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Well this is quite a weird one. I won't say how or why but I definitely let myself run wild in more than one way. Fingers crossed y'all actually enjoy it, although I can understand why some might not. I also left the ending deliberately open because I feel this story could have a sequel very easily and at the time of completion I was much too frazzled to decide anything beyond that.

Oh and for those who might not be familiar here's a simple reference image for Stacy! 

Great plumes of steam billowed into the night sky, melting the snowflakes gently drifting down from the heaves and obscuring what few stars could be seen through the clouds above. Stacy watched the swirling currents with a dreamy sense of detachment as she lounged in the magically conjured hot spring she'd created a short distance from her secluded forest home. Casting the spell was always a taxing process thanks in no small part to the hard to read scrawls of the wizard from which she'd stolen the scroll from but it was worth it in the end. Being submerged up to her neck in a pool of sweet smelling water just hot enough to turn her skin red yet still cool enough to enjoy for hours on end overshadowed the momentary strain of complex spell casting. Especially now that she'd modified it to last a full twenty four hours instead of the twelve that'd previously limited. Perhaps some ways down the line she'd figured out how to make it a permanent fixture during the winter months but such thoughts were better left for less relaxing circumstances. At that moment in time she was much too calm and much too content to really think about anything as complex as spell crafting. That was swiftly changed when her quiet reverie was interrupted by one of shambling corpses she kept around as servants.

Shuffling towards her reeking of death and disease despite the scented oils it was submerged in when not in use the zombie attempted to hand her a large mug of chilled cider but it's ungainly movements and erratic spasms sent much of the drink sloshing over the side and into her hot spring. Scowling darkly at her slave Stacy couldn't help but wonder if keeping her enemies in a permanent state of undeath to serve her wasn't more of a hassle than it was worth. The pleasure of seeing a paladin that'd tried to kill her solely for practicing necromancy, a school of magic allowed within the kingdom of Trecia, had long ago lost it's charm. Now all she could think upon seeing the once mighty warrior's graceless corpse spilling her favorite drink was how much easier things would be with a proper, living minion. Too bad she'd tried that in the past and when they invariably raised objections to the insane experiments and demonic rituals she engaged in it always resulted in bloodshed. Usually with whatever passed for a local religious sect getting involved and running her out of town after she killed enough of their number to populate entire cloisters. Perhaps it was finally time to pore over one of her many spellbooks and find the recipe for some sort of golem. Or maybe a homunculus of some type. Every other witch she'd come across used one of the two.

Too bad following in the footsteps of other witches just felt so uninspired. Nearly everything she had was built off the backs of what others had done. Stacy wanted to forge her own path and find something that other people would mimic. Something that would leave jealous upstarts trying to steal from her the same way she stole from others. But as she lay there naked beneath the bubbling waters it was nearly impossible to think of something that hadn't already been done. Binding demons or extraplanar entities to service was as trite as casting fireballs. Mind control was all well and good but people had an annoying habit of resisting the total domination of their body. Soul trapping only worked if one had an expensive automaton to put the soul in or managed to be there upon death to keep it from leaving the original host. Otherwise she'd just have a large collection of inanimate yet vaguely haunted objects lying around her home. The more she thought about it the more fruitless her goals seemed and the deeper she sank into both the hot spring and a malaise of discontent. The relaxation she'd been feeling was all but gone and replaced with an annoyance rarely felt outside of the seven or eight times she'd been 'burned' at the stake. There had to be something she could try, something that nobody else had thought of or pulled off. Magic was too damn powerful to have been completely figured out after a few thousand years of study!

Finally dipping beneath the water after residing with only her eyes peering above the surface like an alligator for several seconds Stacy held herself in that calming limbo for quite some time. Since she had no need to breath while in that spring it was easy to float there suspended as she let her thoughts run wild. Many of her best epiphanies had arrived under similar circumstances and perhaps she could eke out yet another this time. Unfortunately her thoughts kept turning inexorably to the accomplishments of her friends. Aurora had been named a high priestess of her faith and well on her way to becoming a Saint. Gwen was the leader of a renowned guild of mercenaries quickly gaining renown on a continental level. Kandi had married a feeble minded prince and all but secured herself a tidy little kingdom to rule over. Mayumi was doing whatever the hell Mayumi did but it was obviously working if the mountains of gold she'd accrued was any indication. And Sarah had been bonded to a great beast in an sacrilegious marriage. Everyone seemed well on their way to the sort of fame that would leave—

And then it hit her as surely as a bolt of lighting. Inspired by Sarah's unholy, yet wholly approved by Stacy, union to a monster along with the children she'd bore to him the young witch knew exactly what she wanted to do. Her eyes flared open and she burst from beneath the water in a shower of steaming droplets. Eagerly climbing out of the spring she dismissively waved her hand at the zombie standing nearby. In a flash of eldritch light it disintegrated into ashes and the tortured soul trapped in the lifeless body emerged with a tortured scream. It rose into the heavens to vanish among the stars but Stacy paid it no mind at all. Instead she ran naked through the rising snowdrifts towards the unassuming little shack that was her home, each bounding step taking her closer to what would surely be the defining moment of her life. But the moment she crossed the threshold the interior expanded into a lavish mansion filled with all sorts of magical devices, unknowable secrets, and enough to keep even the mildly curious busy. She ran by all of it as she hurried through the halls towards her ritual chamber, hoping against hope she still had enough reagents left to accomplish her mission right away. Bursting into the circular room lined from floor to ceiling with magical sigils she uttered the keyword and from thin air appeared a shelf covered in everything from the head of a vampire to the bladder of mindflayer. Her desires were far more mundane than any of those magical items as she rummaged through everything looking for the collection of potion bottles in which she housed the essences of each sentient race.

“Come on!” She growled as the phials continued to prove elusive, “Come on, come on, come on, come on, come—YES!” From the very back of the container she pulled out a large chest containing seven large flasks that were supposed to be filled to the brim with seed. Her elation was short lived however as only three were still filled while the rest had been completely emptied, “Dammit!”

Dropping the chest to fold her arms she stared at the three filled vials with annoyed consideration. Her plans could probably work with only the extract of Human, Gnome, and Halfling but that just seemed so banal. If she really wanted to do it right she'd need the essence of Elves, Dwarves, Dragonkin, and Orcs. The more she thought about it the more certain she was that anything less would simply be a waste of time. But that meant not only putting her master plan on hold to gather the necessary reagents but also leaving the comfort of her magically created home to do so. Yet as annoying as that notion was the prospect that accompanied it was quite appealing. Indeed how could she not love the combining of her two favorite pastimes: wild, rutting sex and spitting in the face of the Gods? Almost the moment she thought about her plans in those terms the annoyances faded into an acceptable level while the pleasures leapt high above them. After barely a minute of consideration her mind was made up and a plan had already been formed. She'd go into town, employ the services of a travel mage, and visit every major city in Trecia! Of course before she could do any of that she'd have to prepare an appropriate vessel for housing the essence she collected. And pick out something to wear!

The former took no time at all as she had in her possession a magical basin about three feet across and two feet deep made for such a thing. She emptied the Human, Gnome, and Halfling bottles into it straight away and watched with no small amount of pleasure as the copious amounts of cum sloshed messily within the large bowl. Drinking in the pungent bouquet it formed in the air she fondly reminisced about the circumstances of each acquisition. Thanks to the magic of the bottles in which it'd been held the cum was just as fresh as if it'd been emptied only moments ago. Stacy couldn't help but dip a finger into the sordid mixture and slide it into her mouth for a quick taste. Instantly recognizing the unique flavors of each race she shivered a little as their warm seed fell upon her tongue. The urge to tip the basin backwards and pour it over herself was nearly overwhelming but she resisted for the sake of her plans. Barely. One complex incantation later and the bowl was tucked away in an alternate dimension ready to be summoned again when she needed it. One that would keep it's contents just as preserved as the bottles in which they'd been previously stored.

With that out of the way she went about the much harder task of deciding what it was she would wear while out. Assuming her task could be done in a single day she'd only need one outfit but deciding on that was quite a challenge. There were so many wonderful options in her expansive closet and all of them would work wonders in seducing the men she needed for her ritual. After trying on at least a dozen of them in quick succession she eventually settled on something of a classic. It was an outfit she'd worn countless times in the past and one that fit her so well it could be considered her signature look. Assuming being totally naked didn't qualify. All it took was a quick snap of her fingers and she was dressed. Less than five minutes later she had everything else she needed stored away either in that magical pocket dimension or in a deceptively expansive pouch resting on her hip. Soon after she was standing outside her home sealing away access to it's true nature while restoring the appearance of the boring little shack that most people took it to be. Following that her preparations were concluded and she made her way towards the backwater little trading post a few hours by foot away. Every time she had reason to visit there she wondered why she didn't put a recall point somewhere in town but lacking the materials to make a second one it seemed better to leave it outside her house. Even if the trip there was downright interminable.

But she eventually arrived without any trouble and just like all the other times she'd come into town every single person that saw her stopped what they were doing to stare. How could they not when petite, slender bodied witch dressed in outrageous clothes walked through town like she owned the place. Quite literally everything about her stood out even by the standards of other magic uses. She had the typical wide brimmed, three cornered hat associated with outlaw witches and it was even tilted at a jaunty angle. Her gown was a provocative backless garment with puffy sleeves that ran all the way down to her wrists. It was completely form fitting up until her hips where the sleek fabric flowed as freely as the wind thanks to a large slit cut up the side to reveal her long, tanned leg nearly up to her waist. A pair of wildly inappropriate for travel heels covered her feet and yet she seemed to have no trouble walking on the muddy road. Indeed none of her ensemble seemed the least bit affected by the dirt and grime that usually afflicted travelers, leaving her with a sleek, untarnished look that made her stand out all the more. As the did the shimmering royal purple color of her garb and the almost imperceptible yet undeniably shifting patterns that moved across the fabric itself.

But for all the uniqueness of her apparel it was the face and body beneath the townsfolk truly remembered. And not because they'd seen her naked on a dozen occasions. There was a certain sly confidence in her crystal blue eyes, one that spoke of her skill and her ego without so much as a single word being said. The heavy layer of eye shadow around them gave her a dusky look that was only enhanced by her smooth cocoa skin and the naturally plump contours of her often deep red lips. Add to that a pair of delicate and constantly arched eyebrows along with large earrings hanging from her small ears and she made for quite a strange sight. The angular and commanding shape of her features were thrown into further relief by the hairstyle she'd chosen. With the left side entirely shaved and the right falling down her life like an obsidian waterfall she had a unique look by nearly any measurement. Her body, though not as immediately unique, was just no less remarkable. Particularly her full his and rather appealingly plump thighs that didn't look at all out of place alongside her vastly more slender arms and small yet perky bust.

The villagers watched her with varying degrees of mistrust, awe, uncertainty, fear, and plain old lust as she sauntered into the abode of the local mage. Nobody could bring themselves to talk to her and when they saw that telltale flash of light that signaled her teleportation many breath a sigh of relief. Knowing she was hundreds if not thousands of miles away made everyone feel a little more relaxed. Even those who fancied her. Stacy was similarly glad to be away from that boring little burg and somewhere worth actually occupying, namely the capital city Nirca. There was no doubt in her mind she could find exactly what she was looking for with ease in that city but even if she couldn't there were so many others available for a few gold coins. She started her trek the moment she left the local mage hall, her head on a swivel for any interesting candidates. Since she was extracting the best facets of each race it hardly mattered where the source of the cum was acquired. In theory anyways but thanks to naught but vanity Stacy refused to even look in the direction of anyone not both attractive and accomplished. At least beyond a simple blacksmith, fletcher, or bard. This meant the bulk of those she passed were dismissed outright and her wandering inevitably took her towards the Guild Quarter where more talented men could be found.

Within a minute of reaching that section of the city she spotted a towering Orc warrior all muscle and scar tissue. Everything about him screamed battle hardened and she couldn't help but shiver a little just at the thought of what was hiding beneath his trousers. Standing outside the barracks for a local mercenary company he was dressed only in a pair of breeches as he sparred with another, much smaller Orc. His opponent had a wooden sword and shield in his hands while the man Stacy had decided to seduce was bare fisted. Despite that handicap he sound thrashed his foe in the minute it took for her to approach, much to the raucous delight of those watching. When he was finished grandstanding the Orc stepped aside so another pair could fight and she immediately approached him. Pushing her way through the other women that'd gathered to fawn over his impressive physique she stood before the towering fighter visibly shaking in excitement. Once he was finished wiping the sweat from his brow with a rag he noticed her and offered an inquisitive look.

“Well met warrior.” Stacy greeted in a breathy voice.

“Well met witch.” He replied.

Biting her lower lip and eyeing him up in a nakedly lustful way she asked, “When was the last time you fucked a human woman.”

“Never.” The Orc said in amusement.

“Would you like to change that?”

Looking her up and down for a moment while the girls behind Stacy broke into scandalous whispers the Orc eventually said, “I cannot.”

“Oh I assure you can.”

“I'm bonded to another. A female of my clan. I cannot betray her trust.”

“I see.” Knowing full well she wouldn't convince him otherwise Stacy nearly turned away before something she'd once read popped into her mind. “This bond you have? Was it war blessed?”

“it was not.” He said, a note of surprise in his voice.

“Then you're only forbidden from mating with other women right? You can still find pleasures of the flesh in . . . other ways.”

“That is true.”

Stacy smiled at him, her eyes sparkling in delight, and said, “Why don't we retire to your quarters and discuss it further?”

The next thing she knew she was kneeling on the floor of his room with her hat lying discarded near by and both of his meaty paws clutching her head. The biggest cock she'd ever personally interacted with was slamming in and out of her mouth like there was no tomorrow while the Orc it belonged to was groaning loud enough to wake the dead. Her own pleasured moans were barely audible over the sounds of his pleasure and the wild, ball slapping ferocity of his movements. The ungodly lewd sound of gurgling, choking, and slurping filled the air as her throat was violated over and over again what felt like a hundred times a second. Entirely unconcerned with her comfort he pounded her face as though it'd personally offended him. And Stacy loved every second of it. She loved the spit and precum oozing down her cheeks and she loved the feel of his balls smacking wetly against her chin hard enough to leave a mark. But even more than that she loved the feeling of his fat green dick sliding madly in and out of her body at a pace that could put all other men to shame. There was something so enormously pleasurable about being used like a piece of meat! Had she not been so focused on clawing at his muscled thighs in an effort to play up her supposed struggle she probably would've pleasured herself.

But in the interest of maintaining the image of a foolish human woman in over head, mainly because of how aroused it seemed to make her companion, she continued to facade throughout all his wild thrusting. She let her gag reflex send her into fits of sputtering convulsions as bile and saliva exploded from her mouth. She let her whole body shake as though she was only moments away from losing consciousness or even from outright dying. She let the juices soaking into her panties flow down her thighs and glide across her dress, unable to soak into the fabric. But more importantly than anything else when the time came she let him drain every last drop of cum he had within his balls inside her belly. He lasted a lot longer than she expected and while she wasn't complaining Stacy was a little annoyed that he didn't seem nearly as turned on as he should have. Sure his foot long dick was engorged enough to stretch her lips and throat to the breaking point but most men didn't last more than a couple minutes when fucking her face at the speed he was. Yet somehow the Orc warrior managed ten before he even began to betray any sort of weakness. That was more than enough time for her to enjoy two small yet delightful orgasms of her own just from having her mouth used like she was a cheap whore.

Around the second time she was gushing into her sodden panties Stacy felt his dick swell in a very telling manner. Her eyes were too busy rolling back in her head to look at him but if she had she would've seen the expression of a man not too far from orgasm. Instinctively assuming as much she tried to push him a little further along by weakly battering her hands against his thighs like she was trying to get him to stop. She even went as far as trying to pull her head away as if she couldn't take another moment of being fucked by him. It took a couple of seconds for this tactic to bear fruit but once it had he was absolutely ravishing her mouth and throat all while panting harder than when he was fighting earlier. The sheer, unbridled frenzy of his movements continued for another minute or so before finally reaching their peak only moments before he came. The moment of truth arrived amidst a flurry of brutal thrusts and loud groans. Suddenly shoving his entire cock into her gullet the Orc gritted his teeth and howled like a wolf.

For her own part Stacy moaned as loudly as she could, although her bulging neck and overstuffed mouth didn't allow much sound to escape. She basked in the feeling of his cum spraying into her stomach, each pulsing load sending a wave of pleasure through her body. Between the carnal delight of getting fucked and filled with jizz and the inherent satisfaction of being one step closer to her goal she couldn't even begin to describe how wonderful it all felt. The constant, madcap throbbing of his shaft as he emptied load after load inside her was a perfect accompaniment to it all. For maybe  twenty seconds an impressive amount of spunk was pushed inside her body. Although it wasn't too much for her to handle by the time he was finished she was so full it felt as though his semen was chasing the head of his cock when he finally withdrew it from her throat. Shaking and coughing as his dick emerged inch by inch from her mouth Stacy could only moan in utter delight at how easy that'd all been. She didn't even bother keeping up the facade and the Orc didn't seem to give a damn about it. Once his prick had slid free of her mouth he turned away with a grunt. He thanked her, tossed a towel on the ground in front of her, and then departed with another word. She continued to pant and shake for a few more seconds before pulling herself together and summoning the basin she'd tucked away. When that was done she set about retrieving the cum he'd so thoughtfully left in her guts.

Holding her hand out in front of her face with her palm opposite her mouth Stacy uttered a quick incantation and braced herself. A little gag heralded the spell's success followed overwhelmingly by the sensations that preceded vomiting. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes while her throat convulsed and her back arched. She could already feel something rising up from stomach in a shifting mass of fluids. But rather than bile emerging from her trembling lips or the half digested apple tart she'd stolen it was the voluminous amount of jizz that Orc warrior had emptied inside her that burst forth. And because she hadn't bothered to word her magical intonation properly that wasn't only place his spunk emerged from. Gagging and choking in the best possible way her eyes rolled back in her head while every inch of her body trembled as thick strands of semen were pulled not only from the depths of her throat but also both nostrils as well. Three thick spirals of creamy white jizz twisted from her mouth and nose like snakes to drift towards her outstretched hand all while Stacy shuddered in constant discomfort and pleasure.

Thanks to the spell she'd hand crafted for this process the latter was far, far more present and every drop that emerged from her gullet or nasal cavity was met with a wet, gurgling moan as she relished in her own depravity. Both the intensity of the act itself and the simple fact that it was a man's seed she was harvesting added a lovely undercurrent to the whole endeavor, After a minute of breathless squirming she'd removed all the cum from her body and it'd coalesced into a swirling mass above her hand. Still panting and gasping for air she turned her hand over and dropped it into the basin. It splashed into the mixture of Human, Gnome, and Halfling seed already present and the level rose a bit more. Not a single drop managed to leave the bowel however and once she was satisfied Stacy returned it to it's hiding place. Then she began the laborious process of standing up and leaving.

She stumbled out of the guild hall looking every bit like a woman that'd just been face fucked by a massive Orc. But as luck would have it that sloppy appearance only helped her quest. After staggering down the street in a daze she was stopped by a concerned Elf. Immediately recognizing his clothes as those belonging to an elite order of battle mages Stacy didn't waste any time expressing her desire to fuck him. At first he resisted, his concern outweighing his lust but it wasn't long before she tipped the scales in her favor and the two were in a dark alley. Bent over a forgotten crate with her dress hiked up and her legs splayed she moaned like a beast as his cock hammered her already gooey pussy. What he lacked in size and force the Elf more than made up for with technique and speed. Using all the inhuman grace and prowess afforded to him by the Gods he pumped in and out of her cunt so fast she couldn't even process many of the thrusts. By the time her mind was able to comprehend one of them several more had occurred and the overlapping pleasure that resulted from it was simply unreal. Compared to him the Orc might as well have been completely stationary when he was fucking her. It made for such a dramatic departure her libido didn't even know how to handle it. At first.

But as pressure continued to mount and her ecstasy surged ever higher there was little else her body could do except succumb. The first time she came it arrived so suddenly and so powerfully nearly every sense failed at once. Her vision went black, her ears were filled with a great ringing, her nose smelled only her own fluids, and her body felt only the unbelievable quickness of the Elf's dick/ Juices exploded out of her like water from a geyser and the insane pace of the man responsible all but ensured they were splashed all across both him and Stacy. As well as the alley around them and the walls flanking them. Jet after hot, creamy jet squirted from her overstimulated pussy while her body could only tremble as she slumped forward. All reason and logic had gone and in it's place was only the desire to keep being fucked. To be his cock sleeve until the end of time. After the build up of being mouth fucked by that Orc having her pussy satisfied was more gratifying than anything else in existence. Even when she finished cumming all over him the ecstasy she felt was such that she might as well have continued climaxing anyways. But another release arrived soon afterwards and she was reminded yet again what true ecstasy felt like. All while the Elf she'd met less than five minute prior slammed into her without restraint.

There was no telling how long the two of them remained in that alleyway making enough noise to alert the entire city. Time was a meaningless construct in the face of his blurry thrusts and the unbridled lust seizing both of their bodies It was only when he finally hit his limit and started to cum that Stacy had any inkling of what was going on. Outside of her own pleasure of course. Impressively the Elf didn't slow down one iota as he basted the walls of her cunt in fresh jizz. If anything he seemed to gain just a little bit more speed at the beginning of his orgasm. He drenched her pussy and womb in what felt like one continuous stream of spunk as, much like his quick as lighting movements, his seed emerged faster than she could react to. In what felt like an instant her slit went from being filled only by his dick to overflowing with Elf jizz. There was so much she almost didn't feel his prick anymore. It was just one of the many sources of stimulation wracking her body in such a complete fashion as to all blend together into one great ecstasy. Her voice couldn't even begin to express how wonderful it felt and no words could certainly do it justice. She was simply drowned in the unabashed pleasure of the moment without any thoughts beyond those paid to reveling in her own perversity. For as long as his cock remained inside her she was nothing but a fleshy receptacle for dick. A toy to be fucked and fucked and fucked until death.

Sadly there was no line of eager men waiting to take the place of the Elf and the moment he pulled out she was set on the disappointing path towards recovery. But thankfully it was still gradual enough that his words fell on deaf ears and any attempt he made to get through failed utterly. Stacy could only lay there with her perky ass on full display and her well fucked pussy winking in the dim light as cum inexplicably didn't leak out of her despite being visible in the depths of her gooey folds. Eventually the Elf stepped away, no doubt to find help for her or something equally noble. The moment he was gone the basin appeared behind Stacy's quivering body and a moment later the invisible force keeping all that semen inside her vanished. Like a cork being pulled from a bottle of champagne jizz erupted from her pussy in a massive, frothing spray. Once more she was moaning and gasping at the pleasure surging through her body as every last morsel of cum was evacuated from her hole. It gushed into the basin with unerring accuracy and not a single drop was spilled even as she shuddered so violently she nearly tumbled right off the crate she was draped across. It took a full thirty seconds for her to expel all the fluids he'd pumped inside her and although it was nothing short of exquisite by the time it was over Stacy had regained enough faculties to stand.

The basin vanished as she staggered out of the alley with her panties still pulled down her thighs and an expression of utter contentment spread across her face. Entirely unaware of her surroundings save the desire to find a Dwarf she encountered one an indeterminate amount of time later at a firing range. The crack of flintlock rifles and pistols going off did little to rouse her sanity and she practically tackled the first stout, bearded marksman she could find. He started to shout at and berate her only to fall silent as she clumsily pawed at his cock. It didn't take long for him to get the message and in front of everyone present Stacy mounted that Dwarf like it was the most natural thing in the world. The moment she'd persuaded him to lie flat on his back she stuffed his cock into her ass and started bouncing up and down it as fast as her trembling legs could manage. Those around watched in disbelief and confusion as the insane, half naked witch moaned and rubbed her pussy while taking a fat, Dwarven cock balls deep in her asshole. The fact that he was only about six inches long only made his impressive girth even more noticeable as her quivering walls were stretched open and her once tight ring was nearly broken by his length.

But she felt no pain at all, only the rising pleasure that was her sole purpose in life. Leaning back as far as she dared with both hands resting against his ankles Stacy bounced up and down his prick with her bare cunt exposed for everyone to see. Her nearly cross eyed smile demonstrated just how little concern she had for those watching and a crowd was rather quickly gathering to watch the show. Since such things weren't explicitly illegal even the nearby guards had arrived to witness the uncanny sight. Many of them were calling out to her but whatever it was they said didn't make it through the haze clouding her brain. About the only thing that did was the feeling of her partner's calloused hands grabbing her waist. Then it was the added pleasure of him thrusting upwards whenever she slid back down his throbbing dick. The added pleasure this brought couldn't be overstated and it wasn't long before she was messily squirting all over him while everyone present leaned back. Some even shielded their faces from the wild shower of pussy juice splashing every which way. Those that didn't were given a fine spray of Stacy's arousal with the Dwarf beneath her practically drowning in it!

This lasted all of five minutes before he couldn't take it any longer. Groaning loud enough to momentarily beat Stacy's moans he shoved his dick inside her asshole and unleashed a hot torrent of fresh cum. Much thicker and far hotter than the Elf and Orc semen she'd already enjoyed his load was intoxicating in it's uniqueness and had she not just climaxed she almost certainly would've done so as a result of that. His spunk felt almost molten hot inside her and while it didn't burn in a painful manner the heat still suffused her entire body and made her suddenly regret not taking him in her pussy instead of her ass. Holding her belly and gyrating atop him she milked out every last drop she could while moaning nonsensical encouragements to him. By the time he was finished her belly was even more full than it had been after her first partner of the day. He finished after a short while and Stacy didn't waste any time rising to her feet. She immediately stuffed most of her hand into her asshole in order to prevent any from leaking out while the other waved away those standing nearby. She'd quite forgotten to put any special enchantments on that part of her body and she didn't want to waste any of that precious seed because they didn't understand what was happening.

The spectators eventually parted and she shuffled away from them with her own fist buried in her hole and a suitably ungainly hobble resulting from it. Moving just far enough away to break their line of sight she summoned the basin in the middle of the street and squatted over it. Reaching down to slide fingers from both hands into her asshole Stacy pulled open her slightly gaped ring and pushed as hard as she could. A little trickle of cum leaked out and for a moment it seemed like she might have to resort to magic yet again. But just as she was about to do so some invisible barrier was breached and cum sprayed out of her body in a lewd stream. The wet squelching that filled the air as a result drew the eye of every single person not already watching the baffling spectacle. Entirely unconcerned with them she squirted out all the jizz that'd been pumped into her asshole, moaning in utter delight as she did so. At some point the sloppy pink flesh of her inner walls emerged from her asshole as well like a blooming flower and while she didn't feel it those around Stacy certainly reacted accordingly. Wholly unable to comprehend what they were reacting to she lifted her head to smile at them even as the messy rosebud of her prolapsed asshole hung beneath her like a tail. Perhaps fittingly for the state she was in it didn't retreat back inside when she was finished pushing out Dwarf cum. Nor did it recede when she stood up and sent the basin away once more.

In fact it remained sticking out from between her buttocks, hidden from direct view but visible in the form of a strange bulge in her dress, as she staggered away from the scene to find a Dragonkin. Being more rare than the other races she wasn't even sure if she could find one before exhaustion left her unconscious in the street. None were present in the Guild Quarter and there was no way she could go much further beyond that part of the city. Her experiment was saved when she stumbled upon a brothel on the edge of the district. Pushing her way inside Stacy found the madam and demanded a Dragonkin partner. One arrived less than a minute later and although she was clearly female she still possessed a beautifully scaly cock and a pair of nice, large balls. Not one to question good fortune the young witch tossed a bag of coins to the madam before clumsily making her way to the nearest room. Her woman of the night followed closely behind and watched as Stacy flopped down on the bed. She had just enough strength to roll over, spread her legs, and point at her pussy before going limp. The prostitute stared not only at her clearly ravished cunt but also the unmistakable prolapse hanging a short distance beneath it for several confused seconds. She probably would've left to seek out a physician or a priest had Stacy not let out a needy whine and wriggled her hips in a childish manner. It was clear she was lucid enough to know what she wanted so with a bemused shrug the woman stepped forward and pushed her cock inside the witch's gooey hole.

Her clawed hands closed around Stacy's waist and she started thrusting with a slow, measured pace befitting a professional. “Faster!” The half conscious human she was pleasuring moaned, “Faster! I want that cum!”

“As you wish.” The Dragonkin replied.

Widening her stance and baring her fangs she proceeded to give Stacy a fucking that could match all three of the men she'd slept with that day. In fact it definitely surpassed the Orc in strength but couldn't meet the Elf in speed. But her cock was as thick as the Dwarf's and long enough to hit her cervix with every thrust so there really wasn't much to complain about. In no time at all she was squealing like a stuck pig as her whole body shook from each impact. Although relatively new the sensation of her partner's balls scraping against her prolapse was an amazing addition to the rest of the experience and it was one Stacy had every intention of indulging again when the opportunity presented herself. But for the time being she couldn't do anything but moan and writhe against the silk sheets as she was fucked by a well endowed woman. Perhaps it was because she was so close to her goal or maybe it was because she'd explicitly stated she was after cum but the whole affair didn't seem to last anywhere as long as the other encounters. In fact it seemed to be over before it really began and although she was after jizz Stacy was a little disappointed she didn't get to feel that draconic prick inside her longer. Of course that lament only lasted as long as it took the Dragonkin woman to climax and then any disappointment she felt was gone.

Except rather than emptying her balls inside Stacy's cunt as expected the courtesan pulled out and unleashed her hot, sticky loads all over the prostrate woman's body. Delighted by this choice she announced her approval with a loud moan, writhing against the bed and panting as if it was being emptied straight into her body. As expected there was an absurd amount of jizz to be enjoyed with each strand able to cover her from pussy to tit with relative ease. Some were able to reach even higher and inside ten seconds the front of her dress was totally coated. After another five the cum was beginning to pool on her stomach as the pungent aroma of it filled her nose. She resisted the urge to run her fingers through the delicious smelling cum, instead clutching the sheets beneath her while she waited for her partner to finish. That took a lot longer than expected but she did eventually stop releasing warm streaks of cum from her bestial cock and the moment she did Stacy let out her most breathlessly happy exclamation yet. Her whole body shivered and every inch of her erupted in goosebumps. It was finally time to see if her plan would work. It was finally time to make the perfect blend of creatures and breed the ideal servant, mate, and protector. All she had to do was return home and begin the gestation!

Lazily waving her hand she summoned the basin. Another wave lifted all the cum on her body into the bowl. Once it was secured she sent it away for the last time and spoke the word that would return her to her home. Before the courtesan still present in the room could comment Stacy vanished in a flash of light. She reappeared standing upright in front of her home and it took every ounce of strength to remain that way long enough to enter. She made her way to the ritual chamber in a daze, snapping away her clothes at some point in the process. Once inside she spoke a long and involved command phrase. Without disrupting the sigils present a large hollow appeared in the center of the room. A wild grin spread across her face and she staggered towards it, dropping to her knees at the edge. Uttering another complicated phrase she summoned the basin and forced it to tip over into the channel. It poured out like a waterfall and despite the container holding it being small enough to fit inside the cavity several times over the semen continued to pour until the entire thing was filled. Once it was nearly overflowing she sent the bowel away with a careless swipe of her hand before tumbling head first into the pool of semen before her.

For a brief moment her body was completely submerged in the torrid mixture and she hung suspended in the cum. Although the ritual in mind didn't actually require a living host and one could be magically fabricated there was no reason she shouldn't take on that 'burden' herself. Her head broke the surface a little while later and despite wanting nothing more than to begin she had to stop and take a moment to bask in the pure lewdness of what she was doing. The stench was absolutely overwhelming and alongside the feeling of literally swimming in cum it was the perfect end to a wild couple of hours. But as good as it felt she knew what would feel even better and with that in mind she began the involved process of wording her incantation. Placing her hands and feet on the edge of the depression and taking in a deep breath she started the ritual, her mind clearing ever so slightly as the words of power spilled from her lips. Seconds blurred into minutes as she uttered phrase after phrase, combining a myriad of disparate ideas and theories into one perfect rite. And for a time nothing happened save the telltale crackle of magical energy as she sought to do what'd never been done before. But then, at the height of her spellcasting she felt the spunk all around her shift. Her eyes closed and she smiled wider than ever as the latter half of the incantation began.

Pulled by an invisible force the cum around her began to drain out of the recess. But instead of doing so through some unseen hole or through a tear in reality itself it was sucked inside her pussy. Or more accurately it was sucked into her womb where it could coalesce and create the being she sought to produce. Little by little the level dipped lower as Stacy's breathing grew more labored and her voice grew more high pitched. She could feel the cum flooding into her, she could could feel her belly inflating from the sheer amount of it and yet she continued unabated. Even as the strange sensation turned into pleasure she managed to continue her work. Albeit in a very breathy and lascivious way. As more and more cum swirled around inside her she could feel the density of it grow. The magic was already beginning to work and she hadn't even finished her spell! But that was no reason to stop of course and she didn't falter even as the last dregs of cum were sucked inside her body.

Uttering the final words of her spell Stacy felt an incredible rush of magical energy course through her body. It was the most invigorating thing she'd ever experienced and it nearly shattered her fragile mind beyond recovery. Only her steadfast desire to see the whole thing through kept her from descending into madness and even with that purpose keeping her whole she nonetheless strayed far, far too close for her liking. But then it passed and she was able to open her eyes and witness the result. The channel around her was completely devoid of even a single drop of the cum that'd once filled it and her belly had swollen so much from taking it all she couldn't even see beyond it or fit her arms around it's inflated contours. Hell she couldn't even move anything save her arms and legs. It was such a strange yet gratifying sight she couldn't help but laugh upon witnessing it. Just as she couldn't help but moan as the mass within her stirred and a rush of pleasure cascaded through her body. Although she had no way to be sure she already felt confident her endeavor would be a success. That whatever she gave birth to in twenty four hours time would be not only everything she desired but maybe even a godlike being unlike any that'd ever been seen. And if somehow it failed she could always try again with some of the elder races like true dragons, giants, minotaurs, and the like. There was some combination that would yield the perfect creation, she just knew it! In the mean time there was nothing she could do but lay there and bask in the afterglow of her genius.

“Maybe I'll do this to my friends too . . .” Stacy yawned as she rubbed her belly and drifted off, “I think they'd like that . . . I think I'd like that . . .”


Sophia Dearden

I'm overdue in my praise but this was fantastic! You managed to cycle successfully through a bunch of sex scenes in really quick succession and kept them all fun and engaging. I loved the prolapse bulging her dress after the dwarf scene. And her expelling cum from her orifices was absolutely brilliant every time. Brilliant stuff as always!


Thanks, I was definitely satisfied with the end result but it's glad to hear things came across how I was hoping all the same. I do worry about that quite a lot.