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And here's the first of the picture based stories I'll be writing this week! Since it's so heavily inspired by an actual image I'll include the picture here for anyone that wants to see it! I'll also mention this story concerns a real life celebrity so if that isn't your thing then give this one a pass!

Ella basked in the elegance of the Parisian skyline from the rooftop patio of her apartment, utterly enamored with historic beauty. Meanwhile her boyfriend James had eyes only for her and she felt his enamored stare as surely as she felt the cool autumn breeze. When she cast a look in his direction she found herself immediately charmed by the sight of him standing in the doorway looking like an awestruck puppy dog. Seeing her six and a half foot, tall dark and handsome, professional football playing, man staring with an expression more appropriate for a lovesick high school boy was quite the endearing spectacle. So much so she felt her lips curling upwards in a knowing smile entirely of their own accord. Her eyes sparkled with unspoken desire while her eyebrows slowly arched in an unmistakably suggestive manner. As if to ask why he wasn't doing more than staring. It took him all of a second to realize what she was getting at as she smiled at him over her shoulder and barely another second to react. No matter how many times her saw that look on her face it never failed to make his heart race and his stomach flutter. Without so much as a second thought he approached his absolutely breathtaking companion. Pretending like she wasn't interested in him anymore Ella turned her attention back towards the city even as her man wrapped his arms around her body and hugged against his bulky frame.

“Let's go back inside . . .” He suggested.

“Why?” She replied, “There's nobody else around . . . and I can't wait until we're inside . . .”

Although he very much doubted they were as alone as she thought a look down at his woman's smiling face put to bed any concerns he might've had. James simply nodded and unbuttoned the front of her nicely form fitting jeans. They were pulled down as quickly as he could, revealing the enormous and soft contours of her ass to his hungry gaze. No matter how many times he saw her round, heart shaped buttocks it never failed to make his entire body shiver. The plain white panties trying in vain to cover even a fraction of her incredible rump only made the sight that much more appealing. Until they were pulled down as well and he found himself staring at an unobstructed view of her perfect ass. When she teasingly bent forward to rest her arms against the railing and stick that voluptuous rear end towards him even more James practically swooned. His hands plunged into his pants to retrieve his cock with a fumbling lack of skill that made Ella laugh. While he was preoccupied with that she finished removing her jeans and underwear, tossing both of them aside to stand naked from the waist down with naught but a pair of sneakers covering her lower half. Seeing this as soon as he'd freed his nine inch cock from it's prison his jaw just about hit the floor. Witnessing her enormous ass laid bare before him in the later afternoon sun while the plump and deliciously puffy folds of her pussy were just barely visible between her damp thighs was a sight no mortal man was worthy of experiencing. Yet somehow he was lucky enough to enjoy it.

Practically drooling as he did so James hurried forward and pressed the head of his dick against her tight little cunt. Ella moaned and clutched the railing hard enough to turn her knuckles white as she felt his precum soaked tip against her. She braced herself for the ensuing thrust, gritting her teeth and trying to hold back the squeal that was about to burst from her lips. His giant hands closed around her waist and after a moment to square his stance he thrusted forward in a sudden, rather forceful motion. Every last inch of his cock plunged inside her within a second and the cry she was attempting to stifle erupted from her throat without any restraint whatsoever. Throwing her head back and screaming at the heavens she couldn't even begin to silence herself as pleasure coursed through her body. It was remarkable how amazing his dick felt even after they'd had sex hundreds of times or more and she made sure he knew just how much she enjoyed it. As if the wild trembling of her body and copious amounts of arousal leaking down her thighs wasn't enough proof. James let out an appreciative groan as he took a moment to enjoy the incredible tightness of her pussy, not to mention the amazing sight of her ass jiggling from the impact of his hips. Watching that ripple spread through her buttocks and feeling the way she squeezed him was nothing short of heavenly. There was no way in hell he could hold back for another second. So he didn't even try.

His cock retreated from her pussy even faster than it'd entered and while Ella was sent into fits of pleasure he managed to remain relatively focused. At least enough to pull back until little more than the head remained enveloped by her sopping wet folds. The moment he'd reached that threshold he quickly reversed his movements and slammed back inside of her with an echoing slap. Once again the air was filled with the pleasured moan of his woman but this time he didn't pause to savor it or the pleasing bounce of her ass cheeks. Instead he pulled back almost instantly and repeated his wildly successful motion again, before she could recover. Ella called out his name as a look of pure delight spread across her beautiful features. Long before her exclamation had stopped reverberating off the nearby buildings he was slamming into her like a man possessed, his teeth bared and his muscles bulging as he did his best to please her in every way possible. Wholly unsurprised, and indeed more than a little thrilled, by his breakneck pace she happily pushed herself back against him whenever possible and simply shook uncontrollably at all other times. All around them the furious, wet smack of his waist slamming into her buttocks could be heard and it added a perfectly rhythmic backing to their pleasured gasps. Hers in particular as the pitch and volume of her ecstasy climbed higher and higher with every moment. Part of it was simply the pleasure of his dick and of being fucked in 'public' where anyone could see and part of it was knowing what was going to happen next.

Completely enchanted by the woman he was fucking and unable to stare anywhere but her juicy rump as it bounced madly from the force of his impacts James really couldn't control his actions. Every time they had sex he told himself he wasn't going to blow his load in the first minute, that he'd demonstrate a bit of willpower and last longer for his lady. But then he saw just how amazing her ass looked in motion and felt how tight and wet her pussy was around his cock and everything he'd told himself just sort of fell by the wayside. He could feel his body tightening and his mind going blank but no matter how hard he tried there was nothing that could be done about it. As his balls tensed and the head of his cock swelled he could only keep thrusting, a sincere apology bursting from his lips a moment before spunk burst from his dick. Ella didn't pay his regret any mind at all as his jizz flooded her pussy and sent waves of pleasure cascading through her body. No matter how many times she told him she loved feeling his cum inside her he never seemed to understand that included moments like the one they currently found themselves in. As a matter of fact getting to feel his spunk erupting into her belly while he was still pounding away at her was nothing short of incredible. Easily one of the best things about fucking her boyfriend and more than enough to send wild tremors surging through her own body. And of course the moment she started to cum her pussy squeezed his dick harder than ever which in turn all but ensured he drained his balls inside Ella. Or perhaps more accurately she sucked his balls dry while he tried not to pass out.

Load after hot, sticky load exploded onto her inner walls while the constant, furious movement of his cock churned it up like whipping cream inside of her. It all felt so wonderfully thick and perfectly warm she still couldn't quite believe he had more to give. Because no matter how quickly he blew his load the first time James never, ever finished without emptying a second on inside her at least five or ten minutes later. And it was that experience of getting fucked raw by his gigantic dick with a pussy full of cum that really sent her over the edge each and every time. As soon as he was done blowing his first wad into the depths of her cunt his embarrassment at not lasting longer set in. Which swiftly turned into a steely resolve to make up for his supposed inadequacy. In the past Ella had tried to tell him he was anything but inadequate, and was in fact one of the best lovers she'd ever had, but her words always fell on deaf ears. So now she made the most of it by moaning encouragingly, looking back at him and deliberately tightening around his dick until he had no choice but to fuck her like a cheap fleshlight. It was practically a requirement as he pulled back for the umpteenth time. Just like it was practically a requirement for her to slowly grind herself against his retreating dick and move her ass in a downright hypnotic fashion. Just to really make sure he got the message loud and clear. Her efforts were rewarded and then some when he spent the next half a dozen minutes absolutely ravishing her poor little cunt like it owed him money.

Moving less like the gentle, loving man she knew and more like a wild animal interested in nothing but impregnating her he rammed his cock into her pussy over and over again as fast as his hips could possibly move. In the blink of an eye Ella was slumped against the railing, all but screaming in ecstasy as he mercilessly fucked her senseless. She didn't even realize her forehead was pressed against the bar and her fingers were clenching it so tightly her knuckles were cracking. All she could process was the flood of pleasure surging through her body in an endless barrage of crashing waves. Each one arrived long before the previous ones had dissipated and she was overwhelmed by it within a minute. After two or three her eyes had rolled back in her head and a line of drool was hanging from her mouth. Sudden jets of arousal were spraying out of her pussy at seemingly random intervals as her back arched harshly in any direction it could. And all the while James absolutely wrecked her pussy with a speed and force that could put wild animals to shame. His frantic movements and unrelenting pace all but ensured she spent the remainder of their lovemaking in a constant state of half lucid, barely conscious euphoria that left her about as cognizant as house plant. About the only thing that could pierce the haze of ecstasy clouding her mind was his second climax and when that finally arrived Ella was more excited about it than her own orgasms! Even more of his toe curling, breathtaking semen flooded into her body, joining the already copious amounts within her and leaving her feeling both incredibly full and incredibly slutty. Like she was little more than a cum sock to be used and then discarded. That was the fantasy that always ran through her mind as his thrusts came to a half and he buried his dick inside her while utterly drenching her inner walls yet again. Even if James would never in a million years agree with that notion he didn't have to. In her own, perverted mind that was what she was and it suited her so well she didn't ever want the idea contradicted!

The moment his cock slipped from her pussy a thick, bubbling stream of cum oozed from her freshly vacated slit. Even though she made no effort at all to push his spunk out James had emptied so much inside her she was quite literally overflowing. Not that either of them complained about that fact as he took a step back to admire the mess he'd made while she leaned hard against the railing and moaned in pure delight. Of all the many joys that accompanied fucking her man a warm belly full of jizz was quite high on the list. Second perhaps to feeling it leak out and knowing how much it turned him on. Without even turning around she could picture the wide eyed look of delight on his face as she subtly spread her legs a little further apart. The already parted folds of her thoroughly fucked pussy opened just a little bit wider as a long strand of white fluid seeped out of her. It clung to the puffy folds of her labia and dripped down her swollen clitoris like syrup being slowly squeezed from the bottle. Before long the weight of that rather impressive dollop of semen proved too much and it fell away from her quivering sex entirely. Landing with a wet plop against the ground it was quickly joined by more droplets as his cum slowly but surely oozed out of her at a steady rate. When she finally did look back at him, with a near identical expression to the one that'd led to her current situation, she wasn't the least bit surprised to find James standing exactly like she expected, his enormous cock throbbing away between his legs in spite of how much he'd already cum. Ella couldn't help but lick her lips as she saw his powerfully twitching shaft and knew he was far, far from done.

“Let's go back inside.” She suggested, “I wanna ride you until we break the bed.”

“Again?” He asked, stepped forward and wrapping his arms around her again, “I think we've spent more money on bed frames than food . . .”

“It's not my fault,” Ella teased as she turned to look up at her towering lover, “You broke it the last two times . . . I'm just trying to keep up.”

“Of course.” James grinned at his girlfriend for a couple seconds and then wordlessly picked her up, knowing full well she could walk properly after what they'd just done, “Then let's get to it beautiful!”

She threw her arms around his shoulders as he carried her like a blushing bride into their apartment, a radiant smile spread across her face as she whispered, “I love you!” into his ear.


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