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Trying to prevent Black Cat from infiltrating the luxury apartment of a wealthy New Yorker away for travel didn't go as planned.

After a series of disastrous mistakes, the two Spider-Men find themselves in trouble, shrunk to toy size and enslaved by the playful Felicia Hardy.

Instead of simply stealing all the precious jewelry, she decides to take a few days to relax and have some fun with her two masked puppets. She keeps her ex-lover close to her heart with a comfortable necklace made, with the very own strong web of Peter Parker.

After spending some time in the swimming pool, Felicia returns to Miles waiting powerless on the side of the pool, proudly displaying the poor Peter between her big breast, who is trying to recover from those long minutes underwater.

As Miles, unable to even consider hitting such a gorgeous lady, tries once more to plead for Peter's release, Felicia rises out of the water, and her giant ass falls on the tiny Miles.



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