0.5 Sneak Status Update (Patreon)
I wanted to reach out and let you all know where we're at for 0.5. Clearly further behind than where we'd like to be, but who knew that the holidays, illness and implementing whole new features and design would take more effort than previous updates?
I've completed 2 of the 5 (there were originally 4) 'mission' lines for this release and moving forward at a pretty good pace. Hopefully this week will be full of content-writing.
We're also doing work behind the scenes on a bunch of other UX/UI:
- One-Hand Mode
- Arousal mechanics (and Drunk, Drugged, and other afflictions)
And what else is done?
One of the mission lines will let Claire buy new clothes and will implement a wardrobe so she can change/wear what she (you) wants.
The Fertility mechanic is fully implemented, just needs to be tested...and how would we go about doing that, hm?
The Dossier will be full of information on Claire and there's the possibility to discover that info now through play in Act I.
Our first animation.
A good portion (half? maybe more?) of the HD art for Patrons-only.
The coding is complete to allow players to move from Gap Year to College > End OR College > Act I > End; just one step away from a Claire getting through every bit of the Prologue before searching out her mom.
And...something I think many of you will be very happy about: I've gone through the full code of the game and lowered the gates on skill/trait requirements almost wholesale through the Prologue. This was done thanks to the saves that you all sent and so I was able to see exactly how strong Claire was at certain parts of the game. This should allow you to play the character you want to play with many fewer blocks.
Also, ethnicity is now a player-choice and added to character creation.
I've also removed a good majority of the <cycle> choices and switched them out for drop-downs.
I hope that whets your appetite and that you know we're working on getting this out as completely and quickly as possible. We really look forward to you enjoying 0.5!