Ripples (Patreon)
Applebloom quickly discovered how one decision could result in a chain-of-events that impacted her entire community in my Equestria dreamscape.
By simply asking Princess Luna to come the CMC's summer sleepover Link the filly had inadvertently caused quite a commotion. Like a single stone thrown into a still pond the ripples from that action carried far beyond the point of origin.
It started with the rest of the Apple family who were caught completely off guard by this sudden decision.
"Ya did what, and she said yes!" Applejack exclaimed the next day as they were gathered around the breakfast table. Applebloom felt well enough to start doing her chores again and so was partaking her breakfast like she normally did. The filly had decided that this was the best time to make this announcement.
The filly was a bit taken back by the looks of shock and alarm around the table. "Um, well, yeah. I don't see what's the problem with this. I mean she comes by and sees me a couple of times a month fer my astronomy lessons?" Link
"Yes, but she only stay fer a few hours and then she leaves. If she's gonna be spending the night here! I reckon we've got make plans fer her being here fer supper and probably breakfast the next day. Granny what do ya reckon we should do?"
"Hold yer horses!" Granny had her face stuck in the latest issue of the Happy Mare's Home Journal. "Fiddlesticks! It looks like its gonna be raining that evening so doing a outdoor cookout ain't gonna work. Hmm. I'll need ta check the pantry ta make sure we've got the vittles ta make what I'm a thinking. Might need ya ta run inta town fer some stuff AJ."
"Um, did ya say rain Granny?" Big Mac said as he glanced over at Applebloom. "Sis. were ya thinking of everypony sleeping in the clubhouse again?"
The stallion had to wait until his little sister had swallowed her mouthful of food. "Well ya. That's the whole point of the sleepover!" Said the filly.
Big Mac looked at AJ. "We're gonna have ta make shur there's no leaks in the clubhouse roof, and that the clubhouse floor is in good shape. Wouldn't do ta have her Highness getting wet."
Applebloom scowled at her big brother. "The roof don't leak and the floor is just fine!."
Applejack stared at her plate. "Should probably slap a new coat of paint on it. It's lookin kind of shabby at the moment."
"It's not shabby! It looks just fine as is!" The filly said with an increasingly annoyed voice.
Unfortunately it didn't get any better as the day went on.
Later that morning the Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo dropped by to see how Applebloom was doing. They'd heard yesterday that she'd been sick. Of course the filly informed them of the Luna's attendance on Saturday. The two fillies agreed with Applebloom that this would be awesome.
Unfortunately Applebloom forgot to tell her friends to stay quiet about Luna's visit on Saturday.
About midday Rarity showed up at Sweet Apple Acres with her panniers stuffed with fabric samples, measuring tape, and sketchbook and drawing supplies. Upon learning from Sweetie Belle of Luna's visit, Ponyville's resident fashionista had insisted on designing new curtains for the clubhouse, and custom sleeping bags for everypony who'd be there.
Of course Scootaloo made a beeline to Rainbow Dash to tell her the good news about the Royal visit. The mare upon learning of the astronomy lesson and knowing of the scheduled rain that evening made a managerial decision and authorized a schedule reorganization. Moving the rain from Saturday evening to Sunday night. However this meant filing a schedule change with Cloudsdale. Which fortunately I didn't have to do because I was in Ft. Trotterdale. And flipping the crew schedules on the two crews. Which I also didn't have to do.
RD called a sudden meeting of the weather teams told them about the changes. Also Rainbow Dash was legally obligated to report the sudden weather changes to the town's newspaper the Ponyville Express so they could print an announcement concerning the weather change. RD also hadn't been told to keep her trap shut about Luna's visit. So along with the announced weather change the paper carried a front page article about the princess's visit the next day.
And of course the weather teams hadn't been told to stay quiet so soon they were talking, or grumbling about, Luna's visit. Inevitably this meant word got to Sugar Cube Corner and Pinkie's ears.
So late on Friday afternoon Pinkie had come trotting out the farmstead pulling the official Sugar Cube Corner cart loaded with enough cakes, cookies, and cupcakes to tax the kidneys of everypony in the county. When AJ asked who was going to be paying the bill for the mountain of the desserts the pink mare simply said she'd be forwarding the bill to the Royal Court. Apparently Sugar Cube Corner had somehow gotten itself on the list of approved vendors of the Royal Court. Pinkie just grinned and AJ rolled her eyes and left it at that.
Upon learning of Luna's visit and that she would have multiple students for her astronomy lesson, Twilight Sparkle brought out several of her telescopes to Sweet Apple Acres along with a couple of star/constellation charts she just happened to have lying around.
Also as word of the visit spread most of the Sweet Apple Acres neighbors suddenly just started dropping by to say hi and wondering if the Apples needed any help with Luna's visit. Heck Ponyville's number one fixit pony, and number one gossiper, Cogs even offered to come out early and do the scheduled service on the house water pump. Just so it would be in tiptop shape for her Highness's visit. AJ thanked her but politely said no. She was juggling enough things as it was.
Through all of this Applebloom just sat back in confusion, wonder at the scene unfolding before her. Like a single pebble tumbling down a slope her decision had created a landslide of chaos.
To be continued.