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Here we have part two of the saga about a man learning the truth about the Greek pantheon in way that would probably be sacrilegious a couple thousand years ago lol. 

“This isn't real.” Cole stated, vigorrously shaking his head and trying not to look at Hera, “This isn't real. I'm dreaming. Or I had too much to drink. Because this isn't real.”

“Are you done?” His unearthly companion asked, “Because it's quite real and you know it. Stupider mortals than you have accepted such facts.”

“All right. Maybe I just don't want it to be real because I don't want to die.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your husband. If you really are Hera then your husband is Zeus. And he's going to kill me. I can't exactly believe in you and not him.”

“As long as he doesn't know you'll be fine.” Hera assured him, “He may be jealous but he's not omnipotent.”

“Sure. Tell that to my charred corpse.” Cole sat down on the edge of his bed and rubbed his weary eyes, “Hang on, aren't you the jealous one in all the stories? Ever mythology class I've ever taken painted you as the—”

She cast him a withering glare and he wisely shut up. “Not all the stories are correct. In the future I suggest you ignore most of them. If you want to avoid my ire especially.”

“Got it.”

“Good. Now that we're on the same page . . . let's have sex.”

Cole blinked several times and stared at her uncomprehendingly, “You wanna have sex again? Right after we talked about not getting caught?”

“Of course. Don't lie and tell me you aren't interested anymore.”

“I'm—I'm—fuck it I am still interested.”

“I know you are.”

Tossing aside the pomegranate she'd been holding Hera approached him with a  confident saunter. He watched her with excitement and more than a little fear. It'd been easy to hate fuck her when she was just Arianna. Now that he was called upon to satisfy a literal goddess it was hard to tell if he'd be up for the task. Part of him wasn't even sure he'd be able to get an erection because of his nerves. As if she knew what was going through his head Hera stopped and flashed him a smile. She unfastened her toga a moment later and the pristine cloth sank to the floor in a heap around her bare feet. Choosing to leave her ivory shawl and glittering crown where they were she stood before him otherwise completely naked. Her wide, womanly hips swayed ever so slightly back and forth while her ample breasts gradually rose and fell in time with her measured breaths. Every inch of her beautifully tanned skin was within his reach, her stern but sultry features all but inviting him to do so. Almost as much as the curly brown tuft of hair above her slit forced his attention to the damp, plump outer lips of her sex. And with that same heavenly light illuminating her voluptuous form at all times it was near impossible for him to think about anything but her for long. Cole's dick was rock hard before he finished admiring her body.

“Now are you going to fuck me like you did before?” She asked, “Or did I pick the wrong man?”

Something about her tone immediately reminded him of the petulant woman she'd posed ass before revealing her true self. Feeling that familiar swell of anger and recognizing what she was doing Cole sat up as fast as he could. Suddenly his hands were on her waist and her back was pressed flat against the wall. Keeping her in place with a sudden, ferocious kiss he lifted her legs off the ground and slammed his cock into her pussy in two skillful movements. Hera's legs wrapped around him and she moaned passionately into his lips. A moment later her arms were draped across his shoulders while her fingers buried themselves in his hair. Much of her body trembled at the sudden and bold return of his manhood to her slit. Juices trickled out of her freshly penetrated cunt in earnest as her inner walls clamped down around his member. She pulled back to stare lustfully into his eyes and allow her gasping encouragement to be heard in earnest. Grinding against his prick as much as she was able to Hera nodded approvingly at Cole. Already the mad pulsing of his shaft inside her was bringing back the echoes of her recent climax. If he had an ounce of intelligence he would capitalize on that and make her cum harder than ever. Which was exactly what he intended but not before letting her know something she was certainly aware of by that point.

“You didn't pick the wrong man!” He growled.

“No I didn't!” She gasped.

Cole started thrusting as hard as he could manage and the noisy thumping of their bodies quickly filled the room. Knowing who she was and what she was capable of meant there was no reason to hold back for fear of hurting her. He could well and truly lose himself in his lust without care. That notion sat in the back of his head as a constant reminder while he pounded away at her wonderfully tight pussy. It felt somehow even tighter than before but there was no telling if it was his imagination. What certainly wasn't just a figment of his overactive mind was the way she squirmed and moaned while he fucked her. It might have been centuries since the last time she slept with her husband but it'd been more than a thousand years since she fucked a mortal without some kind of disguise. Being her true self as his hips wildly gyrated back and forth was unquestionably more enjoyable than masquerading as Arianna or any of the other dozen women she'd pretended to be. There was something intimate about it that meshed perfectly with the infidelity that turned her on so much. As if every thrust was a testament to how little Zeus had satisfied her in recent memory and how effortlessly her new partner managed it. Perhaps if he continued to prove himself she just might allow him to father a demigod or two. Nobody could say she wasn't owed a few of her own bastard children after all the ones her husband had sired.

The mere thought of having a mortal man's child made her tremble so violently for a moment she appeared to be having a seizure. The resulting tightness flickering through her muscles forced Cole to pause for a split second. He'd never experienced the kind of pleasure suddenly gripping his cock and echoing into his body. Regardless of how badly he wanted to go that sudden burst stopped him dead in his tracks. Had it lasted a few seconds longer he'd have cum before either of them knew it. Thankfully for him and Hera's gradually solidifying plans the moment passed and he resumed his animalistic pace once more. There was more incentive than ever to let loose when one of her hands left his head to find her bouncing tits. She squeezed her nipple between her thumb and forefinger until little streaks of milk squirted out. He started ever so slightly as it splashed across his chest but otherwise didn't betray his surprise. Or so he thought. There was no hiding the sudden manic throbbing of his cock the moment she began lactating.

With a delighted grin Hera pulled her hand away from her breasts, dragging her milk covered fingers over his cheek until they were resting against his mouth. She fully intended to tease him with the prospect of tasting one of her womanly charms. But she rather dramatically underestimated just how turned on he was. In addition to his manhood going even more rigid inside her cunt, to such a degree it felt like a rod of pure steel gliding in and out of her, he let her tempting fingers remain unattended for less than a second before pouncing. Like a beast leaping on it's prey his head jerked to the side and his lips closed around her digits in an instance. Suddenly he was sucking every last drop of breast milk from her hand and she was the one caught off balance. Another full body shiver coursed through her but strangely it wasn't echoing out from her slit as she expected. Rather it came from the very fingers he was licking clean to reverberate all the way to every other extremity. More milk dribbled from her heaving bosom and her cunt tightened around him once again. She felt her toes instinctively begin to curl and much of her legs start to tremble. Somehow he was pushing her towards the precipice of another climax even faster than before and she almost couldn't believe it. If he hadn't already proved himself once before she might have even brushed it off as the natural reaction after centuries without a proper release.

Since Hera was nothing if not giving, and because part of her wanted to see just how far she could push him, she decided to reward her lover with something he clearly wanted. She straightened as much as she was able and pulled her clean fingers from his mouth. For a moment he was left to stare hungrily at the source of his new favorite flavors. When her hands cupped her steadily lactating breasts to offer them willingly to him his jaw looked about ready to hit the floor. The ferocity of his thrusting slowed just a hair as he leaned down to taste her bounty properly. The moment his lips closed around her nipple Hera knew she'd made the right choice. And that she wouldn't last another minute. Suckling her tit like a starving man feasting on a banquet Cole swiftly made up for his momentary lapse in both power and speed. His hips moved with every scrap of strength he had in him while he eagerly drank down that amazingly sweet milk offered to him. Neither one of them paid any attention to or even really noticed the subtle crack in the wall formed by Hera's plump ass repeatedly smashing against it dozens of times a minute. Nor did they hear the disgruntled shouts coming from above, below, and on either side of the apartment as their fucking disturbed just about everyone in the building. They were far too absorbed in the pleasure of each other and their illicit affair to pay such meaningless distractions any heed. One of the few things to penetrate the cloud of ecstasy sitting over them was a growing need for air brought on by his refusal to stop sucking her nipple for a single moment. He probably could have fought his was past the aching in his lungs in favor of focusing on the pleasure in his cock but Cole's brain simply wouldn't allow for it. In a desperate act of self preservation he suddenly jerked away from her tit in a similar manner to how he'd first attached to it. Seizing the opportunity Hera attempted to change things up one last time before she could no longer control herself.

“Put me down!” She managed to say.

Cole did as he was bidden despite how difficult it was to stop himself, “What's the matter Goddess? Am I suddenly too much for you?”

Hera laughed and strutted past him, climbing onto the bed and resting on her hands and knees in the center of the mattress,” No,” She said as her ass and pussy sat in full view of his wide eyes, “I just love this position.”

Unable to disagree Cole quickly picked up where he'd left off, moving to the edge of the bed with his hands on her hips and his cock buried exactly where it belonged. That initial penetration after the handful of seconds it took to move was as close to perfection as Hera could imagine. Throwing her head back and arching her back she screamed in abject pleasure. Soon after her arms started to shake so badly it was hard to remain upright. She just barely managed more out of an instinctive sense of pride than anything else. No man, mortal or god, was going to make her lose that much control without some effort. After a few seconds of furious pounding in which her milky tits flopped madly beneath her and her calves bent backwards against her thighs she started to realize he was going to meet that standard and then some. Regardless of what else happened. As her hands curled into fists against the bed sheets her moans melted into breathy gasps and very undignified grunts. The composure and decorum she prided herself on was fading rapidly. His simply felt too good thrusting madly into her cunt and the sheer single mindedness of it was both impressive and flattering. It was hard to recall a time she'd felt like the center of someone's universe. Of course at the rate he was fucking her it was hard to recall much of anything through the haze of pleasure clouding her every sense.

Seeing how she was reacting and more importantly feeling it was boosting his ego to heights normally reserved for the mythological figures Hera was associated with. It pushed him to do something he never would have done to a woman without at least asking first. Keeping one hand on her hips he reached out with the other to grab a thick handful of her curly brown hair. Grasping her crown at the same time he none too gently yanked her head back until her vision was nothing but ceiling. Luckily for him that kind of roughness was exactly what she wanted to feel while he was so effectively making up for her bout of celibacy. The second he started her body reacted with the kind of involuntary shiver even a god couldn't fake. She moaned approvingly at his initiative and even pushed back against his hips to further drive home her pleasure. An increased trickle of fluids seeped from her cunt as another uncontrollable reaction. He couldn't see it but the milk dripping from her tits increased as well. Best of all her very vocal response to his actions further reinforced the manic speeds he was moving at. In no time at all the pleasure that was rising inside her was ready to crest and bring her sanity crashing down along with it. At first she tried to resist the feelings to prolong the inevitable just a bit more. Her plan might have worked if she'd been able to communicate her idea with him in any form or fashion. 'Sadly' the unending shaking of her body plus the rapid tightening of her cunt had the exact opposite effect on her partner. Soon she had no other choice but accept the lot she was given and sink fully into the tumultuous ocean of ecstasy already consuming her.

“That's it!” Hera squealed.

Her arms gave out the moment those words left her lips. As she collapsed against the bed tremors wracked her entire body in a cascading wave. She screamed into the bed sheets for several piercing seconds until the rising pleasure reached it's zenith. Biting down on the sheets she groaned like a pack animal while her eyes rolled back in her head. The wild pulsing of her cunt around his cock encouraged him just as much as it always had and Cole slammed into her as if it was his last night on earth. Which it very well could have been for all he knew. That momentary flash of reality slipping through his mind in connection with the woman he was fucking being almost entirely responsible for his fears lit a fire underneath him. His hold on her waist tightened and he started pulling her onto his dick every time he thrusted inside her. Suddenly Hera was feeling his cock reach deeper than she though possible, even brushing up against her cervix for momentary bursts of added bliss. Like her self control she felt her voice simply fade away and sheer instinctual lust take over. If her body was ruled by her urges since she picked him there was nothing left but the need to fuck, cum, and repeat the whole process left inside her. Without the very deliberate yet still spasmodic way she moved against him her reaction could have passed for some kind of stroke or fit. Not that he would have much cared in the heat of the moment. So long as her pussy remained tighter than he dreamed of and her warm, sweet smelling juices cascaded down his waist it would never matter.

Yet in the end that heedless abandon would be his undoing. Once again the incredible sensation of her slit wrapped around his dick was more than he could take. But rather than slowing his furious thrusting or downright stopping it altogether it pushed him to the very limits of what he could do. His own climax was approaching almost as fast as Hera's was overcoming her and they both knew it. Or at least their subconscious' did, the rest of them was far too engrossed in the other person's body to have such complicated thoughts. For her it was the still remarkable and unrelenting motion of his dick pounding away at all times. She hadn't properly registered it until the beginning of her climax but their position in conjunction with his movements made his weighty balls slap wetly against her clit every single time he buried himself inside her. And when he took complete control and started hitting her cervix that threefold barrage was the very definition of heavenly. For him the unspoken but unmistakable submission in her pleasure was almost as gratifying as the sex itself. It would last past her orgasm and the matter was hardly solved but in the heat of things knowing he had so utterly dominated a Goddess even for a single moment was incredible. Every drop that leaked out of her slit, every quiver of her muscles, every ragged breath she tried to take was a reminder of his accomplishment, Not to mention the damage done to his wall and the stains all but caked into the sheets underneath them.

“I'm cumming!” He shouted.


He might not have heard her encouragement but he certainly felt the telltale shiver surge through her body at the prospect of more cum. More than happy to oblige her need Cole thrusted away for several more seconds until he was right at the brink. The moment before he came the whole of his shaft glided into her cunt so deep it was pressed against the entrance to her womb. Hera found her voice for a single moan to cry out his name before that warm explosion of cum stifled her once more. Though his initial spurt was diminished from the earlier tryst it was hardly noticeable and with it gushing as deep as it possibly could inside her it wasn't the least bit important. Already she could feel his cum rushing into her belly, into a place no mortal seed had ever been. More quickly joined that initial burst as every throb of his manhood sent another gooey streak to join the first. In the span of fifteen seconds he was left completely drained while she was left filled to the brim with jizz. It felt as though her entire womb was overflowing with his cum. When he started to pull out she realized just how true that perception was. Like a cork being pulled from a bottle the moment his dick vanished semen started oozing from her overflowing cervix. Following his gradual exit much of his spunk was pushed along even faster by the continued quivering of her inner walls. Having her womb basted in another man's seed was more arousing than she'd hoped. The very same moment his cock finally emerged from her slit a thick glob of cum dripped out as well. Cole released his hold on her before it could drip too far and when she sank to the bed it started bubbling out in earnest. If anything the sudden impact of her body against the mattress made it squirt out even faster.

“I'm done . . .” He panted, “I can't . . . I can't handle anything else tonight . . .”

Hera couldn't respond in time, barely managing to lift her head at the same moment he slumped onto the bed next to her, “Then rest,” She murmured in a hoarse tone. She probably could have magically coaxed him into another session, perhaps even given him enough stamina to last the rest of the night. But there was plenty of time for such enhancements later. For now the impressiveness of him satisfying her with nothing but his own mortal capabilities didn't need to be diminished. “You've earned that too.” 

The next morning Cole returned to work with a spring in his step. After the revelations he'd been treated to it was nice to return to something mundane and familiar. He sat down in the same cubicle he'd worked at for years, turned on his computer, and started working. But halfway through typing up the reports he'd due at the end of the month he noticed something out of sorts. A sizeable amount of his coworkers were gathered around the far side of the floor near the boss' office. More people were joining the crowd every second he stared. Before long he felt compelled to see what the fuss was about, if only to satisfy his curiosity. The last time everyone had bunched up like that was when the old CEO of the company was on the news for a sex scandal. And as poorly as it might reflect on him he quietly hoped it would be something just as entertaining.

“What's going on Paula?” He asked upon spotting the receptionist.

“We're supposed to meet the new boss!” She said in a hushed whisper.

“New boss? What happened to Gary?”

“I heard he went crazy.”

“I heard he just up and quite.” One of the accountants said.

“I heard he was struck by lightning.” The head of human resources added.

“Yeah I don't think any of that happened,” Cole laughed, “But I definitely don't think he was hit by lightning. There wasn't even a storm last nigh.”

“That's just what I heard. You know how rumors—”

Whatever else he wanted to say was cut short when the double doors suddenly swung open and their new boss emerged. Looking like a model straight out of high end fashion shoot he was dressed in an immaculate black three piece suit trimmed with gold. He towered above everyone present by at least a head and possessed an almost tangible aura of command. But even more striking that his clothing was the wild mane of stark white hair and matching beard that framed his strong features. Both looked like something out of a fantasy movie yet they didn't look out of place at all. If anything his piercing sky blue eyes, prominent nose, and stern mouth matched exceptionally well. After a few seconds of looking at his employees and them looking at him he cracked a smile that was more intimidating than reassuring. Holding his arms out wide he spoke in a voice that demanded the office's attention, even when he already had it.

“Hello everyone! It's a pleasure to meet you all, I wish it could be under better circumstances!” He looked past the crowd to stare directly at Cole with a stare that could wilt flowers, “I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you in the coming days!”

Suddenly realizing just how much trouble he was in Cole tried to swallow past the lump in his throat and quietly exclaimed, “Oh shit.”

“What is it Cole?”

“I'm a dead man.”


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