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 Luna and Applebloom flew through the Dream Realm in my Equestria dreamscape. The princess had not told the little filly where they were headed, but Luna definitely seemed to have a destination in mind. Still the Defender of Dreams had to stop on several occasions to confirm that they were on right path. 

  Veils of shimmering violet, fuchsia, and emerald green danced like Aurora Borealis around them as traversed the realm. Princess Luna seemed to be following a path of tiny sparkling stars which twisted and corkscrewed around and through individual dream fabrics of ponies. Finally Applebloom noticed what appeared to be a small fog bank ahead of them. 

  "Excellent!" Exclaimed the princess. "We're almost there! Now Applebloom please remember your manners I am going to introducing you to an old friend of mine. He may seem a bit, eccentric and odd, but he's valuable ally if you are going to be traveling in the Dream Realm." 

  "Who are they?" Asked the buttercream yellow filly. "What are they? Are they pony?" 

  "They're are one that lives entirely in the Dream Realm. But they are not asleep right now. This is their world. They are not a pony, They're...." The princess paused for a moment. "Different." 

  Before Applebloom could get any more answers they plunged into the ethereal fog, for a several seconds they were plunged into darkness. Then there was a brilliant flash of light and the little filly found herself floating a couple feet above a well cared Macadam road that wandered over rolling green hills until it vanished out of sight. A steady breeze caused the lush green fields of grass to ripple and undulate. Groves of oak trees dotted the landscape. One grove in particular paralleled the road for a couple hundred yards. Luna flew down and landed under the shade of these trees. Applebloom settled down next to her and looked around. 

  "Um Princess Luna are we still in the Dream Realm or is this somepony's dream fabric, and if so where are they?" 

  The Prussian blue alicorn smiled at her student. "No to both of your questions. For this individual the Dream Realm, their dream fabric, and their waking world are all the same. Remember this is their home; this world exists because they want it to. When you meet them you'll be meeting a fully awake and lucid individual. Please remember that. Oh! Before I forget. Please don't be alarmed by some of his antics, he's a well meaning sort. Just very, very excitable and energetic."

  "As to where they are, they should be along soon. I sense their presence nearby. Also you'll find it is rather hard to create iconic objects in this realm. However with that said would you care for a chocolate chip cookie?"

  Luna had created a small picnic basket. Nestled in the red and white checkered cloth were still warm cookies and a carafe of chilled milk and glasses. For the next half hour the two ponies enjoyed their milk and cookies.

  Luna dabbed the last cookie crumbs from her face with a clean, white linen napkin and then looked down the road. After a moment she smiled. 

 "Ah! Excellent timing! My friend approaches!" She looked over at her student and then cleaned the little filly's face with the same napkin. 

  Trying to look around the levitated napkin, Applebloom looked down the road.

  "Um, where? I don't see....Uh, wait, what's that?" 

  Slowly coming over a gentle rise in the road was the top of a castle, but Applebloom couldn't make sense of it. The perspective looked all wrong. It appeared to be far, far away but it could only be a couple hundreds yards away, and why was it moving?

  Gradually more and more of it came into view and the mystery of the castle's locomotion was revealed as it was located on top of a gigantic grayish-green tortoise who was slowly lumbering along the road. Perched on the tortoise's head was a shako cap of deep green with a black bill and a gleaming gold regimental plaque and chin strap. 

  The castle which was no more that 5ft tall was a hodge podge of turrets, buttresses, towers, minarets, and other random bits of architectural detritus. Numerous flags and pennants dangled from it. A cluster of brass horns of various sizes projected from what appeared to be the main keep. 

  Luna rose and floated out on to the road with Applebloom in tow. There they remained floating a foot or so off the ground. When the castle/tortoise got within 20ft of them it stopped. A couple of seconds later there was tinny flourish of fanfare from the horns and little drawbridge lowered. 

  Strutting out of the castle was this comical looking individual no more than 5 inches tall. Applebloom wasn't certain if he was mouse or some other type of rodent. 

  Like the castle he resided in, his wardrobe looked like an explosion in a theater prop room. A crimson, double-breasted, tailed coat with gold epaulettes kept company with dun-colored trousers, a frilly long sleeve shirt, tiny knee high black leather boots and a matching sword belt that tried in vain to keep a miniature saber from dragging along the ground. A polished ebony walk stick and pince-nez glasses rounded out his wardrobe. He looked at the ponies for a moment and then in a somewhat nasally, high-pitched voice he addressed them. 

  "Greetings and salutations my dear friend Princess Luna Co-Ruler of Equestria! I, King Trafalgar Maximilian Augustus Leopold the III welcome you back to the kingdom of Upper Lower Tortoisestan! For what reason do you grace my court with your ever lovely presence?"

  Still floating in the air Luna spread her wings and bowed gracefully, holding it for several seconds. Lifting her head she addressed the king. "Greetings Trafalgar Maximilian Augustus Leopold the III. I, Luna Co-Ruler of Equestria, Princess of the Moon, and Defender of Dreams wished to introduce you to a very special pony." 

 Turning her head slightly Luna looked at Applebloom. "This is Applebloom of the Apple Clan. Loyal and trustworthy has her clan been to the Crown of Equestria. Applebloom is now my student and is being trained to assist me in my duties as Defender of Dreams. I thought it prudent to introduce her to an individual of importance such as you." 

  The king raised an eyebrow and his whiskers twitched. "I say princess! That is most excellent news! Long have you quested to find subject worthy and capable of assisting you in your esteemed duties! Step forward young maiden so that I may properly make your company!" 

  Floating forward Applebloom frantically remembered the etiquette lessons she'd gotten when she'd been one of Luna's Mares-in-Waiting at the Service to the Crown Ball. Stopping a foot or so from the king  she bowed and then addressed him. 

  "Greetings! Um, uh." The filly couldn't remember his full name so she fell back on generic title. "Your Majesty! I, Applebloom of the Apple Clan is honored ta be welcomed ta yer court!" For good measure she added. "Thank ya fer taking the time from yer busy schedule." Royalty always seemed to be busy."Ta meet with us!" 

  The king dismissively waved a tiny hand. "Tis no problem my young maiden! No problem!"

  The king bowed slightly and extended a hand. Recognizing the gesture Applebloom gently raised and placed her right hoof on it. Much to her surprise she could sense far more strength than she'd expect from such a tiny figure.

  "It is an honor to welcome and entertain two outstanding maiden as you and your princess, and I shall prevail to make your visit today to my court to be a most memorable experience! Don't you agree Galapagos?"

  Applebloom was trying to figure who Galapagos could be when a slow, deep voice below her spoke up.

  "Yes, your, Majesty. It, is, nice, to, have, visitors. Will, they, be, staying, for, lunch?"

  Looking down Applebloom saw the tortoise looking up at her with a smile on his face. After a second of confusion the filly address greeted him. 

  "Oh! I'm a sorry! Excuse me a fer not addressing ya!"

  The tortoise slowly blinked. "No, offense, taken, M'am." 

   Trafalgar picked the conversation back up again. "Of course they'll be joining us for lunch my loyal subject!" 

  "Only, subject." Said the tortoise. 

  Ignoring the last comment the king cared on with his delivery. "Today, the great hall of Upper Lower Tortoisestan will dine and entertain our visitors!"

  Applebloom looked at the castle. "Um, no offense meant yer Majesty, but won't be just a bit cramp fer Luna and I in there?"

  The king turned and stared at his castle then looked back at Luna and Applebloom, then back at his castle again.

  "Well! Right! I've heard that al-fresco dining is all the rage at the moment! So that's what we shall do on this fair afternoon! Galapagos! Find a suitable location for a proper outdoor court, and shall go inside and make the necessary arrangements for food and beverages!" 

  Then he turned and strutted back into the castle. 

 To be continued.   




Hmm... seems to be a rather interesting fellow. It will be interesting to see where this goes.


Prediction: He'll provide an abundant repast, even for a farm pony used to eating enough for hard work.


Does Petina know about this? And if so, what does she think of Max? WCJ


Trafalgar the third, whatever, he still seems to be a Max to me.


For some reason, I hear the voice of John Cleese. : )


I'm thinking more John "Baron Munchausen" Neville, myself. :)

Violet Wilk (BlueCherryWolf)

Galapagos replying "Only, Subject" nearly killed me with laughter. I can already tell I'm going to like him a good bit.


Galapagos will be a character who'll be seeing more of. Not a lot but definitely more.