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For any who might've wondered where I had gotten to. Well after Saturday night's Picarto stream the next day Caerdwyn and I made a trip to the Northern California Renaissance Pleasure Fair Link for day of merry. Much food and drink was consumed. The next day I was hard at work in the studio!

     However I woke Tuesday morning with ton of head congestion, sore throat, and general aches. Fearing the worst I tested but came up with a negative. So I figured I had just come down with some variant of the summertime flu, but as they progressed I found myself getting worse and worse. New symptoms included temperature swings and uncontrollable shaking. My wife told me if I wasn't doing better the next day she was dragging my sorry ass down to the ER.

     Well I woke the next morning feeling better-ish, but so after breakfast I started sweating profusely. Taking my temperature I definitely had a fever, but as the day went on I got better and better and by bedtime the fever was gone.

     Today I woke with just a really bad sore throat and no energy. So that's why you haven't seen much in the way of new art from me over the last few days.




Here's wishing you the best of health. Get well soon!


Can you still taste and smell? If you have any covid tests, try one Sounds similar to my experience with it


That was the Rennfaire at Casa de Fruita??? I always love the name of that place. Stopped there several times, the Casa, for lunch. Had room to park the truck. Good food, ans amusements. Never was at the right time for the Faire, though. 'Axe


I did take a Covid test. Came up negative. I can smell and taste, but everything has a bitter, metallic taste to it. This is consistent for myself when I get the flu.


Ah, well that's good I suppose Get well soon bud. Get plenty of rest of you can.


There are several variants of the summer flu going around that can really knock you for a loop, as I know from sad experiance. Get better. 'Axe

Chris Teet

Viruses have just been kicking your butt like nobody's business this year, haven't they? Hope you feel better soon.


I hope you'll feel better soon, Baron.


Dang! Ya successfully got the Con-crud at the outdoors Con! Stop overachieving! 🤣😄