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I really don't have any excuse for why this took so long. My family is crazy and I should really be better at handling them by now lol. Dumb, real life drama aside I think this story turned out pretty well. I don't usually 'ship' non canon couples but Bowser and Peach has always been an exception to that. I hope you guys enjoy a bit of romance between these two iconic characters (this one's also a bit more extreme than my usual fare, just a heads up)!

Princess Peach smiled as she stood atop the highest tower of her castle and looked over her peaceful country. Everything was right in the Mushroom Kingdom and she couldn't help but bask in the serenity stretched out before her. No doubt many of her subjects were asking themselves at what cost that peace had been bought. Most likely while trying to reach some kind of understanding with the similarly confused Goombas and Koopa Troopers now living beside them. But they were all of them missing one key bit of knowledge. The big secret behind all the supposed kidnappings and betrayal at the heart of her relationship with Bowser. Peach's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar rumbling and the equally booming complaints of her secret lover. She turned towards the stairs in time to see a frustrated gout of fire burst from the tunnel below. Soon after the Koopa King himself wriggled into view, his hulking frame barely fitting through the opening never intended to house such a large creature. Like always Princess Peach greeted him with a smile and did her best not to laugh at his antics. Her efforts were moderately successful, even if the grumpy look on his face as he approached caused her to audibly giggle.

“Trouble with the stairs my love?”

“How can a kingdom be so large and so tiny at the same time?” He growled.

“I'll have the doorways widened for you.”

“And the stairs too.”

“Of course.”

For a few seconds Bowser looked over the lands surrounding the castle before turning his attention towards Peach. He reached out as gently as he was able with one massive, clawed hand to hold both of hers, “I missed you.”

Her heart fluttered at his words and her stomach did a small flip, being able to hear and say such things in her own home was a pleasure she never thought they'd have, “I missed you too.” Rising to the tips of her toes she kissed him on the jaw, “How long before you have to go?”

“A few days.”

“Then we have plenty of time to spend together.”

“We do.”

Peach smiled at him and turned away, she already recognized the look in his eyes and it was exactly what she'd hoped to inspire. Approaching the edge of the tower and resting her hands on the stone she let out a small sigh. Her lips curled into a smile as Bower's heavy footfalls approached and she felt him loom over her. His scaly fingers slid around her waist to envelop most of her upper and lower body with ease. She let out a small gasp as his talons brushed against her chest in a tender manner nobody but Peach knew he was capable of. A hot gust of air buffeted her and nearly knocked her cute little crown from her head. It was caught with a small giggle as she leaned into his probing digits and widened her stance. Taking the hint Bowser lowered her face to press his cheek against hers while sliding a finger between her newly opened thighs. He curled back between her legs until his claw was pressing against his lower back and the entire length of his digit was simultaneously pushed against her sex and nestled between her buttocks. It also lifted her dress more than a foot to reveal quite a bit of her soft, alabaster calves.

Immediately pleasure started to fill her body despite the several layers of clothes actually separating his touch from her more sensitive areas. Peach moaned and braced herself against his thick arms as he started to move his finger. At first it began with a simple pushing motion, each cycle lifting her off the ground an inch or so before gently lower he back down again. The pressure of his digit against her slit as she quite literally straddled him was nothing short of intense. Like always. And with his free hand around her waist she had no fear of tipping over the side like she had in the past. Soon enough he was sliding his finger back and forth while still lifting her off the ground every few seconds. Feeling his talon dragging across her clothes as it slipped between her buttocks made Peach want to scream in the best way possible. Although it would utterly ruin her dress a very large part of her wanted him to stop the teasing and rip right through her clothes to touch her naked body properly. Of course he was very much aware of that desire and he took enormous pleasure in denying her. So much so he actually started pushing her trembling body down against his finger as it pushed up, resulting in a veritable explosion of pleasure and her panties were pushed deep into her wet inner folds. Unable to stop herself she started to grind against his firm digit in quick, jerky movements. Sometimes the synced up with Bowser's and other times they were completely at odds but regardless of what happened the result was the same: an increasingly large stain spreading across not only her underwear but the inner lining of her dress as well.

“Harder . . .” Peach moaned “Harder darling!”

Always surprised by how rough and kinky she really was Bowser chuckled and nodded. Knowing how much it would make her squirm he slowly ran his tongue along her cheek, starting just beneath her jawline and running all the way to her temple. Sure enough Peach cried out louder than ever the moment he made contact. By the time he pulled away she was shuddering so hard her legs couldn't hold her upright. Fortunately his strong hands remained locked between her legs and around her waist to support her. Since he could move his finger much harder without possibly hurting her Bowser instead decided to unwittingly do exactly what she wanted. Momentarily releasing his hold on her waist he dragged his claws across the front of her dress just lightly enough to tear the soft pink fabric to shreds without hurting Peach in the process. She gasped as her perky tits were suddenly revealed beneath the tattered cloth. Her skin erupted in goosebumps and little droplets of milk seeped out of her stiff nipples. The moment his hand returned to her waist she grabbed onto it for dear life. Considering how much practice they'd enjoyed over the years it was no surprise he was able to continue pushing against her ass and pussy while at the same time slide a finger along her freshly bared chest to tease her incredibly sensitive breasts. Considering the size of his individual digits he wasn't able to do much more than rub her tits in a simple up and down motion. But something about the scaled texture combined with the feeling of utter helplessness she always felt when he held her that way made the whole thing utterly amazing.

“I want you.” Bowser growled into her ear.

“Then what are you waiting for?!” Peach moaned back.

Turning her head to look at him she plated a kiss on his nose and stared longingly into his eyes. At that moment in time there was nothing she wanted more than his cock inside her. Little did she knew he wasn't done teasing her yet. Like he'd done so many times before Bower grinned deviously at his love and set her back upon the ground. For a split second she was able to look over her shoulder and see his thick red cock emerging from between his scales. Her vision was quickly redirected when he unceremoniously ripped the rest of her gown apart with two quick movements. Everything except her white gloves and matching stockings was torn away in the blink of an eye. As she stared down at her naked body amidst the tattered remains of her dress Peach could only smile and moan in pleasure. The amount of money she spent on clothing had increased exponentially since their relationship started but it was worth every single coin and more. 

She spun on her heels to face him and immediately placed her hands upon his turgid cock. Somehow despite the size of it his member always managed to point skyward in a remarkably powerful way. At it's base Bowser's tapered dick was bigger than one of her thighs while at the tip it was barely wider than two of her fingers. The gradually widening alone was enough to make her pussy tingle and sent rivulets of arousal gliding down her thighs. Quickly taking one hand off his prick while the other started to rub it she ran her fingers through the overgrown thicket of curly blonde hair atop her slit before pushing two digits into her waiting slit. Her body was more than prepared for him but she always liked to take a little time and play with herself before riding his shaft. If only to see the eager look on his face as his nose picked up the many subtle and not so subtle smells of her arousal. She watched his nostrils flare and his eyes widen as he drank in the smell. Big, gooey dollops of precum started oozing from the head of his shaft and Peach locked eyes with Bowser as she scooped up a small handful. Bringing it to her mouth she visibly shuddered at the unique taste of his seed. She probably would've knelt down and sucked it straight from his dick if his hands hadn't jumped to her body almost immediately after she was finished. With a wild grin she smile down at him as he effortlessly lifted her off the floor. But her enthusiasm was quickly tinged with uncertainty when he continued to raise her well past what would be necessary for him to slide his dick inside her pussy. 

“What are you plan—ahhhhhhh!”

Bowser lifted her above his head, lowered her a few inches, and plunged his tongue into her ass. It's long, slimy girth slid into her hole so fast Peach's mind couldn't quite keep up. Her body was more than able to follow the familiar but amazing sensation though and she continued to cry out long after he stopped pushing it inside. As her eyes rolled back in her head and much of her body started to tremble she felt his tongue writhe and squirm within her asshole. It swirled around her inner walls and rubbed against every spot that made her quiver. Waves of pleasure coursed through her while she struggled to keep her legs open so he could continue. But try as she might her thighs simply refused to listen and the many spasmodic, toe curling bursts of ecstasy gradually forced them closed. Were it not for Bower's large head buried between them she almost certainly would've pushed his tongue out of her ass just from contractions and contortions alone. Thankfully he was more than familiar with how her body reacted to his ministrations and he'd prepared accordingly. By pressing his nose against her sopping cunt and continuing his assault on her ass regardless of how she reacted. Even as her knuckles turned white gripping his fingers and her toes curled so tightly many of them nosily cracked. If anything the constant affirmation that she was enjoying herself encouraged him to keep going. Sometimes he'd shake things up by lifting her off of his tongue before lowering her back down again while pushing forward. Other times he pull back just far enough to also give her pussy some attention, albeit only for a brief moment or two.

But whatever he did there was no pretending it wasn't exactly what Peach needed. Nobody knew how high her sex drive really was and to her credit she did manage to hide it fairly well. But in Bowser she'd found a kindred spirit, in many ways beside sexual, both in libido and enthusiasm. Just looking down at his half closed eyes as he furiously tongued her asshole was enough of a confirmation that he was enjoying himself just as much as she was. Possibly even more, if past experience was anything to go off. Unbeknownst to her his efforts weren't solely for the purpose of pleasure, at least not the kind she was feeling at the moment. He was also preparing her for something even more fun by lathering her inner walls in saliva and getting her ass good and ready. It was well trained by this point in their relationship but their time apart certainly impacted her experience somewhat. That was abundantly clear from how amazingly tight her hole was around his tongue. There was no telling how his significantly larger dick would fare when the time came to bury inside her instead.

“I'm going to cum!” Peach moaned, “I'm going to cum! Ohhhhhhhhhh I'M GOING TO CUM!”

Her voice rang out like a thunder clap and Bowser smiled. Correctly guessing that she was warning him because she didn't want her first orgasm with him to be one without his cock he wasted no time pulling his tongue free and setting her back on the floor. Peach immediately staggered towards the edge where she half braced herself and half slumped against the wall, her legs shaking and a fountain of juices gushing out of her pussy. Her back was conveniently turned to her lover and he swiftly capitalized on her position. Lumbering forward and holding her waist with one hand he tenderly spread open her buttocks with the other and guided his cock towards her slightly gaped but still somehow perfectly cute little asshole. The moment it touched her outer ring Peach tensed and cried out his name. Not for any kind of fear but as a wild, passionate burst of encouragement. As far as she was concerned any part of her body was fair game when they made love and he certainly knew that. For the first second or two the mess that his tongue had wrought allowed her to effortlessly take his cock and feel nothing but a constant surge of pleasure. But eventually his girth started to become more apparent and she was struck by the usual sensation of tightness as her body attempted to adjust. Paradoxically pushing outwards as hard as she was able Peach took long, ragged breaths and buried her head in her arms. She slid her feet as far apart as they could comfortably move and just soaked in the feeling of his ever widening shaft as it steadily glided into her ass. Although it'd been delayed somewhat by the brief interruption of their lovemaking her orgasm was already beginning to rear it's head as she felt him reach the halfway point and her asshole was now opened so wide she could fit both her fists in there. And naturally Bowser had no intention to nor showed any signs of slowing down.

Regardless of what Bowser intended Peach's body seemed all but determined to stymie him one way or another. If it wasn't the basic physical limitations of stuffing his massive shaft inside her ass then a good old fashioned, toe curling orgasm would do the trick. All the pent up lust she'd felt in his absence was coming back in big way as everything that'd built up suddenly reached a peak. For a split second she was frozen like a statue on the precipice of something amazing. In the next moment she was sent careening over the edge by Bowser's rigid shaft attempting to slide deeper inside her. Crashing waves of pure carnal bliss hit her one after another while juices exploded out of her relatively untouched pussy in thick, gooey streams. She cried out his name over and over again, the only thing her mouth was capable of doing when it wasn't sitting open in slack jawed amazement. Nearly a minute passed in quivering, ecstasy laden pleasure with almost everything else in the world simply fading from existence in the process. At the height of her orgasm peach barely even felt her partner's cock outside of it being the source of her enjoyment. She certainly didn't feel the base slapping against her trembling ass until well after he started pulling back.  And by that point his movements were prolonging her climax so it was hardly something she could think clearly about. The knowledge that he knew exactly how to fuck her in a way that would leave her the right kind of sore for weeks was more than enough to queel any rational thoughts on the matter. Like he so often did Bowser took advantage of her distraction to push the rest of his dick inside her ass in one quick thrust, partly to enjoy every inch of her inner walls clamping down around him and partly to allow him to start moving.

Yet no matter how many times they were together the sheer difference in size, strength, and biology between Bowser and Peach always prevented him from going truly wild. She could ride him to her heart's content but he was never able to pound away at her like both of them really wanted. It was a thought that remained in the back of his mind at all times, one well worth bearing, even as he started thrusting with gentle but firm strokes. More than half of his cock retreated from her ass before he pushed it back in a bit faster. As Peach's soft, jiggling bubble butt ricocheted of his scaled she let out a delighted cry. Her hips slowly grinded against him in a circular motion while she basked in the pleasure of him being inside her. For good measure she called out his name and cast him a seductive look over her shoulder. Immediately she felt his cock swell and the edges of her already strained ass expand just a little bit farther. Gasping and turned away before he grew so large he split her in half she smiled out at the serene world beyond. It was kind of amazing how different everything looked when she had a dick the size of her leg stuffed so far inside her it felt as though he was pushing into her stomach. As he built into a steady rhythm she was left to wonder just how long he'd be able to last. She was already impressed he hadn't cum when she did, most of the time feeling her body squirming around his dick was enough to make his blow his load all over, inside of, and around her. But as the world's foremost expert on Bowser's cock she could say for certain he was getting closer. The almost frantic pace at which his member throbbed along with his increased and labored breathing was a dead giveaway. So was the subtle increase in speed that sent his shaft sliding in and out of her as fast as both of them were comfortable going within a minute or two of him starting in earnest.

To her continuing surprise Peach's hunch was proven wrong for nearly five minutes as Bowser steadily fucked the sense out of her. Even after her orgasm had faded and she was able to think somewhat clearly his uninterrupted movements kept her right on the edge of cock drunk insanity. Which was exactly where she wanted and loved to be whenever they were together. Of course no matter how remarkable his stamina was at the end of the day he was a mortal creature and there was simply no standing up to the insurmountable delight that was Peach's ass. When the time finally came for him to enjoy his own climax Bowser announced it a suitably over the top fashion. Throwing his head back and releasing a gout of flame into the sky he thrusted as fast and as hard as he was able to without hurting her. Peach whimpered and moaned as he pounded her sensitive body, her face lighting up in a rapturous smile. When he finally pushed the full length of his shaft into her asshole and held it there she knew what would follow. Her pleasured gasp echoed far and wide as cum so thick and so copious it was almost unreal exploded into her body. In an instant her ass was filled and the tight seal formed by his dick forced all of it deeper and deeper. Like an extra perverted enema his spunk poured inside her until it reached her stomach where it immediately started to pool. She felt her belly swell while she was flooded by his jizz. It continued to grow and grow, rapidly going past a minor bump until she looked several months pregnant. She was pushed off the stone edifice she'd been leaning against by her ever expanding stomach until her body couldn't fit another drop. But her man wasn't finished pumping his seemingly endless loads inside of her. So his cum kept rising unabated while she panted faster and faster.

Tears blurred Peach's vision and she let out a long, watery belch. Out of some misguided attempt at propriety she covered her mouth with one hand, though did nothing to stop another burp from escaping her lips. As her eyes rolled back in her head the excessive amount of cum filling her belly started to rise into the back of her throat. She had just enough time for one last hiccup before it reached her mouth and there was nothing left to stop it. Part of her noticed one of Bowser's hands leave her waist to quickly pull most of her hair out of her face. But that was where her comprehension of the real world ended. Leaning over the side of the tower she puked an almost literal fountain of creamy white spunk, much of her body contracting and seizing as it gushed from her opened mouth. The pressure inside her inflated belly had grown so high in such a short amount of time her convulsing throat and stomach barely contributed to the rush of jizz erupting out of her. It plummeted to the ground below and no doubt showered the unfortunate Toadstool people nearby but neither Peach nor Bowser cared one bit. After the initial shower there was an all too brief moment of respite before another wave of unrelenting cum burst from her throat. Just as copious as the first heave it sprayed out of her at a speed and quantity that still managed to surprise her. Slowly but surely her vision faded into little pinpricks of light as her lungs cried out for air. All the while her trembling, sweat covered body shook so violently the only thing keeping her from collapsing entirely was her partner's grip on her slender body. And his still erect dick buried nearly to the hilt within her ass.

She continued to puke up cum long after Bowser had finished cum, the sheer volume of his climax resulting in nearly a solid minute of intermittent vomiting. Much like her own climax it continued to arrive in waves with only a scant few moments to try and gasp down a lungful of air in between. Her back would arch and she'd momentarily straighten only to hunch back over the edge and release another messy torrent of his fluids all over the side of the tower and the grounds below it. About the only thing keeping her from passing out like she had so many other times was the steadily decreasing amount of cum arriving with each heave. Little by little her belly started to shrink as she expelled nearly every drop of his seed until her stomach was almost back to it's usual, taut look. By the time her body was attempting to spit up the last few mouthfuls of his jizz she'd regained enough self control to put a hand over her mouth and swallow anything that came up. Peach absolutely wanted to keep some of his cum inside her as a perverted little souvenir. She always felt so dirty going about her royal duties knowing she had a womb or belly full of Bower's spunk. Although it was highly unlikely she'd be doing anything but recuperating after such a wonderful end to their prolonged time apart. That was her assumption right up until the moment he started pulling out. Feeling his thick shaft sliding out of her to leave a perverted, gaping ruin where her tight little ass had been was such an incredible turn on. She could only imagine how much he must have been enjoying the sight of her cavernous asshole winking and trying in vain to close after being so thoroughly wrecked by him. Few things made Bowser feel as powerful or as satisfied, his trepidation over causing such things long since vanished. 

With considerable effort Peach managed to turn around and face her lover. What little spunk that remained inside her ass dripped out at a steady rate, not unlike the juices perpetually trickling from her pussy. All in all she made for quite the seductively messy sight even without her stretched ass on display. And nobody was more aware of it than her. She grinned at him with cum and spit dripping from her chin and he moved in close. His hands returned to her body and she straddled his half erect dick. A very persuasive part of her wanted him to shove it into her pussy then and there. Sadly the higher thinking part of her brain prevented her from voicing that desire, thought it could do nothing to stop her from gently rubbing her slit against his shaft as it slowly retreated beneath his scales. Once it was fully gone she had a much easier time latching onto thoughts other than sex. Of course those ideas were never too far from the surface as long as she was naked and he was around.

“Should we make the announcement?” Peach asked, her gloved hand running along Bowser's jaw as she smiled up at him, “I'm sure our subjects will want to answers.”

“Let them wait,” Bowser grumbled, “I don't care what they want.”

“Is that right? What do you care about then my King?”

Looking away and releasing a small gust of flame as he huffed Bowser looked like a child being forced to say something by a parent, “You.”

Peach covered her mouth to avoid smiling too widely, although her blushing cheeks certainly revealed enough on their own, “I love you too.”

“Woah hang on! I never said anything about love!”

“Oh really?”

“Of course not! Villains don't love anything but victory!”

“Hmmm, then I guess all those times you 'kidnapped' me so we could be together were just . . . what?”

“Just for sex.” He said a bit too quickly and with an entirely unconvincing tone of false bravado.

“That makes sense. But wait . . . the last three times you kidnapped me we didn't have sex at all. In face I remember us having a picnic under the stars and—”

“Silence!” He roared, “What if a Lakitu hears you?”

“Oh no!” Peach laughed, “Then all your subjects would knew the fearsome Bowser loves is bride to be!”

“Exactly! Can you imagine what would happen?”

Rolling her eyes and standing on the tips of her toes Peach kissed Bowser's snout and said, “How about we announce our engagement at the festival next week. Would that be better?”

“I suppose so . . .” he muttered after a few seconds.

“Perfect. Until then . . . the new, reinforced and fire resistant bed I commissioned is supposed to arrive today. Should we test out the craftsmanship?”

Bowser's face lit up in an eager grin, “I'd love to.”

“Mmmmm so would I! But first . . .” Peach clasped her hands behind her back and moved in front of the stairs to block them, “I want to hear you say it.”

Lumbering towards her as menacingly as he could and rising to his full, impressive height Bowser stared down at Peach, “I could move you if I wanted.”

“Of course you could.”

“I could.”

“I know.”

“And I will.”

“No you won't.”

“Of course I will.”

“No you won't. Because you . . .”

“Because I . . . because I . . . love you . . .” He spoke the last two words as quietly as he could while looking furtively around for eavesdropping Lakitu, “There I said it!”

“I love you too,” Peach cooed, “Now let's see about that bed!”


Sophia Dearden

This was a fantastic story. As usual you write romance so very well and the cum puking at the end was my favorite part hands down. I see it so rarely in porn, so it was a delightful surprise here.


Great story man {^_^}


Thanks, something about the idea really spoke to me and I think that's when I do my best work.


I knew you'd like that bit at the end and there really was no way I couldn't include it when one of the kinks was 'excessive' cum lol