuno’s cock bouncing and slapping his stomach. “I love hearing you moan for me, my Yuno, mine!” His thrusts increased, improving the friction between them.

Yuno shuddered. “Yours, Asta, forever!”

“Our balls are connecting and clapping together it feels so awesome!”

Yuno blushed. ‘Dummy!’

It was so different to fuck all out without worrying about getting caught. Even as their first orgasms washed over them, they pulled from their mana and ki to keep going, not wanting this to end. They fucked and fucked, the two working up a nice sweat. Asta was all over Yuno, covering his body with his own, letting Yuno feel all of his muscles press into his back.

They fucked side saddle, with Asta licking and sucking on Yuno’s nipple, while playing with the other, while fucking him. In missionary Yuno wrapped his long legs around Asta pulling him close, and they made out, Asta pumping Yuno with even more cum, and Yuno making a mess between their hard bodies.

They basked in the after glow, chests rising and falling, heat pouring off their skin. Asta was holding his hand, and the wind user gave it a comforting squeeze.

“We could use a bath…” He was covered in a mix of sweat and cum, the slightest shift caused semen to gush from his hole and run down his legs.

“Yeah, a bath sounds nice.” He had Clay craft a tub for them, inside. Cloudy filled it up with water, and Sunny warmed it. A natural hot spring in seconds.

“All set master!” The two sank in and enjoyed a nice warm bath and a cuddle. Asta washed Yuno’s back and hair, and he did the same.

After some intense fucking and a bath the two were finally able to get some sleep. Asta’s morning wood and sleep humping, waking Yuno up. He was kinda used to it now, without missing a beat he went down on Asta, licking and sucking his cock, giving his partner a nice wake up call.

Upon reaching the city, Yuno had to address the elephant in the room. “How are you gonna hide them?”

“Hehe!” Asta grinned. “Check this out!”

His grimoire glowed, and Sunny and Cloudy were able to dive into it. “Isn’t that cool!” Asta had to pick Clay up and put him inside.

“I’d say weird.”

Asta decided to keep what else he discovered about this. While in the book, his guardians were able to sense someone or something inside with them. Whoever it was, seemed trapped behind some kind of seal. Asta didn’t know how to break it, and whoever it was, was the source of his anti-magic so he wasn’t worried about it.

They explored the city a bit, before going to the exam cite. Their grimoires were scanned and processed and they were allowed entry.

Anti-birds were all over, gathering around those with weak magic power, so obviously Asta was being swarmed, and they were starring far away from Yuno. The other applicants saw the swarming birds around Asta and thought he was an easy win. Little did they know…

Yami had come down to investigate a powerful source of ki. He had expected to run into one of his old masters given the flow and might of it, but he wasn’t expecting a young lad. ‘This guy’s got some amazing ki!’

He didn’t go unnoticed either as Asta was able to detect him. ‘Whoa that guy is huge?’ He blinked. ‘Wait…’ As he looked at Yami’s face he got a vision of a younger looking boy. ‘Could he be…’

Asta ran towards him causing the anti birds to fly away from him in terror, all except one. “Could you be...Yami?”

The man took a drag on his cigarette. “Yeah, who are you shortstack?” He exhaled. “I doubt I have any rugrats, especially not ones as old as you.”

“That’s not it...well...I don’t know who my parents are...but that’s not the point!” Asta shook his head to focus. “I have a message for you, I need to tell you about Cloud!”

“So that’s it, you met old man Cloud...how is he?”

Asta frowned. “He’s dead…”

Yami’s eyes widened, in a flash he grabbed Asta by the face. “Asta!” Yuno gasped.

“So that’s it, I thought it was weird your ki flow was so great. Did you kill him and take his ki?” Yami had a bad habit of jumping to conclusions. Also only half listening to people.

“I would never...I mean it’s kinda my fault he died…” Asta wasn’t helping being too honest. Yami’s grip tightened on him.

“Then in honor of Old Man Cloud, I’m gonna crush you!”

“Wait...ow ow ow ow!”

“Stop!” Yuno snapped. “Asta was Mister Cloud’s student, he trained him, and when his time was up he gave Asta his ki, his final lesson.”

“That right…” He didn’t release his grip.

“Yes, I have a message from him, he came here looking for you.” He said through pained grunts.

“Then say it. If it’s true, then I’ll let you live, if I think you’re lying, I’ll kill you here and now.”

He lessened his grip, but didn’t let go. “I wanted to find you to bring you home, but that may not be in the cards. I hope you are doing well, putting your training to good use. Ichika is doing well, she’s grown to be a fine warrior. I wish I had been there more for you both, then maybe, things could have been different. Fate can be cruel and unkind, I pray the burden you carry can one day be lifted off your shoulders.”

Yami let Asta go, and the boy looked up to see tears running down Yami’s cheeks. “Captain Yami sir!” Finral called.

The large man wiped his face, putting on a brave face as two Black Bulls members approached. Finral and Gordon, the latter noticing a shift in Yami’s demeanor, he pointed it out, but spoke so softly no one heard him. “What are you doing here Captain?”

“Looking for a place to crap, let’s go!” It was a lie. Asta could see it in the man’s ki, the message effected him. He had honored master Cloud’s final request. While he relayed the message he didn’t know the context of everything.

Yami knew the message was real, no one in this land would know his sister’s name, or know how she was. ‘Damn it old man...so you’re really gone huh?’ Cloud had been his mother’s friend and his teacher for some time. When Cloud was around he didn’t have to worry about his father’s drunken fits. He was one of their countries mightiest warriors, so when there was trouble he often went to deal with it. Yami knew the man was old, and while no one lived forever, it was just hard to imagine he was gone. As if softening the blow, knowing his sister was alive and doing well lifted his spirits, and knowing his master believed in him until the end. ‘Goodbye master…’

He’d have to keep it together for the exam, but he’d have his eye on Asta.


The exam started as all the Captains of the Magic Knight Squads gathered.

Golden Dawn led by William Vangeance, Silver Eagles led by Nozel Silva, Blue Rose led by Charlotte Roselei, Crimson Lion led by Fuegoleon Vermillion, Green Mantis led by Jack the Ripper, Coral Peacock led by Dorothy Unsworth, Purple Orca led by Gueldre Poizot, Aqua Deer led by Rill Boismortier, and Black Bulls led by Yami Sukehiro.

“He’s a captain!”

“It makes sense…” Yuno sensed a lot of magic power coming from that guy. Asta could tell each of them were strong by their ki, even Rill who didn’t seem much older than them.

Purple Orca rang a bell as they heard the weird chain guy who attacked them was one of them.

William was leading the exam, using a spell he gives everyone a broom made out of wood. “Your first test will be a test of flight, pour your magic into the broom to fly.”

Magic Knights had to travel, so being able to fly/ride a broom was very important.

Yuno was able to do this effortlessly, no surprise given he was a wind magic user, flying was practically second nature to him as swimming.

“Excuse me!” Asta shouted.

“Umm yes?”

“If I can’t ride a broom, but have another way to fly will that be okay?” The captains (outside of Dorothy) looked at each other.

“Well broom riding is the simplest way of gauging your magic power, but I suppose.” Normally all one had to do was pour magic power into the broom and use it to lift them up, Yuno was practically showing off by surfing on the broom in the air.

“Okay!” Asta busted out his grimoire. “Cloudy let’s go!”

“Hi hi, yes master!” Cloudy manifested, shocking everyone.

‘That grimoire…’ William’s eyes narrowed.

‘That creature...it’s a ki guardian…’ Yami recognized it.

Asta got on Cloudy and the two took off into the air, soon Yuno and him were racing each other around the collessium.

“I’ve never seen magic power like that.” Fuegoleon commented.

“Is it magic power? I don’t sense anything from it or that boy.” Silva noticed.

“Peculiar.” Charlotte wondered.

The next test was attacking a stationary target with magic. “Let’s do this Cloudy!”

“Aye sir!” He surged up, turning a dark gray as he built up energy, a rumbling could be heard before. “Lightning Tempo!” Asta and Cloudy said and pow!

Lightning struck the target causing it to burst. Again no mana was sensed from him.

The next test was hitting a moving target. “Cloudy take a rest, Sunny I need you!” The two switched, Asta calling out his little ball of sunshine.

Sunny was able to chase down the moving target and blast it with fire. “Well not exactly what we were going for but he did hit the target.”

Yami couldn’t help but laugh. ‘Two guardians this kid’s something else.’

The other captains were confused as Asta seemingly used two different elemental natures.

The next trial was creating something with magic. Asta again changed out his guardians this time calling on Clay. He was a bit nervous with all these eyes on him. “Do you best little guy, you got this.”

“Okay master!” Clay mixed with the earth, shifting around before recreating a small model of their church back home. Asta’s eyes sparkled feeling so proud.

“That’s it?” Another applicant mocked him. “After your first two showings I expected something better Haha!”

Clay grumbled. “Did you blow your magic power on those other trials or is this one just too weak?”

“Hey, stop that Clay is great, he’s just a little shy and…” Suddenly the earth began to tremble.

“An Earthquake!?”

It was Clay, he decided to show up that jerk Sekke and managed to build up a grand castle of stone. “Mweh!” He stuck his tongue out at him and blue him a raspberry.

“Oh my!” Again no magic power was felt.

“How is he doing this?” If he was cheating, they’d have sensed outside magical assistance but nothing.

Only Yami knew what was going on. The guardians were able to tap into the world’s natural mana, one would need unique senses to tell the difference. A spirit, someone in touch with the natural mana of the world, or an elf might be able to tell the difference.

The next trial was a bit different, as the applicants had to pour their magic power into a seed to get it to grow. Asta tried everything, having Sunny give it sunshine, having Cloudy give it a nice shower, but nothing. ‘I don’t have magic power, so what can I do here…’ His ki reserves had actually increased with all the sex and food he had been having lately. ‘It should just be enough but what do I do, what should I call them?’ Asta sat down and began to think really hard on it.

“Five minutes left!”

“Aww crap!” Asta began to panic. Daisy? No… Lily? No that would be weird. Rosey? No… He couldn’t think of anything, but in the last final moments a mental image formed in his mind, warm and fluffy, a beautiful flurry of pink. ‘That’s it!’

He poured his ki into the seed, creating a new guardian. The seed bloomed and transformed into a massive Cherry Blossom Tree! “Happy Birthday Cherry!”

Cherry treated everyone to a rare sight, and gave Yami some nostalgic feels.

Rill blushed at the sight of the beautiful tree, feeling his inspiration growing.

Once the test was over Cherry appeared, they were about the size of a bonsai tree, and were like a little living tree, with a cute face. “Thanks Cherry!”

They bowed. “A pleasure Lord Asta!”

The final exam was a test of combat, which Fuegoleon took over the explanation for, he was really intense about it. ‘such a brute!’ Silva thought.

People were now a bit wary of Asta, seeing what he could do despite the lack of magic power. Sekke thought he could handle him given he believed his power was the ultimate offense and defense.

Here Asta showed off his “magic”. Using the Anti-Magic sword he easily cut through Sekke’s “perfect magic” and knocked his ass out.

Yuno also passed with flying colors, so it came time for the selection process. Yuno got a standing selection as all the captains wanted him, but he chose the Golden Dawn.

Next was Asta, and he got three votes. Crimson Lions, Aqua Deer, and Black Bulls! “Pick us, pick us!” Rill called waving his arms about.

“Show some decorum Rill, you’re a Magic Knight Captain!” Silva scolded.

“Oh sorry!” He blushed.

Asta didn’t know who to pick. When…

Wham Yami jumped into the arena, his magic power flaring. “You’re joining our squad, and I’m not taking no for an answer!”

“Yami!” Fuegoleon wanted to scold him, as this was completely inappropriate. He couldn’t just threaten applicant’s to join his squad.

“You pick someone else you die!”


“I’ve decided, I’m gonna join the Black Bulls!” Asta said with a smile. Fuegoleon was disappointed while Rill pouted.

“No fair!” The Aqua Deer Captain was so annoyed.

Yuno and Asta shared a look, they’d be going to different squads, but they would still be chasing the same dream.

To be continued...Meeting the Black Bulls

Petit Clover: Love Shack

“I now present to you, Clay’s ultra secret best transformation.” Clay shape shifted into a shack of some kind.

“What’s this supposed to be?” Asta grabbed Yuno and jumped into the shack, a do not disturb sign was hung out the door.


“YEAH YEAH YEAH AHH OHHH AHH OHH!” There was some impressive boot knocking going on behind those doors.

The noises alone seemed to paint a pretty erotic picture, as the sounds of sex grew louder and more intense, no one noticed when the time ran out. Even though no one could see inside the shack the heated moans, lustful grunts, and the sound of skin slapping skin had everyone imagining what was happening in their mind’s eye.

The two came out, both flushed, clothes disheveled and halfheartedly put back on. The two had a mighty glow about them that screamed they just had some rocking sex! “It’s a love shack see!”

Fuegoleon was having a nosebleed. “You might want to consider thicker walls.”


Yuno blushed. “Dummy!”



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