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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest Patron Epilogue IX-


“Meloka, we need your help.” Towa suddenly [i]thinks[/i] to you through the demonic seal on your forehead. “We've got a problem.”

“Is it really important?” you ask her back mid-spar with your husband, who is struggling to maintain control of his new, most-powerful form. It has been years now since that fateful battle with the Destroyer Beerus, yet even now he's still struggling with that form. Unlike yourself with this new divine power of the Super Saiyan God, which feels almost natural for you to tap into and use now. Thanks in large part to Beerus's attendant Whis's training. Yet despite also getting the angel's assistance, your husband still struggles to control his god-defying power. “I'm helping Karn right now.”

“Yes, I see that. However, this is about you. Or, rather, that OTHER you.” she replies, causing you to freeze for a beat. You know who she's talking about, as you met her. Or should you say you met that version of you? In a different timeline you'd lost everything; the kids, your husband, everyone. And in that version you'd gone feral, mind broken by the losses you'd suffered. Which is why you've grown more focused on training yourself in your own timeline ever since meeting that you at your firstborn son's wedding. “She's going after Chaya.”

“Send me in.” you reply without hesitation, backing away from your husband. Who sees you moving back and tilts his head in confusion. But then Towa's android assistant Churai appears behind you, hand on your shoulder, then the world changes. You leave the scrap world where your husband can release his power without worrying about destroying your home and appear inside Towa's lab, you and the android standing before her. “Where is she?”

“She's after that Chaya that was sent to Earth, who calls herself Amaya in this timeline.” Towa tells you seriously. “They were in the middle of another battle when she appeared, trying to kidnap 'her' daughter.”
“I've heard enough, send me in.” you tell her, Towa nodding to you once. “Today we put a stop to this.”

“Good luck Meloka.” she says, gesturing to Churai behind you. “She's gotten stronger since the last time you two fought, you're going to have to give it your all.”
“I will.” you reply, taking a deep breath and readying yourself. “I won't let her ruin my daughter's life, as she ruined her own.”

Then everything around you changes once more, turning from the interior of her lab to what looks like a city. A city currently in the middle of being destroyed by a monstrous bug-like beast. It is fighting a golden-haired warrior in an orange and blue gi, one you recognize as this timeline's Kakarot. But where is your daughter, the two of them usually fight together?

“HRRRYAAAAA!” you hear Chaya roar, her voice the deeper, unmistakably lower growl of Super Saiyan Three. Turning around, you see her trading punches with a Primal Saiyan version of yourself, one wearing the remnants of the same gi you'd worn before Whis had given you a new, more durable one. So, without hesitation explode off the ground, blitzing the furrier version of yourself.

“Chaya, get down!” you shout, closing the distance. Both fighters turn to see you, your other timeline daughter looking confused while the other you snarls in fury. She completely ignores your daughter, turning to face you while blazing her aura up to her full power. The sudden surge in strength blows Chaya back, forcing you to a stop as you brace yourself against the shock wave. Her might is damn near a match to your own, which catches you by surprise. “Leave her to me, I've got this. Go, help Kakarot.”
“My name's not Chaya, it's Amaya.” she says defiantly, but you sense her still head off to help the other golden-haired warrior fight that giant monster. Leaving this sad, pitiful version of yourself for you to put down.

“Don't get in my way!” your other timeline counterpart snarls, her aura gathering around her hands and arms as you sense her channeling her power into her weapons. Instead of forming dual blades, like you use, instead she forms a pair of vicious-looking clawed hands. Her ki itself seems to reflect her state of mind, dark and cloudy as she immediately rushes forward. “She's MINE!”

“I WON'T let you hurt her!” you respond, divine aura blazing as you immediately gather ki into both hands, launching a twinned Scattershot. But your more feral counterpart completely ignores the tiny energy orbs, charging straight for you. Leaving her back wide open, you clench your outstretched fists. Unleashing the power of your scores of Warding Eyes you'd cast from the Scattershots all at once. “Fire.”

As one, every single one of the hundreds of Warding Eyes all fire Death Beams directly at Primal Meloka's back. Who doesn't slow her advance, instead throwing her hands and by extension Energy Claws back, using them as a shield to cover her back as she continues advancing. While simultaneously unleashing even more power from her eyes, Eye Beams aimed at your chest as the distance between you shrinks even further. Swinging your right hand in a backhanding motion, you use more ki to form a partial-dome of reflective energy. Her twinned attacks strike your shield and bounce off, turned right back at her but going over her shoulders instead of disabling her arms. Looks like your angle was slightly off.

“GRRAAAAA!” your dark counterpart snarls, disconnecting her hands from her backwards energy and swinging both hands forward, forming a second pair of claws. With only a split-second to move, you activate your Afterimage technique while dashing backwards, gathering your ki into a devastating counterattack. You watch as her Energy Claws shred the image of you left behind, your Primal counterpart dashing through it as it fades. Leaving her wide open, arms crossed before her and her weapons out to her sides. Twisting your arms, you unleash your attack that nearly took your husband from you years ago.

“BLADESTORM!!” you bellow, unleashing one of your most devastatingly lethal attacks. From your hands explodes a Final Flash's worth of power, but instead of going in a single beam, unleash an unstoppable swarm of Ki Needles. Hundreds of foot-long, razor-sharp spikes explode from your hands directly at her. You see her eyes widen in shock, for an instant you can see the fear in her eyes.

“HRRYAAAA!!” she roars, stopping herself and getting her claws between her body and your attack. The claws catch several hundred Ki Needles immediately, each one glowing as they're about to explode. All of them, all at once. “Dammi-!”


Your attack explodes against her Energy Claws, the massive blast consuming both of you. The explosive power blasts you back from your counterpart, launching your backwards away from her. Tumbling uncontrollably through the air, you finally stop after a few seconds and reorient yourself on the other Meloka's ki. Who also comes to a stop, although she's upside-down. The two of you glare at each other a moment, neither of you moving, then she snarls and throws her right hand forward.

“DIE!” she roars, creating another hand and thrusting that energy construct towards you claws-first.

“Barrier!” you retort, sphere of flaming godly ki forming a shield around you just as the hand reaches you, grasping onto your Barrier. But it can't pierce through, her claws slamming harmlessly into your shield instead of into you. However, this is only a temporary solution. After all, you've already found a way to get through this technique. So, there's no doubt this version of you could have, too. Before she can, you bring your right hand to your forehead, focus on that other You's ki, and teleport directly behind her with Instant Transmission. But, as you do, she's already turning, snarling while swinging another backhanded claw at you. Forcing you to blast backwards, narrowly avoiding the slashing talons. “Woah!”

“Squirrely bitch!” she spits, aura blazing up around her as your backward momentum comes to a stop. You draw upon your own energy, godly aura blazing as you create your own blades and sigh out. She's too dangerous to leave alive, you're going to have to stop holding back if you want to win this. Your counterpart draws her arms back, snarling at you with a crazy look in her eye. Then as one the two of you surge towards each other, blades and claws at the ready as the distance between you vanishes. “DIE!!”

“Hmph!” you exhale, using the Su Ma technique to twist clockwise around her right arm's claws. As you do, you swing your right blade in a backhanded swipe at her neck. She twists, narrowly avoiding your blade while turning to face you, thrusting her left claws towards you. To which you thrust your left hand's blade INTO her energy construct, divine ki piercing straight through it into your counterpart's hand.

“GRRRAAAAAAAH!!” she cries out in pain, then grits her teeth, snarling at you. Before you can draw your weapon free, her ki claws then grab your arm, blades shredding your forearm.

“GYAAAA!!” you cry, instinctively trying to pull back. But as you do, her claws strip your arm to the bone! So, you stop, instead focusing on your ki. Focusing, you once more create your Barrier, expanding it out of your left arm's bones and pushing the claws off of you enough for you to launch yourself backwards away from her. As you do, her left arm falls limp, hanging by her side as the Energy Claw in that hand fades away. “Tch!”

You take a deep breath, then sigh out as she snarls at her limp arm then turns back towards you. Focusing on your energy you create a small seal of ki around the injury like emergency bandaging. As you seal it, your counterpart surges forward again, no doubt to try and cut you down again. But you're done trying to fight up close, instead backing up and gathering your ki as she advances.

“GET BACK HERE!!” your Primal counterpart bellows, swinging her right hand and unleashing a wave of five Death Slashes towards you. The five parallel blades all cut through the air towards you, to which you counter with five Death Slashes of your own. Your blades fly perpendicular to her own, edges smashing into each other and shattering all of them. Then through the shattered fragments you fire a couple dozen Ki Needles, feeling several strike something a moment before seeing that feral you surge through the shards of broken Death Slashes, pierced in more than a dozen places by your Ki Needles. One even stabbed out her left eye, leaving her right wild and crazy. “I'LL KILL YOU!!”

“No, you won't.” you say, snapping your fingers. And every one of your Ki Needles embedded in her start glowing brighter, then right before she can swing, they all explode.

“GUUYAAAAAAAAAA!!” she screams in pain as her body vanishes, consumed by the explosion. Her body drops out of the smoke cloud left behind, falling and crashing to the ground. You fly down after her, landing beside the crater and looking in cautiously. But it seems that caution wasn't warranted, your double having reverted to her base form and laying in a growing puddle of her own blood. She raises her head, half her face missing from the blast of the needle in her eye as she glares at you. “Y-You. Bi-!”

But then her one good eye rolls up into her head, body going limp as she passes out. It's over.

“Phew.” you sigh out, powering back down into your base form and stepping down into the crater. Reaching down you pick up your other you in your arms, then telepathically reach out to Towa through the mental link. “I got her, let's go.”

“Right.” she answers, you immediately feeling a hand on your shoulder. The instant you do the world changes, you find yourself back in her lab. But you're not alone.

“Heya Meloka! Long time no see!” Fu says, sitting cross-legged in the air and floating beside Towa. “So this is her, huh?”
“Your arm.” Towa says, rushing over to a drawer and opening it, rummaging for a second before finding a small bag. Reaching in she draws out one of the green healing beans, turning towards you as you set your other self down on the empty table. “Here, take this.”
“Thanks.” you say after setting down your other self, accepting the bean and eating it. You feel the rush of power into you as your body rapidly heals from the damage, your strength returning to where it was before the fight as well as Towa goes to your unconscious self's body, handing it to Fu. “So, why're you here?”

“Since you brought her in, I'm going to take her with me.” he tells you, your expression no doubt darkening as you question his motivations. “There's a nearby timeline of relative power to her own, but one where you didn't make it. So, once she's healed up, I'll be taking her there. Already talked to that Karn and he's agreed to take her in and look after her.”

“That's good to hear.” you say, sighing out in relief before powering back up to Super Saiyan God. “Alright Towa, send me back. I'm ready to get back to MY Karn.”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest Patron Epilogue IX End-


Goddess Meloka vs Primal Meloka


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