In case you've been wondering (Patreon)
For any who might've wondered where I had gotten to. Well after Saturday night's Picarto stream the next day Caerdwyn and I made a trip to the Northern California Renaissance Pleasure Fair Link for day of merry. Much food and drink was consumed. The next day I was hard at work in the studio!
However I woke Tuesday morning with ton of head congestion, sore throat, and general aches. Fearing the worst I tested but came up with a negative. So I figured I had just come down with some variant of the summertime flu, but as they progressed I found myself getting worse and worse. New symptoms included temperature swings and uncontrollable shaking. My wife told me if I wasn't doing better the next day she was dragging my sorry ass down to the ER.
Well I woke the next morning feeling better-ish, but so after breakfast I started sweating profusely. Taking my temperature I definitely had a fever, but as the day went on I got better and better and by bedtime the fever was gone.
Today I woke with just a really bad sore throat and no energy. So that's why you haven't seen much in the way of new art from me over the last few days.